Laceygirls 2000Watt Super Lemon Haze Grow...


Well-Known Member
Damn Lacey, outstanding!! They looks so good. Is the Ed Rosenthals Super Bud?

Hi Raider, would you believe this is my strain? Well I can't take credit for it but this is the White Rhino crossed with my White Widow.... :-) All I did was put two plants together and walk away... lol.... That's the extent of my involvement, but yeah, the Rhino looks like Medicine Man from Shantibaba.... :-)


Well-Known Member
A Kiss on the hand
maybe quite continental...
But trichomes are a girls best friend

A kiss maybe grand,
But it wont pay the rental
On your humble flat
Or help you at the automat

Men grow cold,
As girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end

But square cut or pear shaped
These BUDS don't lose their shape
TRICHOMES are a girls best friend..... LOL........


Well-Known Member
Hi Mr Smiley, a very generous friend procured these for me.... I got them as cuttings not seeds... I also have a mother plant... :-)
I can only get BC pk,BC BigBud, BC grapefruit. I could get bubba but i refuse to pay extra. Damn viets wouldnt know what "SUPERLEMONHAZE" Is.
I havent tried haze yet. I might have but not have known. I dont seem much Cannabis Sativa around BC.. its not really bag qaulity.
Im tempted to get the superlemonhaze fems from Greenhouseseeds.
I like your grow so ill be watching.


Well-Known Member
A Kiss on the hand
maybe quite continental...
But trichomes are a girls best friend

A kiss maybe grand,
But it wont pay the rental
On your humble flat
Or help you at the automat

Men grow cold,
As girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end

But square cut or pear shaped
These BUDS don't lose their shape
TRICHOMES are a girls best friend..... LOL........
how sweet. Do you like my picture? LOL
Nice pome


Well-Known Member
Bloody beautiful Ninja.... Did you use any kind of bud enhancer like Pk or Boost for your grow..??? Can't wait till mine are finished....:-) Bout six weeks to go I'd reckon... PK for mine in about four days...



Well-Known Member
Bloody beautiful Ninja.... Did you use any kind of bud enhancer like Pk or Boost for your grow..??? Can't wait till mine are finished....:-) Bout six weeks to go I'd reckon... PK for mine in about four days...

I will definetly need a 'Taster' if you let them go to 10 weeks, they'll be nice and Amber.
Those buds were cut right on 8 weeks.
They had Heavy Bud from weeks 3-6 & Swell from 6-7 & 1/2.
The above were actually not the Colas. The Colas were cut a few days earlier so the lights could be lowered and an even canopy of buds would ripen..
I'll post up a picture if i may?


Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again.... Thank God I've got mother I've taken so many cuttings off them trying to get my aerocloner dialled in... The poor

Ok... For the third time I've had to rethink my aerocloner.... Good grief, this thing has been a labour of love that's for sure.... No more PVC, the misters kept blocking up for some reason... So now I've replaced the water pump with an air pump, put two big airstones in the bottom and removed everything else but the water heater... I've turned my extraction fan back on and removed the humidifyer... My water heater is set to 22 degrees celcius so not freezing but cold, the humidity is low as I want the plants to look for water by growing roots...

I made the mistake of foliar feeding the plants and keeping the humidity high... The plants didn't feel the need to grow roots quickly as they were getting water from other sources... I have just taken ANOTHER four blue cheese clones and four Super Lemon Haze clones so which ever survives is the winner for the next stage of growth... I am not going to check the root systems till next Friday.... That's 5 days from now.... All I will check is the temperature... I am using a passive intake for fresh air at the moment, it doesn't need an input fan... The extraction fan is doing its job.

I've also decided to throw in another eight of my bred seeds which could be White Rhino (Laced Rhino) or White Widow... I will search for the Rhino again... I still have a heap of seeds left from what I bred, so that's I only put them in yesterday after noon, so I am expecting big things from them in the next few days...

Both my top 44 seeds have sprouted and one is growing faster than the other... Now I just have to get them big enough to sex them... Will be topping these as they get bigger....

