Late stage nitrogen?


Active Member
It looks kinda generally hungry. Like it's running low on everything. If 10-10-10 is what you have, I would use more of that. If you didn't burn your plants up last time you used that fertilizer on them I would follow the same set of guidelines again. Too much of any 1 nutrient at a time can cause problems. If you use a Reasonable amount of your all in one you should be OK.

Liquid seaweed has a little Potassium and a little bit of a bunch of micronutrients for "fertilizer value." It also has plant chemicals that stimulate root growth, or lateral branch or tight nodes spacing. So it can also be used to foliar sprays to help out cloning or shaping your plants.
Thanks, I bought it based on its supposed protection against heat. It’s just tough to learn much about it but if anything, it didn’t appear to cause any harm.


Active Member
I think there’s some truth to the generally hungry comment. Weird weather here in my part of the Great Lakes....totally dry for much of the summer so I had hoses running to it. Then we had two massive rainfalls. 4” in 48 hrs, a few smaller events during the ensuing week and then 2” more all at once a few days ago. The nutrients probably got washed away. Also, while the four plants are in one plot, this weakest one is close to where we have a natural runoff flow that acts up in heavy rains. I can’t avoid them entirely because it’s a hilly property with springs oozing underground all over. The highest portions of the property are in public view so it’s a struggle to find a suitable place.