Last time you watched t.v?


Well-Known Member
I have been watching Netflix or downloading shows/movies for the last 3 years. Yesterday I got a new HD antenna that gets about 20-25 channels, I mainly wanted it for the news/special events/sports/etc.

I watched the news yesterday for the first time in a very long time and I got really depressed afterwards. All I can remember was people dying in a car crash, people being laid off and on and on about politics and birth control, also the news casters always feel "fake". The unfunny jokes, the awkward talks about their person lives and laughing about stuff that isn't even funny.

I never understood why I kept away from t.v news for so long, but since watching it last night, I understand that it is really a waste of time. Not to mention that a lot of t.v shows on are reality crap.

If something in the news is "very" important, friends, facebook, youtube will all be talking about it anyways.

So, when was the last time you guys watched t.v or the news?
I'm with ya. Been about a year since my lady and I stopped watching it. We went 6 months without even turning the fucking thing on, all the while the DVR recording shit. Started wondering why we even paid for it then said fuck it, and we're happy.
They should just rename it. It should be called Commercialvision. Programming is designed to accommodate advertising. We get less and less content each year and more and more commercials. They even turned the fucking Superbowl into a commercial event. I only watch shows after I've saved them on the dvr. That way I can cut through the shit and watch 20 minutes of an hour long show.
I follow the European dart Championship & it can get exciting.
Phil (The Power) Taylor is unbelievable !
Other than that I can pretty much leave the damn thing off.

I thought id be at a loss when my local cable station went all digital. the converter box they gave me wont work with my outdated cable lines, and well, I dont miss the tv. i just dl any shows I want to watch. might catch a show over a friends house or something. but overall, I dont miss tv.
I still have basic cable, but I don't watch it that often.

It's on ESPN 75% of the time
The only time I watch tv anymore is when I can't find what I want online and commercial free.

It's funny though. I watch online tv because I don't like all the avertisments on regular tv, but I always click on the (online) broadcasters ads to help support the site.
I guess it's because it's my choice to click the ads, and they're not being forced on me.
Yesterday. =P With digital cable 75% of the channels are commercial free and actually good. =P Plus there are still TV Shows I follow. ;)
i am a huge fan of nat geo wild...the last lions is maybe the best i have ever seen..also eye of the leopard..narrated both by jeremy irons ..both are outstanding..check out the last lioness also aka lady liuwa
i am a huge fan of nat geo wild...the last lions is maybe the best i have ever seen..also eye of the leopard..narrated both by jeremy irons ..both are outstanding..check out the last lioness also aka lady liuwa

Did you know that there are 7 yes seven Nat Geo channels?
Yesterday. =P With digital cable 75% of the channels are commercial free and actually good. =P Plus there are still TV Shows I follow. ;)

I have TW digital cable and there's commercials on every channel. Including channels that are nothing but advertisments.
That is to funny! I love seeing people going to DL their shows and getting rid of cable. HULU sucks netflix is the only thing worth paying for. I just DL Game of Thrones, we are re-watching the first season to get ready for the second! That show is such an amazing show! Yeah other than that I watch family guy or I am on the computer.

All the news does is piss me off! It will put me in an early grave if I watch it! I just get so dissapointed in where this country is going and the world for that matter! It is best if I don't watch it!
I watch every now and then.. mostly the news and history...I always thought cable companies should have custom packages so anyone can pay for channels individually... Id pay more for commercial free tv...
All the news does is piss me off! It will put me in an early grave if I watch it! I just get so dissapointed in where this country is going and the world for that matter! It is best if I don't watch it!

The only thing that calms me down while watching the news is loading clips.
That is to funny! I love seeing people going to DL their shows and getting rid of cable. HULU sucks netflix is the only thing worth paying for. I just DL Game of Thrones, we are re-watching the first season to get ready for the second! That show is such an amazing show! Yeah other than that I watch family guy or I am on the computer.

All the news does is piss me off! It will put me in an early grave if I watch it! I just get so dissapointed in where this country is going and the world for that matter! It is best if I don't watch it!

You can watch both of those shows over on Veetle.
I kicked them that idea 15 yrs ago. just let me buy a block of say 5-10 channels. dont make me pay for an extra 20, when I only want 2 out of them.

Game of Thrones is a badd ass series.

I also suggest Spartacus season one, season one prequel, and season 2 is going on now.

Boardwalk Empire also really good
Last night. Pens vs Rangers. Only thing I ever watch. What a waste of $100. I'm gonna cancel as soon as I get my bills caught up.