Lace and Frills <3


Well-Known Member
Lets just say this one cheerleader at my school was "known for giving head to most of the starters on the football team"

I was on the football team

PS: i was first lol...... i couldn't see my self being further down that row lol.

but i guess some of the line men where more desperate. I was a LB/FB btw
Tell yourself whatever you need to make it acceptable in you mind man. Whatever it takes...


Well-Known Member
lol...alright well as far as i know i was first and that's all that matters ...lalalalalallalalalalallalalalla..... i cant hear you


Well-Known Member
This is my school btw[video=youtube;v3RioprP5bo][/video]

I rolled and smoked a quick one at the bus stop. I walked onto the top deck and spotted this woman hunched over the seat next to her, busying herself. My one-track weed-oriented mind thought 'she's rolling a joint', then I thought ' that's stupid. But lo and behold she goes to get off and she is wielding a fattie.



Well-Known Member
That's what the subway looks like most of the time. People on the platform cramming others in. We do have ALO of local buses though, which means its a more spacious, but damn expensive if you don't have an 'oyster' travel card and they never run on time. I'm grateful for the networks coverage of the city though.


Well-Known Member
That's what the subway looks like most of the time. People on the platform cramming others in. We do have ALO of local buses though, which means its a more spacious, but damn expensive if you don't have an 'oyster' travel card and they never run on time. I'm grateful for the networks coverage of the city though.
yea our subways look the same too. there's a limit to how many people you can pack in a box and the image i posted is about it.


Well-Known Member
If I had to be stuck on a crowded subway I can't think of anyone else I would rather be pressed up against, I mean Face to Face talking, well smoking my single hitter.....together


Well-Known Member
Aww... I'm so glad I can email my work. I am never suffocating myself in those tunnels at rush hour again. Urban Outfitters isn't worth that treacherous journey.

Got any Frillies, dear ones?


Well-Known Member
What a beautiful bu-

Ensemble. And your lady has a lovely butt.

Be careful with the message you're giving out with cleaning utensils and such...

Actually I spent the whole of yesterday cleaning T-Bird's room and no one asked me to; maybe I am just the housewife type? Either way, I like wearing my maid costume.


Well-Known Member
What a beautiful bu-

Ensemble. And your lady has a lovely butt.

Be careful with the message you're giving out with cleaning utensils and such...

Actually I spent the whole of yesterday cleaning T-Bird's room and no one asked me to; maybe I am just the housewife type? Either way, I like wearing my maid costume.
You wear a maid costume when you clean?