Day 4 of PK 13-14 for the Laced Rhino, and the White Widow in the flower tent looks half dead... It is suffering from Chlorosis something chronic, and I am using the recommended amount of Cal/Mag/Nitro for her, and she's not responding at all... I can't wait to see the end of this plant... I really hate it... But I just can't let it

More when there's more...



Well-Known Member
G'day all Laceygirl again.... Thank God I've got mother I've taken so many cuttings off them trying to get my aerocloner dialled in... The poor

Ok... For the third time I've had to rethink my aerocloner.... Good grief, this thing has been a labour of love that's for sure.... No more PVC, the misters kept blocking up for some reason... So now I've replaced the water pump with an air pump, put two big airstones in the bottom and removed everything else but the water heater... I've turned my extraction fan back on and removed the humidifyer... My water heater is set to 22 degrees celcius so not freezing but cold, the humidity is low as I want the plants to look for water by growing roots...

I made the mistake of foliar feeding the plants and keeping the humidity high... The plants didn't feel the need to grow roots quickly as they were getting water from other sources... I have just taken ANOTHER four blue cheese clones and four Super Lemon Haze clones so which ever survives is the winner for the next stage of growth... I am not going to check the root systems till next Friday.... That's 5 days from now.... All I will check is the temperature... I am using a passive intake for fresh air at the moment, it doesn't need an input fan... The extraction fan is doing its job.

I've also decided to throw in another eight of my bred seeds which could be White Rhino (Laced Rhino) or White Widow... I will search for the Rhino again... I still have a heap of seeds left from what I bred, so that's I only put them in yesterday after noon, so I am expecting big things from them in the next few days...

Both my top 44 seeds have sprouted and one is growing faster than the other... Now I just have to get them big enough to sex them... Will be topping these as they get bigger....

Day 4 of PK 13-14 for the Laced Rhino, and the White Widow in the flower tent looks half dead... It is suffering from Chlorosis something chronic, and I am using the recommended amount of Cal/Mag/Nitro for her, and she's not responding at all... I can't wait to see the end of this plant... I really hate it... But I just can't let it

More when there's more...

Good News on the Aerocloner Lace.. You never told me what you thought of the SLH canopy..

I have just the thing to fix ur Widow back up. Get urself enough water to fill her pot, 20L or so (I'm just guessing).. Add some Hydrogen Peroxide, let it sit for 24hrs & as wierd as it sounds - add some rust. Easiest way to obtain a good sample is by doing it yourself.
Here is a video, it's alot simpler than this guy makes out, but u get the jist..

The Hydrogen Peroxide will help clean up ur roots, the sitting of the water will disperse Chlorine, & the rust will improve the Iron levels in the plant. With these powers combined ur WW should come back healthier than ever!!


I have been having similar problems cloning Lacey, I had a spinner style little 8place aero cloner that worked good for a while, but then kept being a problem and letting the clones dry out, wasting cuttings. So last week i made a bubbler cloner, sounds like a similar thing to what you have been doing. I think i like the idea of blowing air into the reservoir, instead of pumping reservoir water thru tiny holes, it just seems less problematic. Have you had results with the bubble cloner before? Are you using just water? I started using the clonex solution to what they recommend on the bottle, 10ml per liter of water in the cloner and also dipping the cuttings in clonex rooting gel so maybe it will finally work huh? It seemed like you should aim for a ppm for the water but i decided to do what the bottle said. it takes so long to see if its working, for roots to show up, hopefully something works, i need some babys. I am running the aero cloner too with just water to see if that works better, but i also moved them away from the lights so its indirect, so maybe that will help too. does anybody know if thats a better way, or do they need more light?

Thanks for the advise earlier on your dwc set up and using Canna, I am going to use them from the start on this DWC grow. I am using flora nova on my soil grow but it will be good to try out these, esp since they are in different places so i had to get something anyway. So add the additives first, then top off your ppm with the Vega or Flora, that makes sense. Do you know if that PK13-14 would be good on a soil grow? My soil grow is 4 weeks in since switching to 12/12, Was thinking it might be a good time with their next watering if the canna shows up in time.
take care, your plants look great, i almost bought some white rhino seeds after seeing your pics but have too many strains already.