Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

SFV photo(8).jpg SFV Cuttingsphoto(9).jpgSFV photo(10).jpgphoto(11).jpgBubba

Sorry for the pics being sideways on my comp the orientation is fine but when I upload it does that... im thinking of keeping that SFV as a mother and doing a similar setup to lordjin's tote machine but instead of having 1k hps for flower going to do 600hps 400mh but will see...
SFV View attachment 2001129 SFV CuttingsView attachment 2001131SFV View attachment 2001132View attachment 2001133Bubba

Sorry for the pics being sideways on my comp the orientation is fine but when I upload it does that... im thinking of keeping that SFV as a mother and doing a similar setup to lordjin's tote machine but instead of having 1k hps for flower going to do 600hps 400mh but will see...


Here you go. Looks great.
I hope you're not suggesting bud turns to shit after months of curing.
Subcool prefers his Plush Berry @ 9 months cure.
For example.
I'm loving the gloss of the Larry,
and it seems you really got the Tahoe down this time.
I hope you're not suggesting bud turns to shit after months of curing.
Subcool prefers his Plush Berry @ 9 months cure.
For example.
I'm loving the gloss of the Larry,
and it seems you really got the Tahoe down this time.

It doesn't turn to shit after months of proper curing of course... it turns to gold. But I'm talking about fermentation as a result of not curing properly... I left the Diablo sealed in jars for months without ever burping because I didn't care too much about that batch. That bit of negligence caused the bud to break down and ferment. No mold or any kind of spore destruction, just old weed. No potency lost, just didn't taste good.

It's funny, there's an elaborate bud review from a Denver Journal that I mock in an earlier post of mine. In the article, the reviewer keeps going on and on about a 'rubber' smell that is so good in association with OG. Rubber smell? That was the first time I heard "rubber smell" to describe OG and it had me quite puzzled. Rubber is the last thing that comes to mind when I smell the OG's around my neck of the woods (including my own). But then it hit me. That Diablo I never let breathe and just kept sealed up for months and months, allowing it to ferment, guess what it smelled like? Old burnt tires. So there you go. I guess they don't know how to cure the so-called OG they sell in Colorado.

But if you properly cure a bud for months? Yeah, different story. I was talking about fermentation as a result of laziness.

Thanks for calling me on my comment like that. It keeps me honest and the information clear.
Thanks has a little Mg lockout takes awhile in soil to correct than in hydro.. couple flushes wait for soil to dry etc...
Cool thread I just harvested my Larry OG around X-Mas time.. i have grown both OG#18 and Larry OG and here is my report.. I really liked the larry it had more of a hybrid effect versus the OG #18 however both of them had the SFV cut. The SFV is strong in both taste and odor. I guess what I am trying to say is that a lot of the OG strains with SFV cuts in them are very similar. I have yet to to try the Tahoe but I would like to just seems like I can never find clone of that guy.
It doesn't turn to shit after months of proper curing of course... it turns to gold. But I'm talking about fermentation as a result of not curing properly... I left the Diablo sealed in jars for months without ever burping because I didn't care too much about that batch. That bit of negligence caused the bud to break down and ferment. No mold or any kind of spore destruction, just old weed. No potency lost, just didn't taste good.

It's funny, there's an elaborate bud review from a Denver Journal that I mock in an earlier post of mine. In the article, the reviewer keeps going on and on about a 'rubber' smell that is so good in association with OG. Rubber smell? That was the first time I heard "rubber smell" to describe OG and it had me quite puzzled. Rubber is the last thing that comes to mind when I smell the OG's around my neck of the woods (including my own). But then it hit me. That Diablo I never let breathe and just kept sealed up for months and months, allowing it to ferment, guess what it smelled like? Old burnt tires. So there you go. I guess they don't know how to cure the so-called OG they sell in Colorado.

But if you properly cure a bud for months? Yeah, different story. I was talking about fermentation as a result of laziness.

Thanks for calling me on my comment like that. It keeps me honest and the information clear.

100% Let me tell you about the time I smoked some long ass cured Tahoe OG. I cant remember if the dude told me it was 6 or 9 months cured none the less I was straight lit like a Bic! Best smoke I have had.
Cool thread I just harvested my Larry OG around X-Mas time.. i have grown both OG#18 and Larry OG and here is my report.. I really liked the larry it had more of a hybrid effect versus the OG #18 however both of them had the SFV cut. The SFV is strong in both taste and odor. I guess what I am trying to say is that a lot of the OG strains with SFV cuts in them are very similar. I have yet to to try the Tahoe but I would like to just seems like I can never find clone of that guy.

Yeah, it's tricky with clones. You can't always control what's healthy and available at the time.

If you cure an OG properly for a year, you have to register that as a chemical weapon.
Laid back...


