Lace and Frills <3

thump easy

Well-Known Member
267.jpgwell hear i am in my laduray hahahaha lolz for realz this is me in my boxers early in the morning i havent even brushed my grill or had my cup of coffee im not shure if this is sexy hahahaha to funny i hope you like my chicken legs hahahaha


Well-Known Member
I've been drinking whiskey, and will now attempt to assemble a few real christmas wreath, sorry 2 fucking cold for lace and frills, maybe some fleece and flannel ;) Or maybe a sexy pic of me rockin my long johns lmfao

A common, cheap cosplay option... pyjamas!

I am wearing these right now, which happen to be fleece. The small is still kind of big on me... *pulls up*

And I has this. My mama joked she'd wear one if they made a monkey one when her friends and I were trying to talk her into a onesie pyjama party.

She does not yet know I am actually bought this for her.

Looking forward to seeing those wreaths, April <3

thump easy

Well-Known Member
alright ima get sexie hear u go.... can i get a job?l_a30eec994a094cb43dc8c6cb69e53071.jpgill settle for some coffee n some cookies im sorry im kinda ugly but u ask me too. :)


Well-Known Member


Not frilly but... unique.

I actually found frilly (ruched, really) man panties but they weren't very pretty at all... *sulk*


Pickle Queen

A common, cheap cosplay option... pyjamas!

I am wearing these right now, which happen to be fleece. The small is still kind of big on me... *pulls up*

And I has this. My mama joked she'd wear one if they made a monkey one when her friends and I were trying to talk her into a onesie pyjama party.

She does not yet know I am actually bought this for her.

Looking forward to seeing those wreaths, April <3

Bahahaha omg ur priceless girl, nice jammie buttoms they look soft and comfy, and i luv the panda shirt, im sure carne enjoys seeing himself nuzzled against ur fun pillows lol
I luv how u call her mama not mom , so adorable :) I wanna see u in it lol, does it have a flap ;)

Oh i will post some pics for sure, and now the wire rings are taped for my security lol, pointy ends life my soft fingers, lol i have a pair of boys work gloves i use but i keep taking them off and misplacing them lol damn weed and whiskey combo :)

thump easy

Well-Known Member
thie? like thism.jpgim not shure this sound like your trien to get me naked im not a hore? lolz im just kidding.. i cant realy icant my girl gona come home from work n slap the horny out of me lolz


Well-Known Member
*Excited to see April's handiwork*

Aw, April, did I ever tell you how much I LOVE whiskey? And I think it's great you're making a wreath instead of going and buying a crappy plastic one. Can't wait to see!

I will try and get a picture in it, when it is light and I can get in the bathroom and take the full-length mirror from the hall in with me.

Yes, I call my mama 'mama'. I think the two harsh vowel sounds are more effective when trying to demand cuddles- she does not give me attention when she is on her laptop surfing the internets....

It is very snuggly warm indeed. Unfortunately, it does not have a flap... Bu the best thing about having had to take it off to pee is:



Haha, cold... I've zipped it back up again! *warms back up*

thump easy

Well-Known Member
that about how much tym i have left before my girlfriend get home n slaps the crap out of me good night girls you guys are very pritty thank u..


Well-Known Member

The thread is for showing your pretty clothes!

If you have pretty underwear... well then, we are going to see more of you!

But post frilly things, lacy things, ruffled things, alternative fashion etc.

We've discussed the rococo period, the aesthetic movements and its painters, gothic lolita, yukatas, steampunk, rockabilly and much more.

Pinups are welcome. Sexy girls are welcome as long as they are wearing pretty frilly things, and not plastered in makeup pulling a blowjob face x

That is what this thread is about... you don't have to get naked X3