Large white seed found in main stem?


Well-Known Member
who really gives a crap if this is a joke. All of us are sitting on a computer not putting any effort into this, we're just looking at some pictures. If it was a joke, it'd would be lame but we'd just go to the next thread. So why do people keep wasting time complaing about aesop, save your comments for when we actually know what the hell this is, if not, just go about your damn business. Not meaning to sound like a doushe, but all the bickering was getting on my nerves.


Well-Known Member
who really gives a crap if this is a joke. All of us are sitting on a computer not putting any effort into this, we're just looking at some pictures. If it was a joke, it'd would be lame but we'd just go to the next thread. So why do people keep wasting time complaing about aesop, save your comments for when we actually know what the hell this is, if not, just go about your damn business. Not meaning to sound like a doushe, but all the bickering was getting on my nerves.
You said it. :clap:


New Member
It's just so incredulous!

If I had to guess, and that's the best I can offer, I'd say it's from something nearby. It seems to be growing at a different rate altogether. What's the lag time between planting of weed and this "creature"?
My next guess would be a prehistoric "mother" seed spontaneously developed in your hybridized weed. If the plant ever says the words, "feed me " and your name is Seymour, kill it immediately!

lol. Good Luck and keep the pics coming....



Active Member
i've seen a lot of plants and experimental strains... but this has me stumped. i've had someone i know that has been growing for over 25 years look at these pictures and he's not sure what it is either. this will be interesting.

i fully agree with Krypt. i skipped about 4-7 pages of this thread because it was just a bunch of people whining about how it's a joke. who cares. find something more productive than bitching in this thread if you think it's a joke. if its a joke and you're 100% sure it is, then don't even bother posting in this thread. i'm sure there are other threads that would love your oh so "productive input."

my 2cents.


Well-Known Member
I cut some BB 2 days ago and after reading this thread i decided to cut open the stems. Dindt find anything.

I dunno what your growing, but im pretty sure its not weed. Still wanna know wtf is going on.


Well-Known Member
i've seen a lot of plants and experimental strains... but this has me stumped. i've had someone i know that has been growing for over 25 years look at these pictures and he's not sure what it is either. this will be interesting.

i fully agree with Krypt. i skipped about 4-7 pages of this thread because it was just a bunch of people whining about how it's a joke. who cares. find something more productive than bitching in this thread if you think it's a joke. if its a joke and you're 100% sure it is, then don't even bother posting in this thread. i'm sure there are other threads that would love your oh so "productive input."

my 2cents.
I guess Im one of those people who's been 'bitching'. Well I have every right to give my say, and giving another side of the arguement is what makes it more interesting and gets people thinking and talking more. If youre not willing to accept the fact that it might be a hoax then youre not giving it a fair trial. Im still open to finding out its all real and its some magic weed beenstalk thing but I got wound up by how many people took what they were seeing at face value and not questioning something so unusual. Questioning things is how you learn about things. Youre the one having digs at people. By whining about the people bitching arnt you just bitching?!

just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
LOL Guess peeps are really just gullable.

But still saying aesop found a seed in the main stalk of a stem is a completely equal in comparison as to me saying I have a fetus growing in my spine. Thats right! The only way a plant can produce seeds is....................(drum roll please) REPRODUCTIVE SEX ORGANS
With a pistel and pistol period!! (cooch or weenie lmao) Plants must live life cycles, mature into their sex they take (sometimes male and female), then nature takes its coarse ( puss and weenie) , plants are then pollinated (pregnant,prego, babymama? Thats the only way the seeds are formed.

So then thats like me saying hey i found a fetus growing in some dudes spine this morning, it just not possible for this to happen! it really as plainly and simple as that!

On another note tho, Scientificly shrooms actually could grow on my bullocks. If the right circumstances were met, agreed?

But then Half the world thinks a lady got prego all by herself and spat out a guy that died and was resurrected.... All i have to say is that, Someone must of had to beeen hung way low to accomplish that lmfao.

I forgot to note i seen a ufo today! the sic part about it is after seeing what i thought i saw, i watched land at my local airport, and lil green dudes got out, thats sic shit lmao.


Well-Known Member
^ Dont get too ahead of yourself, there is a way seeds can be produced without both male and female reproductive organs, its called apomixis Apomixis . I know this isnt the case for aesop because the seedling isnt identical to the plant he found it in, just saying u should maybe take a horticulture class or do some research before you go making BOLD statements.


Well-Known Member
LOL now where getting scientific, crazy, but either way u look at it any theory to another, a seed must be propogated from another source, please show me some pics of pistels or pistols inside that stem cuz, at one point in time or another that seed had to be reproduced in this way.
Yes u can put clones inside people and grow them out inside of womens reproductive organs.
But at one point in time the seed had to be sperminated, become an embryo, and begin to grow.In apomixis or not.


Well-Known Member
"Apomixis is an asexual type of reproduction in which the plant embryos grow from egg cells WITHOUT being fertilized by pollen, the MALE part of the plant". Its called asexual propagation for a reason, and that reason is....(drumroll please) because it doesnt have to be "sperminated".

Not trying to start a fight over this, just bugs me when people don't do their research and then get butthurt cause someone tells them otherwise.


Well-Known Member
i would maybe believe this if i saw pictures of the broken stalk and this so called white seed, those retarted plants you have growing arent enough proof to fool me


Well-Known Member
Apoximis or not think way before that bro im sorry. The only way to produce a mature seed is for male and female/or hermaphrodite to get together and propogate.

After that ur saying a magic elf placed this embryo inside a stalk inside a seed already (insemininated)?


New Member
Krypt is correct in stating that Apomixis is a possibility.
It does occur mainly within the fern family, but also it occurs in flowering plants as well.
However, Apomixis results in an identical carbon copy from the "mother" plant, which by Aesop's pic's does not seem to be the case at all.
So the mystery continues... ;-)
