So of course, after not seeing my landlord once since I rented my place 2 years ago, she says she is coming in with an appraiser this week. This is fantastic timing as I am six weeks into flowering on my first grow. My girlfriend is paranoid that she is coming because she suspects something (and she barely even smokes, haha) but I'm pretty sure she's just trying to refinance, or worst case scenario sell the place. Hopefully it's the former because if people are going to be wandering around trying to buy the house I live in I'd be furious even if I wasn't growing pot in my guest bedroom. Anyway, this is my plan: my flowering plants are in a bug UHaul wardrobe box. I'm thinking I will unplug the lights and fans from this and throw some heavy blankets over it to kill the smell a bit and hide the wires coming out of it. Hopefully the whole thing will be without power for 4 hours, max. My lights come on at 8:30 am and they should be here around 10 or 11, so I'm thinking I will just leave the lights off in the morning and turn them back on for the last 8 or so hours of the cycle when they leave. I don't think this will be a huge deal, but let me know if you have a better idea. My veg spot, in addition to 6 young cannabis plants, has two tomato plants that have become ridiculously big. I'm thinking about killing one actually because the blossoms keep dropping, but I figure I will leave the tomatoes and those lights on, and take the other plants out and put them in a box somewhere else for 4 hours. Do you think them being without light will harm them? I figure I'll just leave the tomato plants there and that way if she suspects anything is up she'll see that and just assume I am some sort of weirdo who grows tomatoes in his house. Which, well, I am, I guess.
The lights are just a few CFLs which I really don't think your average person knows you can use to grow weed. I figure if I take care of that around 8-9am, air the room out, and then spray some ozium or something, I'll probably be ok. I know the last tenants were stoners and the dude downstairs smokes too, so a little weed smell probably isn't the worst thing as long as she thinks it's just from us smoking. I know she'll probably be in here for 2 minutes tops and I'm probably thinking about it too much, but any reassurance you might have that my plants and freedom will be unscathed by this visit would be wonderful, or any tips you might have to do a better job of keeping me and my plants safe.