Lady J's Smokin' Section


Active Member
Lady J! Thanks for that info, everday I learn somethin from this girl! Hopefully I can return the favor one day! Sorry to hear your gonna reveg, but its for the better imo. This grow had taught you a lot, and now you can add re-vegging to the list! Haha. Your girls shall see their glorious day in the Bowls of Valhalla! but rly, your 12/12 under that 400w will be nice :)



Well-Known Member
Which plants? Your girls look great - look at my disaster! :P
I wouldn't quite call it a disaster...the malawi is still beautiful and you have those amazing clones!

My plants look good now....but they were seriously stunted. They are a lot older than they look. Going to show you some comparison pics of my sterilite bin grow at the same ages.

The skunk is 29 days old...

Here is the skunk I just harvested at 19 days...

Huge difference. I still have not seen signs of sex in the stunted would have been in the first week of flowering @ 29 days with the other skunk! See it here, around 30 days old (plant on the left).

See why I am going to veg them now? lol. I have perfectionist tendencies so I just can't keep these plants 12/12 and honestly expect a decent yield!

Lady J! Thanks for that info, everday I learn somethin from this girl! Hopefully I can return the favor one day! Sorry to hear your gonna reveg, but its for the better imo. This grow had taught you a lot, and now you can add re-vegging to the list! Haha. Your girls shall see their glorious day in the Bowls of Valhalla! but rly, your 12/12 under that 400w will be nice :)

NP HC :) Glad I can share what I learn! Revegging won't be so difficult...look forward to training :)


Active Member
Yeah it looks like they need some veg time for sure. Odd how much less the new addition is growing compared to the other, whats the biggest difference and how long are you going to veg? 4 weeks or so?

Hopefully you dont have a reveg like mine and turn it into a mutant lol :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Yeah it looks like they need some veg time for sure. Odd how much less the new addition is growing compared to the other, whats the biggest difference and how long are you going to veg? 4 weeks or so?

Hopefully you dont have a reveg like mine and turn it into a mutant lol :leaf:
It's because I used them in Jiffy Seed Starter mix instead of organic soil. It had terrible drainage and no nutes. Ended up having to plant them in an organic soil mix and added worm castings, perlite & azomite. Definitely learned a lesson about mediums. I guess it's to be expected when you are experimenting to find what's right for you. I would have used the same soil as I did in my first grow but it had come with bugs, so not ordering from that brand anymore. I am not sure how long I'm going to veg...just going to tend to them, LST them out and give them love :). Going to stop worrying about time with them cuz it will bug the crap out of me. On a bright note, I put Kandy Kush into organic soil and in only one day it has grown considerably. Don't expect to have the same troubles with it.


Active Member
Looking good... as usual. Watching you and Tx and a few others new babies made me jealous and I needed to get something going for round 2 so I popped 2 beans and just got them sprouted. #1 is a Royal Chemdog bagseed and #2 is a Cinex bagseed. Both came from some A+ medical stuff (the Chemdog was some of the stankiest stuff I've smelled in a LONG time!) so I'm hoping to get lucky and get 2 females. I've had great luck getting females from bagseed so I'm hoping that continues. I'm gonna scrog the hell outta them and try and fill my tent with them and maybe 2 more instead of the mess I have with 8. Too much to care for in my condition. lotsaluv for your babies in their reveg, fill that screen!! :peace:


Well-Known Member
Looking good... as usual. Watching you and Tx and a few others new babies made me jealous and I needed to get something going for round 2 so I popped 2 beans and just got them sprouted. #1 is a Royal Chemdog bagseed and #2 is a Cinex bagseed. Both came from some A+ medical stuff (the Chemdog was some of the stankiest stuff I've smelled in a LONG time!) so I'm hoping to get lucky and get 2 females. I've had great luck getting females from bagseed so I'm hoping that continues. I'm gonna scrog the hell outta them and try and fill my tent with them and maybe 2 more instead of the mess I have with 8. Too much to care for in my condition. lotsaluv for your babies in their reveg, fill that screen!! :peace:
bagseed usually have a high number of "female" plants because they usually come from a hermie, which creates fem and/or herm seeds.


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow gardners! I have a bit of a dilemma and I know Miss Lady here has become quite the rockstar lately, hence the reason I posted here to seek a little help from any of you all! I have been following her and poking around here for a few months, I started my first grow sort of as a joke/experiment, but as time went on it got more and more serious, (yeah I know, right?) so, long story short, I have 2 bagseed plants, one was from some bomb ass bubba kush and the other is blue dream. I have many more beans that I'd like to experiment with in the future, but I'd like 3-4 grows under my belt before I purchase any. My problem is that I've been doing what alot of newbs do, as far as preparedness goes, and I have changed up SO many aspects of my experiment and equipment, I won't begin to explain them all. I'm using CFL's and the two plants are both approaching 11 weeks of veg because I procrastinated for quite some time building my flowering box. Well, now I'm at a point where I need to know whether I'm right or not in my assumption that I have one male and one female. This is the one (for future reference, I will call her "black" because of the pot color) that I believe is female, due to the single white hair between the stipules.
This one has only been in veg because it's pretty big and I wanted to sex them before getting excited and what not.

Now this one, (referred to as green for future references) I believe is a male or is producing male parts at this time, and it has been on 12/12 in the box for around 6-8 days, can't honestly remember (too much bubba lately lol).
DSC01197.jpg DSC01199.jpg

If anyone can help me out so I can castrate the f*cker and disappear em in a garbage bag in tiny little parts, sooner rather than later, it would be beyond much appreciated. And Lady, I know you told me to post some pics and please accept my apology for swan diving into your thread like I'm somebody kiss-ass:roll: lol! I just know this is one of the more active and "cool" threads where help is always near and a mistake or two can possibly be accepted. I've done alot of research trying not to reach this point but, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do when the time comes right? I will definitely post them sometime this weekend and I must say, I'm not very big on taking so many pics but I have a few of the progress and it's quite interesting. Best. Hobby. EVER. Thanks everyone and sorry for the rambling, I'm a little excited, I wanna be correct in my assumption lol!


