Ordered a few things for my tea, should be here on Monday. Amazon is giving me free 2 day shipping

2 Lbs of Azomite - Organic Trace Mineral Soil Additive Fertilizer - 67 Trace Minerals: Selenium, Vanadium, Chromium":
[/SIZE][/FONT]A to Z Minerals- A Complete Organic Fertilizer A Source of Minerals & Trace Elements Azomite is the name of a special rock in Utah. Early this century geological prospector Rollin Anderson found deposits of montmorillonite clay in a valley south of Salt Lake City. U.S. Bureau of Mines analysis showed the clay is similar to Chilean/Peruvian caliche rocks from which much of the world's nitrate was mined. Anderson ground montmorillonite as fine as possible, then put it in his garden. Results were amazing and nearly immediate. Minerals in Azomite are necessary to optimal metabolism in living things. Ground to dust, minerals are small enough to pass through cell walls of organisms.
[FONT=verdana,arial,helvetica][SIZE=-1]Earth Juice - Rooters Mycorrhizae, 1-Pound[/SIZE][/FONT]
- Rooters mycorrhizae
- Selected for a broad spectrum of plants, media and environments
- Harmonize with the plants root system and help construct a microbial network that will aid in the growth and vigor of a variety of plants
- Indoor/outdoor use
- Great with plants, soil and hydroponics
- Available in 864 units per pallet
- Container's measures 2-3/5-inch length by 2-5/7-inch width by 7-2/16-inch height
- Mycorrhizae will harmonize with the plant's root and help construct a microbial network that will aid in the growth and vigor of a variety of plants
- Proprietary blend of mycorrhizal fungi selected for a broad spectrum of plants, media and environments
Hydrofarm HOF08200 1-Pint Hydro Organics Earth Juice Rich Humic Acid
*Product description was lacking so got this from:
Why Use Humic Acid?
Today, there is a recognized and increasing use of humic acids for their beneficial impact on the growth and cultivation of crops (vegetable & non-vegetable), citrus, turf, flowers, and particularly in organically-deficient soils. Humic acid is not a fertilizer as it does not directly provide nutrients to plants, but is a compliment to fertilizer. Benefits include:
- Addition of organic matter to organically-deficient soils
- Increase root vitality
- Improved nutrient uptake
- Increased chlorophyll synthesis
- Better seed germination
- Increased fertilizer retention
- Stimulate beneficial microbial activity
- Healthier plants and improved yields
[h=3]How Does Humic Acid Improve Soil?[/h] When applied to clay soils, humic acid can help break up compacted soils, allowing for enhanced water penetration and better root zone growth and development. When applied to sandy soils, humic acid adds essential organic material necessary for water retention thus improving root growth and enhancing the sandy soil's ability to retain and not leach out vital plant nutrients.
[h=3]How Does Humic Acid Improve Plant Growth?[/h] As mentioned above, one way plant growth is improved is through the structural improvement of both clay and sandy soil allowing for better root growth development.
Plant growth is also improved by the ability of the plant to uptake and receive more nutrients. Humic acid is especially beneficial in freeing up nutrients in the soil so that they are made available to the plant as needed. For instance if an aluminum molecule is binded with a phosphorus one, humic acid detaches them making the phosphorus available for the plant. Humic acid is also especially important because of its ability to chelate micronutrients increasing their bio-availability.
[h=3]How Does Humic Acid Effect Microbial Activity and What is its Role?[/h] The activities of beneficial soil microbes are crucial for the sustainability of any soil and plant growth. Humic acid stimulates microbial activity by providing the indigenous microbes with a carbon source for food, thus encouraging their growth and activity. Soil microbes are responsible for solubilizing vital nutrients such as phosphorus that can then be absorbed by the humic acid and in turn made available to the plant. Additionally, microbes are responsible for the continued development of humus in the soil as it continues to break down not fully decomposed organic matter. This in-situ production of humus continues to naturally add to the humic acid base and its benefits.
[h=3]Humic Acid's Role in Fertilization[/h] Humic acid is technically not a fertilizer, although in some walks people do consider it that. Humic acid is an effective agent to use as a complement to synthetic or organic fertilizers. In many instances, regular humic acid use will reduce the need for fertilization due to the soil's and plant's ability to make better use of it. In some occurrences, fertilization can be eliminated entirely if sufficient organic material is present and the soil can become self sustaining through microbial processes and humus production.
**Also, I added the Fish & Seaweed liquid fert I got from Neptune's Harvest to the tea. Almost forgot it could go in there. Just put 2 capfuls.