Lace and Frills <3


RIU Bulldog
Okay. I'm sober now and I've just had a think. April is right. Urca is right.

I seriously need to go and have a good think about myself. It's getting kind of complicated offline at the moment and looking through my posts you can see they get more and more kinky the more insecure I'm feeling. I have to fix that. It's not safe or good for me. I'm sad and lonely at the moment, but that was out of order. I'm sorry for compromising people, being an embarrassment and letting people down.

What I'm seeing right now is how fucked up the whole thing is. The whole 'pleasing men' thing. It's also fucked up how much it makes me me liked or useful. That's another thing I need to fix.

Kuroi needs a good smack over the head and

1) To get over herself
2) Stop being so desperate for approval
3) Put everything away

Sorry. I'm especially sorry to those who say they like me but my posts put my character into question in their minds. I won't inconvenience you like that again.
You know, I had the same conversation with myself yesterday.
jk You're very mature for your age.
I understand what you're saying but you ever consider that woman are petty and jealous creatures when it comes to other women? You think maybe they're just jealous? :o
I hope you find what it is that makes you happy girl.

Matt Rize

Yeah if only ignorence had value huh lol. None taken brother its pretty much starting to feel like I'm in a battle of witt's with an unarmed opponent so fuck it I'm off to bed, have a good night bro
Nite croppa. Live to fight another day. Only one person looks like a complete troll here.


Well-Known Member
I kinda feel like I'm being held to ransom in this thread and Brick Top is a gangster. 'Gimme Dribble Piss in a body bag and I'll let the frilly thread girl go, see??!'

Thanks for the cuddles and support guys. At least my mother seems to be on side today. We have our individual trauma going on which has made interaction very difficult amidst a failed marriage, death, bankruptcies, phone threats, loss of property and arrests because of booze and crack.

Let me just say I will NEVER EVER make a habit of anything other than pot. Sweet sweet ganja. That's what I need.

Oh, I got a new grinder today. It was $8 and a considerable move up from my usual $4 ones lol. It appears to be a chromium crusher copy or something. Cheaply made, but I will be careful with it with my Girly hands. More info in the What Makes a Good Grinder? Thread. I have a shitload of shake to get through that screen and I have alot of kief in the grinder that DOESN'T have a kief-catcher so this should be good.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on the new and better grinder... I'm not a fan of them, but if it's how you do your thang, you're stepping in the right direction...
I explained more in the aforementioned thread that I'm kind of on the fence when it comes to grinders. It depends on the occasion and the bud, but I'm quite happy to break down by hand... or use a 10" razor blade. As I said before, 'the joys of being an art student' X3

Thanks for the congrats, Shan-Shan. Perhaps we could do a little grinding together sometime :eyesmoke:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
:shock: .... well hello there guys. looks like things got pretty busy in this thread last night. *my time anyway*. :lol:

for anyone and everyone who was/is arguing in this thread, just STFU already. at first it was funny but now it's just fucking lame. I don't care who started it and who finishes it, but take the argument out of toke and talk and take it to PM's instead. you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. instead of trying so hard to diss each other,y'all should be trying that much harder to increase the peace around here instead. One Love gang...........

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I'm more concerned about the hungover clowns in my backyard shooting my pumkins with a .45 than I am about someone elses choice to get naked.

(not literal clowns by the way)

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
When you come over we will make love all afternoon. When you come over we will make love and kiss and hug and do things we shouldn't do.