Finally got tired of cutting up a bud at a time and made my 'dipping jar.' Smells incredible when you open it.

Very nice setup. I will reward you with yet another FemCult Update.

Say hello to Naj'a. She's a California native, Playboy Special Editions model, and she just told me that she's thrilled to be working with us. Yes. I must have done something right in a past life, cuz I sure know I've been a rotten sumbitch in this one... Lol! Just kidding!



Hello, God? THANK YOU!
This is great news. Look how she's spreading out. A real scrogger.

Her roots are starting to show signs of looking more respectable next to Tahoe.

Tahoe is a tough act to follow, so her roots come second.

This bitch is powerful. I expect great things from her.

And it's scrogging time again! Yeah! I love this shit!
Rest assured Femcult will be an equal opportunity magazine with no preference for or discrimination against a single company. The only company FemCult has a preference for is FemCult. Any breeding house will be given the same impartial coverage. FemCult will be a platform for any skilled breeding house and associated growers to exhibit and talk about their goods.

I'm going to modify my system to facilitate a longer flower period, DST. My first experiment in this will be with LED. Now if my findings are that LED is better than HID in my box, I want everyone to know. And they will know. Because it's exactly these kinds of real-time grows and equipment comparisons that will make FemCult an invaluable grower's reference guide as well as eye candy.

But of course this idea wouldn't have materialized at all and I would never have met Sleezy1 if not for RIU.

Mods, and anyone else associated with Rollitup management...FemCult is coming. If you could combine High Times, Maxim, and Playboy, it still wouldn't be as good as FemCult. How do I know this? Because I'm the Chief Editor and Photographer, and I work for Sleezy1 now. This is thing is going to TAKE OVER. WE'RE GOING TO TAKE OVER. And we won't forget how we got started.

America is counting on us Jin! And you don't work for me, we are partners buddy! YOu and I together will make this site rock dogg! Just make sure that the Tahoe is there, and your cats and we will come up with even more brilliant ideas!
America is counting on us Jin! And you don't work for me, we are partners buddy! YOu and I together will make this site rock dogg! Just make sure that the Tahoe is there, and your cats and we will come up with even more brilliant ideas!

Sorry about that. I had no idea you were allergic (and sick). Next time they stay in their rooms and I vacuum the fuck out of the place before you show.

Again, putting this site together will be like "pulling a string" for me. It's been in the planning stages for some years now, kicking around in the ol' noggin. I was always delayed by lack of proper resources, though.

But the thing is, I wasn't even thinking about showcasing my cannabis growing ability for the longest time. I was just meandering from one naked chick photo shoot to the next --really having fun and gaining valuable experience, but without the crystallized direction so essential for any kind of product marketing. So shoot, shoot, shoot, grow, grow grow. Then I figured I'd start contributing to Rollitup where I got most of my grow info. Then I figured I'd start spicing up my grow journal with the sexy girl photos I took. Then I figured I'd get bonkers high and viola! FemCult. It's crazy how you were one of the first users to start commenting on my first journal. I thought you were a pretty decent grower, but I didn't think much more... Wow. And now look. I feel like I've known you all my life.

As I was telling you during our meeting, this is very, very unique even in the crazy world of the internet. How many media empires were created on an online user forum recorded for all time? ...or as long as Rollitup stays solvent? None. I can't help but feel that we're making history here, bro.

The overarching message of FemCult is just as you characterized it... "The stoner is not always the dumb, smelly, long-haired, unemployed guy on the skateboard. The stoner is sometimes a bad-ass." That's it. That's FemCult's message! ...or at least a big part of it. We're doctors, we're lawyers, scientists, engineers, artists, we're entrepreneurs, we're the people that make this society go round. THAT'S who pot-smokers are. The image of the passed-out hippy is old, faded, and no longer relevant. Cannabis is moving into a new age of awareness and FemCult will be right there, steering the ship to a better tomorrow for all of us.

Sleezy1, you're a fucking Godsend. And I have chills up my spine thinking about the amazing content we're gonna bring to all these fine folks here on RIU and elsewhere. All my abilities as an artist, a writer, an editor, a grower, a designer, a manager... they're all in the pot all the way, no holds barred. So I raise my bowl to you. I sure wish it was that heavy 1200.00 wonder you call a bong, but it's just my dirty little bonger for now. Lol.

FemCult is coming.
Oh, and FemCult is gonna do well in Europe because of the name. I purposefully named it to sound like something European or Scandinavian.
Sometimes i find myself spending countless hours reading your journals... amazing.. So true about the stoner pot head stereo type...
Sometimes i find myself spending countless hours reading your journals... amazing.. So true about the stoner pot head stereo type...

You will kindly deposit your countless hours into FemCult when the time comes... leaving just enough countless hours for RIU. They are countless after all. Lol.