Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
woooooot rock on lacey, that laced rhino is going to go nuts with the pk, everything else is looking good too, even slow coach ;)


Well-Known Member
Thankyou Don and 9.... Doing good things over

Its sooo cold here now.. Thank God I am in tents, cause if I was just straight growing in the shed everything would have died by now... Its about 15 degrees celcius in my shed at the moment... That's about as cold as it will get today, until later on this afternoon..

Good to know my digital timer is working and switched itself off at 7.00am this morning... So all is good there, I programmed it

My aerocloner is going great guns, everything looks so healthy... I am still foliar feeding Rhizotonic about 4 times a day, just to help them grow roots a little quicker....They will stay in the aerocloner for 2-3 weeks... Depending on when I need them....

I will be setting up my veg tent in the next couple of days, its just the simpliest system, I will post photos as I am working... I am just waiting on the cuttings to really start showing some roots... I am vegging under my 400watt Metal Hallide, so that should help them along nicely... I love vegging under Metal Hallides, they make the plant look fantastic...

More in a couple of days... Probably on Friday when I PK13-14 the Laced Rhino...



Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again...

Here is my now converted Bubble Cloner... All it has inside the unit are two big airstones run by the air pump in the picture... I am getting much better results already... The clones are heaps healthier....This is day number 3 for the clones

The clones on the left are of the Blue Cheese... I have been having no luck in cloning this bitch but I have a good feeling this time... It works heaps better than all that PVC shit....:-)

The clones on the right are of the SLH, I took them cause I am just waiting for any of them to strike... I am running out of time...I need to veg for at least three weeks and the clones need three weeks, so that's six in total... I harvest the flower tent in six weeks, I am really cutting this fine....

The big cubes are my germinating Top 44, they've only been in there for 48 hours so I'm expecting big things from them... The little cubes are of the Blue Cheese, one has roots out the bottom, the others dont, so I am just waiting for them to catch up...

More later...


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahahaha lacey id love it to be 15C outside, thats a good day right now for the uk. lol.

clones look good, i know your going to love the blue cheese, hope you get a nice cheesey pheno!


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha lacey id love it to be 15C outside, thats a good day right now for the uk. lol.

clones look good, i know your going to love the blue cheese, hope you get a nice cheesey pheno!
The Pheno of this Strain is bought here from Overseas.. It's original Blue Cheese.. It stinks in Veg more than some plants do in Flower..


Well-Known Member
Well its day 27 and things are coming along beautifully... The SLH is really an unusual looking strain...Its covered in sugar already...​

Here is a size comparison by my hubby with a clothes peg...​

Here is a runaway branch that escaped the Its just doing its own thing...​

Here is my fave pic of the Laced Rhino...​

This photo really doesn't do the screen justice... Looks heaps better in person, and the amount of light is making good close up photos impossible...​

More when there's more...​


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
that the cheese coming out, if only Oz laws on stuff coming in and out were a bit easier, you peeps could get a care package ;). the exodus cheese used to make the cross is one of the greatest strains ever.

the structure on that laced rhino looks sweet lacey!


Well-Known Member
Thanks princess....:-) Great to see you here, I haven't seen much of your grows lately... What have you got going at the moment???

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
there aint much going with ma growing at the min. ive moved my tent into mr wests place coz he had to many plants in veg and instead of transporting the plants i just transported ma stuff.

so to answer ur qestion im helping mr west with his grows

mr west

Well-Known Member
Taxed the tent and got two in my tiny flat wile lpg's flat gets anew bathroom and kitchen lol.


Yeah I'd be just like Bear Grylls with my seeds... "Right I've been dropped in the amazon and all I have is a pocket knife, some rockwool cubes and ten seeds...""" lol....:-)
Lmfao I feel the same way sometimes. I just tuned into your grow, mad props! Those ladies look beautiful. I am very interested to see how your SLH turns out. I am vegging 3 of them right now.

Good Luck and Happy Growing :weed:


Well-Known Member
:-P G'day all Laceygirl again...

Day 28 update....

The Super Lemon Haze is coming along beautifully... I cannot get over the amount of crystals that are all over the plant already... Its starting to smell, but it doesn't reek the house out like the White Widow did... Thank God... Couldn't have visitors while that plant was in

The Laced Rhino... This plant is definately one of my favourites... I've taken a cutting off her and she's in a rockwool cube, waiting to grow legs in my lil cloning tent... Its so asthetically beautiful.... I am hanging to cut a branch off, but I started PK 13-14 yesterday so it would taste like shit....

I gave the Rhino another good feed tonight... She's using about 4 litres of water a day...

Here is a pic of the cracked Top 44 Indica strain I am starting... I will be starting a journal on this strain too, I'll wont start it till I get a female that I like....

Here is a pic of the Top 44 without its shell... I must say its a very white looking little seedling, I'm hoping more colour will return to it in the next few days...

Super Lemon Haze gets PK 13-14 in about a weeks time... I am going to start it right on week 5 or possibly two days earlier, I'll look at the plants and see how I feel....

More when there's more...
