Lady boys and high heels

I gotta admit if I see something on tv that is awkward or unusual I don’t demand it be blocked
Can anyone explain to me the term slay ?
Thanks advance
strange coincidence, i'm reading Stephen King's Gunslinger books again, for the NNnnth time, and just got to the part where "Someone saved my life tonight" just happens to be playing when several key events take place.
No epiphany or anything, just a strange coincidence...

or I channeled your ass to fuck with you..but you're right it's really just alllllllllllll a strange, spot on coincidence.
That's still playing weekly here in Portland. I've seen it a few times but it's been decades.

Upcoming Rocky Horror Picture Shows
11:00 PM
The Rocky Horror Picture Show
11:00 PM

The Rocky Horror Picture Show (Virgin Night)
11:00 PM

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
11:00 PM

The Rocky Horror Picture Show
11:00 PM

Never went to one of the live shows but wish I had, still time I guess. My parents would go, so I deemed it old person stuff back when I was a teenager. Sure did love getting high and watching that silly movie though, meatloaf made me laugh.

If they ever did a remake jack black would be exceptional.
Never went to one of the live shows but wish I had, still time I guess. My parents would go, so I deemed it old person stuff back when I was a teenager. Sure did love getting high and watching that silly movie though, meatloaf made me laugh.

If they ever did a remake jack black would be exceptional.

I didn't understand the draw to Rocky Horror. I went once and was bored as hell..that had to be the beginning of cosplay. Movie only experience.
I gotta admit if I see something on tv that is awkward or unusual I don’t demand it be blocked
Can anyone explain to me the term slay ?
Thanks advance

The act of completely demolishing a girl whom you have a sexual encounter with, where during she makes noises as if she is dying from your cock sword.
Sam, "Dude are you gonna have sex with lauren?"
Brandon, "Yeah I'm totally going to slay her"

It often depends on how the term is used and can have several completely different definitions.

Urban Dictionary can give you the updates you seek.
A simple Google search reveals quite a few underage minors some very minor doing some very grown up shit while at drag shows.
Drag is not for children and if you can't grasp why some parents don't want their children exposed to it..............the problem aint them.
A simple Google search reveals quite a few underage minors some very minor doing some very grown up shit while at drag shows.
Drag is not for children and if you can't grasp why some parents don't want their children exposed to it..............the problem aint them.
so dont go.

you're not required too

i think you need to be more concerned with these
Help me out............
Are you saying both are inappropriate for children or are you saying drags ok while pagents are bad?
the whole deal is about drag queens reading stories to kids at a library...thats what started this monumental wall of fucking homophobic retardation...
There were never kids going to a club where drag queens were performing. ever. anywhere.
pageants are horrible for anyone, just fucking horrific contests to see how much a female can conform to the 1950s ideals of womanhood still held by fucking neanderthals.
If you would rather have your little girl participating in a pageant than listening to a nice story read by someone who actually cares about children,
that's your choice. start saving therapy money for your kids now, though, they're going to need it, unless they get bullied into committing suicide online by body shamers who know them from the pageants...

That's after weeding out the faux and blaze links.
Not something msm likes to show........weird.
Anyhows Google and see for yourself.

That's after weeding out the faux and blaze links.
Not something msm likes to show........weird.
Anyhows Google and see for yourself.
that's one video...clearly if there is one video of it, it must happen everywhere, every day, in every club...every democratic person's child gets dragged to drag clubs every day...