Lady J's Smokin' Section


Well-Known Member
Hey lady, the sour kush looks GREAT!!!!! Sour deisel is my favorite as I like the sativa dominate strains. I did like kush very taste but a little to heavy for my taste. I gotta try that sour kush!! :weed: Keep up the good work mamma!
Thank you :). She is a great smoke...much better than the skunk lol. It was meh for me...but I have a very high tolerance. I appreciate your encouragement :hug:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The shell is supposed to come off before it leaves the soil. Moving through the soil is the natural way for it to come off. If the casing is above the soil and not coming off, I would take it off myself.


Well-Known Member
The shell is supposed to come off before it leaves the soil. Moving through the soil is the natural way for it to come off. If the casing is above the soil and not coming off, I would take it off myself.
You risk breaking the stem if you try to manually remove the seed casing.

I would just leave it alone, the cotelydon will push the seed casing off.


Well-Known Member
Hey lady J, don't be surprised if the plants that you moved from 12/12 to the veg box start to show some funky lookin growth..
Do you think they could still be mutated in even though they are this small with only a few nodes? I'm hoping for the best for them, and would like to throw them back in the tent between 2-4 weeks from now.


Well-Known Member
I'm here :)

She's taking off! How many days old now?
Around two weeks old. She is really going fast now. I need to get a new pot ready and start training her. I found another caterpillar on her - she must taste good! I do not know where they are coming from seeing as how it is in a little pot.



Well-Known Member
Wow...well for what it's worth, I've discovered that caterpillars can 'fly' like spiders throwing their silk out into the wind and letting it catch. I realized this while wearing a low cut shirt at my boyfriend's football game...after the bugger drifted before my face and dipped into the depths of my hoo has of course. I can't explain how ridiculous I looked trying to get it out :lol:. Couldn't figure where it came from because there were no trees around...except about 50 meters away from the bleachers. Then I noticed more on the seats, on my shirt, and slowly drifting through the breeze like insect paratroopers. I get chills thinking about it...and not the good ones lol.


Well-Known Member
You should have seen my drying area last year. I would go in every day and grab all the caterpillars hanging from my drying buds. When trim and dry was complete I had counted over 200 of them! The first day I walked in it was like walking in to a spider web. Freaked me out. And no matter how many times I cleared them away, one would always get me in the face :P


Well-Known Member
Budworms hang from silk too and drop from trees. They are like inchworms and silkworms.

Here is my dry setup last time:

I ended up with a cigar box and two jars of OK bud - a little airy because I picked it early. The remainder I used for dry ice hash.

Hash - first try so it was a little green - but it is very hashy - it was a merry Christmas:



Well-Known Member
Lol how dare you talk about having buds like mine when you have a better harvest :-P...look at that hash! Yummy!

I don't think I have what it takes to grow outdoors...I hate that feeling of walking into a spider web! I freak out whenever I go out to the car and feel a strand on my face lol. I tend to overreact about bugs...but for some reason, I attract the hell out of them. The silk bothers me because there's been a few times I walked into it, thought whatever, and then later found a damn spider on my hair or clothes. Not a good look while driving lmao.

Mo, are caterpillars and bud worms very similar species wise? Any worm with feet gets called a caterpillar by me lol.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I found a spider in my cabinet today. At first I was thinking "oh shit, where is the spray.." but then I was like, "hey buddy, you keep the rolly polly's and other critters away and we'll have no problems. =) "


Well-Known Member
I found a spider in my cabinet today. At first I was thinking "oh shit, where is the spray.." but then I was like, "hey buddy, you keep the rolly polly's and other critters away and we'll have no problems. =) "
Yea that's very logical...but fear ain't logical, so I act like a b*tch when I see a spider :lol:

My sister had to be hospitalized when I was 5 due to a spider bite so I think that has a lot to do with it...never knew what kind bit her, happened in her sleep. I watched my dad lance her arm with a knife...this green cottage cheese looking shit came out. Messed me all up as a kid. When I asked my mom why my sis couldn't come home from the hospital...she had this scared worried look on her face, and tried to assure me, but I knew better. SCARY!

