Large white seed found in main stem?

Ok so i got another pic for yah, i threw my 2 week old seedling in the picture too just to show how big these things are.


Haha i got 2 of um i just dont have much access to a camera, ill eventually get up pictures of both.
But Id be happy to send yah the pollen, lol.
Im pretty sure this is an outdoor strain though, (If its a known strain at all)
So would this be affected seeing as how I'm growing indoors?
I'm growing with a 400w MH bulb by the way.
should be fine even if it isnt indoor strain onl reason sativas arnt really indoor strains is becuase the grow fucking crazy
Yeah Im considering starting one but seeing as how there is a lack of camera:wall:
it would int be a very picture full journal, once i get one i will.
be patient, those leaves are still shaped like a V give it some time, the first set will pop out before ya know it.