Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Im thinking about getting someone to airbrush a purple pot leaf with flames coming off it on a black T for me.
It'll go perfect with these black/purple jordans I grabbed.
Purple is definitely one of my favorite colors.......girls love it lol.
Jordans eh
*ethnic sensor tingling*


Well-Known Member
Ganjames gets shit done with windows paint.

lol that shits crazy,a little bigger and a darker purple and it be perfect lol.You see what im talking about though,im gonna have the flames coming off the tips of the leaf.

and yes jordans I cant fuck with the air max's and shit.I dont give a fuck what other people wear,I'll probably be wearing jordans and tims when im 80.

buddha webb

New Member
This is great,weve got girly underwear shows,i love it...even the boys are getting into a bit of clothing design,,,great.......Pills finished.long time ago.Ive flushed my pills for lace n frills!!!!
kuroi is back and firing is good!!!
24 km walk today,going to watch step son kinda,play soccer at 6pm,so its 4.20 now,and im firing on all fours,spliffs rolled,bongs super charged,little wooden pipe for sneaky soccer tokes.....its a world of weed..
good mood today........
Lets be gratefull weve all got each other to chat too,for friendship,info,smoking needs and deeds and seeds and weeds and beads.................B.:bigjoint:

buddha webb

New Member
I think Dizzys wig is having a job interview today,Dizz dont wanna go,but the wig says go!! The pubic wig is trying to get work in the technological field,so all wish the wig well,and hope Dizz has a nice day out along the way!!! (im munted stoned).........B.

buddha webb

New Member
serious question,,the guy with all the shit in his face,is he stupid? or is he arty? or is he a monster? or is he demonstrating against societys perceived idealism? is he being .....i dunno....i would like to know if that is art,self expression,or brain damage?
I used to have dreads down my ass,pierced nose etc,i was a punk,still am,but i never wanted to put plates in my face,or make my chin look like an eye!!!

could be me,maybe im old fashioned....

any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Buddy, I think it might just be a case of him doing it 'because he can'. Thou had piercings and stuff but were still conscious of your own personal 'boundary' with the modifications. So do I in that my piercing will not get bigger than 18 mm because it won't suit me. I guess people like him just don't care what other people think ( more than most people with body mods) and also don't care about looking weird in themselves.

Lol, I LOVE cucumbers. And Japan. Quality, not quantity ^^ The cucumbers in Trinidad are little and pale like that too, but they make great chow.


Well-Known Member
Snapshot_20120117_12.JPG its not lacy, its not frilly, but kuroi asked me to share a recent picture i took of myself while just playing dress up