When I was in 3rd grade, a girl came to school with a huge bump on her forehead and didn't know where it came from. She started getting dizzy and fainting in class...spider bite as well. Got her in her sleep.

Any spider in my house is a dead spider.


Well-Known Member
Lol how dare you talk about having buds like mine when you have a better harvest :-P...look at that hash! Yummy!

I don't think I have what it takes to grow outdoors...I hate that feeling of walking into a spider web! I freak out whenever I go out to the car and feel a strand on my face lol. I tend to overreact about bugs...but for some reason, I attract the hell out of them. The silk bothers me because there's been a few times I walked into it, thought whatever, and then later found a damn spider on my hair or clothes. Not a good look while driving lmao.

Mo, are caterpillars and bud worms very similar species wise? Any worm with feet gets called a caterpillar by me lol.
bud worms are caterpillars


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody. Time for a little update. So....we have the stunted plants first:

So, one thing I am learning from growing multiple strains is about the different needs of each plant. I must have forgot to label it in MS paint, but this is the Big Bud #2 (if you can't read my chicken scratch). As you can see, it is showing N deficiency again. This baby is an N sho lol. Sorry, 40 year old virgin reference
:-P. I've been correcting it though, and as you can also see, the new growth is nice and green. This plant is 22 days old.

The Blueberry has turned out to be my picky baby, but I was expecting that. Well, I guess you can't call her a baby since she's a month old now. She started showing signs of another N deficiency again but I caught her quick enough and she's looking nice and green. She seems to overwater more easily compared to the other plants. If she looks a little droopy it's because I let her dry out a little more than usual after spotting the signs of overwatering.

C99 is proving to be a resilient plant. She is doing pretty well considering she has been stunted as well.

So all in all, the plants are doing better. They are looking so much better already and think they will be ready for the tent by next week. Guess what I used to help them get back to being healthy? URINE. Yup, that's right, pee. So, this is proof that it works and doesn't burn plants when used properly. I am going to give a warning right now...if anyone replies with how I am nasty and how urine is so bad for plants and blah blah whatever bullshit someone says who has not researched this before opening their mouth...
I will more or less tell you to fuck off after linking a scientific study that proved that human urine grows just as well as commercial fertilizers. If I'm in a better mood later today, maybe I will tell you in a more politically correct manner...but probably not :lol:.

So now we have the seedlings....they are looking so much better / healthier than the above plants. Want to know what's difference? I started ferting them since they sprouted with...guess again...urine. Please guys, don't make me have to tell anyone about themselves. If you don't like that I grow my plants with pee, get the fuck off my thread. Thank yooooooou (in my Bernie Mac voice).

If you made it through the cussing and bitchiness, here are the seedling pics :)

I think this baby looks great for the 3rd day. The stunted plants didn't look like this until 1.5 weeks had passed. She is actually as big as the Rambo that I'm posting below:

I love what I've heard about Rambo...supposed to be highly resistant to bugs and mold, ideal for outside growth...and the take on the smoke is that it's supposed to have wonderful flavor.

And I don't know if most of you remember...but I was worried about my Pineapple Express because when it sprouted from the soil, it didn't stand up straight, but laid in the dirt with a very white stem and the casing stuck on the pre leaves. I gave her a few days and she righted herself up :)



Active Member
Looking awesome lady j! So ive seen you mention it before, but what does the pee gice your plants? Only reason I may not do it is due to diet. Unless Im ingesting 100% organic (which in reality no one does) theres no real telling what's in it no? Can u give a quick reference as to why you like to use it?





Well-Known Member
Looking awesome lady j! So ive seen you mention it before, but what does the pee gice your plants? Only reason I may not do it is due to diet. Unless Im ingesting 100% organic (which in reality no one does) theres no real telling what's in it no? Can u give a quick reference as to why you like to use it?




Thanks Hardcorp :). Urine gives your plants N-P-K and micronutrients.

Here is a reference that should answer your questions: