Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


Active Member
Hey laceygirl Ive been watchin your grow for a while now and its a pleasure to watch you work.
I have to feel for today Ive got a two yr old girl and she can be quite a handfull sometimes. I wish I could give you a few of my cigs. Hope your day gets better from here. Happy cultivating! Keep smiling.


Well-Known Member
thanks He's just gone down for a nap so I might do the Thanks for the props on my journal... I've really fallen in love with growing... :-)

northeastern lights

Well-Known Member
Its really cold here in Canberra, I was up until 3am last night, my two year old is being such a pain in the arse, its really cold in my shed and to top it all off, my husband has left me no cigarettes to mull up with and this is the SECOND day in a row he's forgotten to leave me any....So fucking cranky right now....:wall:

Wish my kid would just go to sleep he's been up since 6.30am...:-(:fire:
I feel your pain Lacy. I have 3 boys, 8, 2 and 6 months. Plenty of sleepless nights over here.


Well-Known Member
i know what you mean. the cold here is fucked. i bet we re going to have to use space heaters this winter. i hope not.


Active Member
damn sounds like you got your hands full lace thats messed up he didnt leave you no cigs that kinda shit would cause me to flip my shit i would make my girl leave work bring me some and thats just what it would have to be if i was stuck at home with some kids (luckily i dont got none)

i know exsactly what you mean by falling in love with growing i run throu these dooms day scenarios wondering if i was droped in a jungle island how would i grow my weed if the world changed how would i grow i honestly think by now all i need is some beans and i could get it cracking anywhere on earth now like that survior guy you could drop me in middle of desert with a pocket knife and some beans and id get it cracking lol i just cant imagine not being able to do it would crush me its my meditation where i go when i pissed is strait to the room if im sad strait to the room etc growing is my spirtiuality without it im lost


Well-Known Member
Hi northern, I love my kids to death, but there are some days, I'd love to give them I have two boys one is six and the other is nearly 2. You've still got a bub in your house, is he sleeping thru the night yet? That is what makes things easier... When you can get a solid 6-7 hour block of sleep...

Mike, I don't know what i'd do if I couldn't grow... Yeah I'd be just like Bear Grylls with my seeds... "Right I've been dropped in the amazon and all I have is a pocket knife, some rockwool cubes and ten seeds...""" lol....:-)


Hi Laceygirl, I have been reading your journals and learning a lot, im doing the tent thing too but with soil, and just starting to try out a DWC setup. I couldnt see your first pictures but was just wondering a couple things. First, you say you use all Canna nutrients, do you agree with what they say on their website as far as feeding schedule and PPMs?

Do you use all the "extra" ones like Rhizatonic, Cannazym, and Cannaboost? I saw you use the Rhizatonic for foliar feeding i think, and that you use the Pk1314. But do you use the other 3 mixed in your reservoir?
Also, Do you run a drip line up to water your medium in your net pots? I am a little confused how the roots get down to the reservoir water with out the net pot watering but just havetn figured that step out yet. Do you spray your plants every night with the Rhizatonic? All thru flowering? I just thought to spray them as the lights went out for the plants night today, but wasnt sure how much i would do it cause of mold. You must be doing something right, your plants look great and consistently healthy, nice work. later


Active Member
Hi northern, I love my kids to death, but there are some days, I'd love to give them I have two boys one is six and the other is nearly 2. You've still got a bub in your house, is he sleeping thru the night yet? That is what makes things easier... When you can get a solid 6-7 hour block of sleep...

Mike, I don't know what i'd do if I couldn't grow... Yeah I'd be just like Bear Grylls with my seeds... "Right I've been dropped in the amazon and all I have is a pocket knife, some rockwool cubes and ten seeds...""" lol....:-)
lmfao you got it


Well-Known Member
Hi Vito...:-) First thing I will say is soil is a pain in the arse... I don't like it as I like to check a reservoir for my PPM... Soil has other variables in it that I usually can't control, that's why I use hydroton....(Clayballs)... I use A DWC system, with a top feeder hose.. I have to do this as the roots haven't made it to the bottom pot where the water and airstone are...