Active Member
welcome Indicus! Kinda hard to tell from the pics at this point so I would suggest keeping a real good eye on both. I'm sure you've seen pics of the early signs of whether they're male or female so check as often as you can. If you see something you don't want..... KILL IT!! lol :PEACE:


Well-Known Member
Indi>> first two look like ladie's, pic's tough on old fart! 3+4 look male but grow further to conferm..will do no harm!!!Normally if you can see a stem under ?? it's a male...BUT PREFLOWER"S are sometime's tough to see until a little larger...Find a place away from the grow outside and let "HIM" grow ball's and do his thing collect the sac's for further use!!! verry handy..jack keep male's on my porch!! andbird's 003.jpgbird's 002.jpgView attachment 2253888 as you can see no harm to the "girl's"


Well-Known Member
Hello fellow gardners! I have a bit of a dilemma and I know Miss Lady here has become quite the rockstar lately, hence the reason I posted here to seek a little help from any of you all! I have been following her and poking around here for a few months, I started my first grow sort of as a joke/experiment, but as time went on it got more and more serious, (yeah I know, right?) so, long story short, I have 2 bagseed plants, one was from some bomb ass bubba kush and the other is blue dream. I have many more beans that I'd like to experiment with in the future, but I'd like 3-4 grows under my belt before I purchase any. My problem is that I've been doing what alot of newbs do, as far as preparedness goes, and I have changed up SO many aspects of my experiment and equipment, I won't begin to explain them all. I'm using CFL's and the two plants are both approaching 11 weeks of veg because I procrastinated for quite some time building my flowering box. Well, now I'm at a point where I need to know whether I'm right or not in my assumption that I have one male and one female. This is the one (for future reference, I will call her "black" because of the pot color) that I believe is female, due to the single white hair between the stipules.
View attachment 2253826View attachment 2253831
This one has only been in veg because it's pretty big and I wanted to sex them before getting excited and what not.

Now this one, (referred to as green for future references) I believe is a male or is producing male parts at this time, and it has been on 12/12 in the box for around 6-8 days, can't honestly remember (too much bubba lately lol).
View attachment 2253837 View attachment 2253838

If anyone can help me out so I can castrate the f*cker and disappear em in a garbage bag in tiny little parts, sooner rather than later, it would be beyond much appreciated. And Lady, I know you told me to post some pics and please accept my apology for swan diving into your thread like I'm somebody kiss-ass:roll: lol! I just know this is one of the more active and "cool" threads where help is always near and a mistake or two can possibly be accepted. I've done alot of research trying not to reach this point but, hey, you gotta do what you gotta do when the time comes right? I will definitely post them sometime this weekend and I must say, I'm not very big on taking so many pics but I have a few of the progress and it's quite interesting. Best. Hobby. EVER. Thanks everyone and sorry for the rambling, I'm a little excited, I wanna be correct in my assumption lol!

Lol no problem about the post...don't mind you asking at all! I can't tell for sure on the first plant yet, but in the second set, it does look like a male to me. I might be wrong though so you'll definitely want a second opinion!


Well-Known Member
Today marks week 7 of flowering for the Sour Kush. Have 8 colas...the smoke is really good, even when not dried properly! Should be taking this girl down soon.

EDIT: 100% CFL btw :-P


Well-Known Member
Now there's a quality GROW!!YOU will reap the reward's!! I can smell from here!! ha ha...Can't wipe the smile off your face HUH?? Style bud with an 8 ball cola set-up!! LOVE IT!!


Well-Known Member
She has a lemony diesel smell! She reeks of fuel...never thought I'd actually like that lol. Made some hash off my pruning scissors and rolled it up in a SK joint :weed:

Thanks for the love :). Feels good to know that I'm not really a 'noob' anymore hehe.

The purple haze is germing :) helllll yea! If it's a male, think I will do some breeding....


Well-Known Member
Hey Lady J - Here are some Moz Poz shots just for you :)

I checked the pH of my rainwater today and it came out at 5.5 and 5.7 (two samples). It think I will start using that as my pH for water outdoors.

@IndiMax - Let those possible boys grow out a little more to be sure. It might just be some hybrid branching structure.



Well-Known Member
My flower clone was from a flowering tip. It looks great now!

Here is a flower clone from my clone tray. I donated to a patient.

Yours will be awesome - cus that's how you roll! :)



Well-Known Member
My flower clone was from a flowering tip. It looks great now!

Here is a flower clone from my clone tray. I donated to a patient.

Yours will be awesome - cus that's how you roll! :)

Thanks Mo, that eases my mind!! Such huge leaves on that baby!


Well-Known Member
Here is some info about her:

Mozambique Poison Specs

  • Breeder - Holy Smoke Seeds
  • Indica/Sativa - 0 / 100%
  • Flowering Period - 10-12 weeks
  • Flowering - Photoperiod
  • THC - 18.0%
  • Type - Sativa
Mozambique Poison Description

Bordering South Africa Mozambique has become a extremely tough place because of constant fighting but due to this its truly crazy with a plethora of untouched natural resources so its no surprise their marijuana is really desired and with the old Durban Poison really tainted its no question this plant is kept in such higher regard. With classic healers shelling out a bi-annual pilgramage to it and proven to house a really trancey psychoactive stone that can last for hours, beneath the right conditions these buds will develop blueish and therefore are really gorgeous genetics you'll know why we are thus really ecstatic to have this in hand, don't overlook this one!
