Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Ok one more, just one more, love shrooms but taste like shit, here we go

What do you see


Godzilla! Godzilla is coming run away !!!


Shannon Alexander

Well-Known Member
The Goat guy is right here... I've been forgetting to get batteries for my camera so I haven't been able to take any more pictures... I'm sorry for the wait Woodsmaneh! but you'll see more pictures of me soon...


Pickle Queen

And my first CHRISTMAS wreath is done :) !!!!! well i might get some bigger bows ;)
Wow do I ever need a few bongs and a dozen chicken nuggets :)


Well-Known Member

And my first CHRISTMAS wreath is done :) !!!!! well i might get some bigger bows ;)
Wow do I ever need a few bongs and a dozen chicken nuggets :)
Step 1: Grind up the chicken scraps into paste.
Step 2: Clean pink paste with ammonia since it's filled with bacteria.
Step 3: Add artificial flavoring for that "chicken nugget" taste.
Step 4: Throw in some dyes to turn pink paste into chicken colored paste.


thump easy

Well-Known Member
its fucken freezn over hear in souther california man i took the ducting off my light n ran it in the freekn house man its fucken cold well that n may dogs r freezing keep jumping up on the bed and do u know what i did after that i came on hear to see what happend to funny wow no more posing if i come off like those pics man i rather not hahahahah thats to funny