My plants are fed for 15 minutes every hour... My DWC system is a 20 litre double pot system with an airstone in the bottom pot.. All pots are linked back to the reservoir...

So my system is using a little bit of all systems... I take the best from each kind of hydro set up and use it...

I love Canna and yes I do use the other nutrients EXCEPT Cannaboost... That stuff is overpriced shit... PK 13-14 will do the same job.. I know, I've tried it both ways...

Rhizotonic is fantastic stuff and I use Cannazym like a vitamin shot for my plants... I only use it when I think they need it... Just for a little help..

If you choose to use Canna, some strains will need a little extra help in its nutrient... I use Growth Technology Australia's Cal/Mag/Nit as a supplement to my Canna products... I only use this when I can see the chloroform fading from the plants (leaf yellowing and the veins really seem noticeable) or if I have tip burn, or I think they need a Nitrogen injection... It might sound a little confusing but seriously your plants will tell you what they need...

You don't have to foliar feed during flowering... In fact, its probably better if you don't... It creates excess moisture which can cause MOULD... That is something you should try to avoid at all costs... Add Rhizotonic once to your res after you've finished your cycle of PK 13-14... It works for me... I also use it for a couple of days during veg... I don't use these products everytime I water, I find I don't need to...

The secret with Canna, use your additives first( Rhizo, Cannazym, PK 13-14) to the strength on the bottle or a little less, then top up with your Vega or Flores A and B to reach your desired PPM.. I keep most strains at around 900 - 1000 PPM... Halve that when talking about starting new cuttings in veg then gradually increase...

pH is really important when using Canna as it likes it a little on the lower side... From 5.6 - 6.0...

I think that's everything...

I have another thread that starts from the very beginning...

This will give you all the photos and info you need...

Hope I covered all your questions...

Laceygirl... :-)


Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again...

Heading into day 26 now... I wanted to take a photo where 2000watts of light wouldn't impede my photo so I went in totally black and just shot and hoped for the best...

HOLY SHIT, is the best way I can describe it... I can't get over how fast these are growing....:-)

I am not even half way yet...!!!!

Will post more pics when the lights come back on... I've put the lights on a new digital timer especially made for HID lighting so I should get a fair bit of use out of that...



Active Member
G'day all Laceygirl again...

Heading into day 26 now... I wanted to take a photo where 2000watts of light wouldn't impede my photo so I went in totally black and just shot and hoped for the best...

HOLY SHIT, is the best way I can describe it... I can't get over how fast these are growing....:-)

I am not even half way yet...!!!!

Will post more pics when the lights come back on... I've put the lights on a new digital timer especially made for HID lighting so I should get a fair bit of use out of that...

fucking nice lace thats the biz frosty as hell for day 26 gonna be some nice shit rhino is by far one of my fav strains top 5 for sure prob top 3


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys, I am really surprised at how fast everything is coming along....:-)

Here is a close up of the Laced Rhino... It gets PK 13-14 on Friday...

Here is a cross section of the Laced Rhino plant.... Can't wait to taste this baby....

This is what the Super Lemon Haze looks like with the lights on...

I am going to go back into the tent tonight and see if I can take some close ups of the buds, they just look unreal... Everything is covered in

Stay tuned... Laceygirl... :-)


Well-Known Member
WOW. i have to get over there. the laced rhino looks amazing. i cant wait to taste that one. actually i cant wait to taste them all.

how are your TOP44 seeds going? i am going to planting the 2 i have into rockwool in party cups tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Hi Eight, the Top 44 are still pushed into the cubes, so I wont know until tomorrow or the next day... I want them to work for the light...

I am just about to head out in the dead of winter and start rinsing hydroton...This is the part I hate, I can only do it of a night time, too many nosey neighbours...

And yes Rock the Laced Rhino is the White Widow crossed with the White Rhino....:-) Its basically just White Rhino but since I crossed it and bred it, a dude on here gave it a name and its stuck... :-)


Well-Known Member
That laced rhino is a beast. Can you tell me what exactly is laced rhino? Is it your old mother widow x rhino? I just bought some of the canna terra flores so hopefully it does good things. The LSH looks good too but i guess i have a soft spot for the rhino for obvious reasons.