Large white seed found in main stem?

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
haha theory im just gonna throw out there. I though it was either a different type of hash plant or sort of an ancestor or the weed plant lol we will never know what it is until its grown. Keep us updated Playa.


Well-Known Member
Just read through the thread kinda skimmed after peeps started being dicks but got most of it, sorry if this theory is already been said.

Ok so I'm thinking that if this is true that maybe it is a sort of revert back to a prehistoric cannabis plant. Lets say that cannabis billions of years ago was an asexualy reproducing plant, before it evolved into a sexually reproducing plant to allow for variations and better survival. From my limited understanding of genetics everything has all the DNA sequences in them to be just liek their ancestor they just arn't turned on. Such as reserchers messing with chicken embryos to allow them to grow teeth like their dinosaur ancestors.

So the OPs cannabis plants for some had the genetic sequence for asexual reproduction turned back on and they produced seeds like the cannabis plant of billions of years ago. Maybe because of the way the seeds were made they will be like the ancestor plants, if this highly unlikely scenario were true then you have a plant thats been extinct for billions of years. :clap:

Or I could just be a stoner that watches too much discovery channel :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
There's enough people reading this thread, and so there must be enough people nearing harvest who could perhaps check their stems too?? There's gotta be at least a couple of you close to this point I'm guessing.

This all sounds a bit far-fetched I know, but personally (and I'm entitled to MY opinion) I can't see why this dude would waste his time and effort with some kind of joke. I believe him, that's my opinion and I'm subscribing out of curiousity if nothing else. I just don't see why a few more people nearing that stage don't all crack open their stems completely after harvest and give this thread a bit more credibility with some more figures. It would be alot harder/easier to believe if you knew 20 ppl had done the same recently and found nothing. or seeds for that matter.

Keep growing that fucker aeron. why the hell not. Could be a fucked-up mutated ganja plant, or it could turn into a lovely flowering garden plant. Maybe there's a new breed of potato growing underneath it! who knows


New Member
Poon 69 said: "Maybe there's a new breed of potato growing underneath it!"
Would that be the next new and improved "SPUD BUD"?

"I'll have the steak medium rare, the Caesar salad, and oh yes a side dish of those new spud buds everyone is talking about".

I am very close and I will crack open all of my stems in the interest of getting a better potatoe. A much better potatoe.

And yes all of you Quayle haters, potatoe can be spelled with an E at the end. poor bastard had the unfortunate mishap of getting an ivy league education.



Well-Known Member
Krypt is correct in stating that Apomixis is a possibility.
However, Apomixis results in an identical carbon copy from the "mother" plant, which by Aesop's pic's does not seem to be the case at all.


With all due respect to everyone involved...

Everyone should be able to agree at least that these plants are not cannabis as the seeds would need either sex parts / pollination or would be a clone of the mother plant. So a prehistoric cannabis plants is out the question. That would suggest that IF this is real, the seed must be from another plant altogether, either put there by something or somehow the plant has grown around or absorbed it. The reason that makes me think this is a hoax, actually one of the reasons, is that the guy claims is happened in 2 plants. I think he did this to make it seem like it wasnt just an odd coincidence and that he's actually found a new phenomena. Another reason I doubt it is that people who have been growing for 25 years have never heard of anything like this. Then the fact that this guy has it twice makes it seem even more unlikely. I guess if / when they mature we can see what they are, although even if this guy posted pics of a pumpkin plant there'd probably still be loads of people going 'oh my god its a prehistoric cannabis plant with big orange buds'!

And why do people say theres no reason to lie? Look how much hooha this has caused! Theres your reason!!


Well-Known Member
notice the tags he used when he made this thread ....

found, joke, large, liar, main, seed, stem, white
odd to use .. "joke" & "liar" if your not joking or lying


Active Member
hey i dont want to be a buzzkill but you said that your stalk was snapped in a wind storm, dont know how strong the wind was but maybe some seeds from some other plants were picked up in the wind and pentrated the plant.
not ruling out that it could be mutant as a friend of mine had cuttings that grew round leaves for two of three nodes and then snapped to.
just putting it out there.


Well-Known Member
notice the tags he used when he made this thread ....

found, joke, large, liar, main, seed, stem, white
odd to use .. "joke" & "liar" if your not joking or lying
Didnt even notcie that! Lol! Im sure the believers will come up with some sort of explanation for that...


Well-Known Member
i dont think you could call any of us believers, just interested, and yes i know people have the right to call the kid out, but it was just getting overwhelming. I think everyone gets the point this might be fake, but who cares? What will change if it is?, cause all the people calling him out are still here posting and paying attention.


Active Member
I guess Im one of those people who's been 'bitching'. Well I have every right to give my say, and giving another side of the arguement is what makes it more interesting and gets people thinking and talking more. If youre not willing to accept the fact that it might be a hoax then youre not giving it a fair trial. Im still open to finding out its all real and its some magic weed beenstalk thing but I got wound up by how many people took what they were seeing at face value and not questioning something so unusual. Questioning things is how you learn about things. Youre the one having digs at people. By whining about the people bitching arnt you just bitching?!

just my 2 cents
i didn't say that i wouldn't accept it as a hoax, i just think it has the POSSIBILITY to be weed. deformed or not. and i didn't say people couldn't bitch, i just said it's kind of useless because nothing is going to change.


New Member
I believe this guy that it came out of the stem...i dont see the reason for him making this goofy shit up....i came to this conclusion by putting myself in his shoes and seeing how pissed off he got when he gets called a liar....just have to wait and see the outcome...this could be a new discovery.... could be the best bud ever grown to


Well-Known Member
I read this thread, very interesting. But it just ended. What kind of plant was it? I know it wasnt tomato, or pumpkin, so what was it????


Well-Known Member
Yep still vegging, my biggest one is getting lanky and kinda falling over so i used a straw and some floro wire to help hold it up.
It seems to be ok though. ill try to post some pics later.


Well-Known Member
notice the tags he used when he made this thread ....

found, joke, large, liar, main, seed, stem, white
odd to use .. "joke" & "liar" if your not joking or lying
i know someone already pointed it out but u DO realize u can just add tags 2 threads right?

any updates aesop?