Layoffs coming...

The disrespect is mostly with people like you who look down on them. It is a shame you don't see you are being condescending when you decide an entire swatch of people need help and can't take care of themselves. You are literally taking their self respect away by making it so lucrative to accept handouts.

no, i think it has more to do with how walmart would rather shut down a store rather than allow their workers any sort of self respect.

perhaps if they were paid a decent, livable wage and not fucked in the ass at every turn by a family with more wealth than the bottom 30%.



but no, it's more important that 6 people have more money than they could even burn in a lifetime than for people to have respectable, living wages.
Funding government assistance is not voluntary. Your response is retarded.

so someone put a gun to your head and forced you to sign a W4?

that's just about as realistic as a bible thumping, white supremacist, nobel prize winner's assistant visiting a strip club with jesse jackson junior and hanging around until the management shows a video to jesse jackson senior and then telling that tale to a group of stoners for approval.
No, it is because it is manufactured in accordance with ISO standards. ISO standards don't allow for the use of lead as a lubricant in place of a bearing in the manufacturing process. Thus eliminating surface exposed lead. If Wall-Mart cared, we would not be having this conversation. Perhaps they are unaware it. Would you please tell them.
Electrical cords don't have bearings.
Only if you are full time and can afford to contribute on gross 400 bucks a week wages

Alabama as a tax state

Weekly Gross Pay

[TD="class: align-right"]$400.00
-Net Pay

Net Pay

[TD="class: align-right"]$328.24
Federal Withholding
Social Security

[TD="class: align-right"]$34.47[/TD]

[TD="class: align-right"]$16.80[/TD]

[TD="class: align-right"]$5.80[/TD]

[TD="class: align-right"]$14.69[/TD]



Average pay at Wal-mart is more than $10. The only people who start under 8 bucks an hour are day shift maintenance people and that is starting pay. Cashiers start about $8.50-8.75. Alabama is a pretty cheap place to live, and was a poor choice on your part if you were trying to prove a point. $1300 a month isn't a pile of gold, but it is enough for you to build a foundation to grow on. If you are doing it with a family, then you will have it very tight. Of course, this doesn't count the thousands of government love you get for being towards the bottom of the pay scale which rewards you for not trying harder rather than helping you when you really need it.

I am not saying that starting wages at Wal-Mart make it so you get to have a new house and a caddy. They don't and they shouldn't. If you do the most basic unskilled work then you end up with the most basic unskilled version of life. If you stick with the job and actually try then you end up with something better. If you went and applied yourself you could easily be making 60k a year with no education at all there within a few years.
no, i think it has more to do with how walmart would rather shut down a store rather than allow their workers any sort of self respect.

perhaps if they were paid a decent, livable wage and not fucked in the ass at every turn by a family with more wealth than the bottom 30%.



but no, it's more important that 6 people have more money than they could even burn in a lifetime than for people to have respectable, living wages.

Nice flag graph. I am sure that is well researched. Wealth and earnings aren't the same thing, do you see a problem with that? No? Of course not, it makes you sound coherent when you rail against things you don't know anything about. Please, do calculate the average earnings of wal-mart and tell us how much you could increase Wal-Mart workers pay with it. Then tell me how nicely it would be for those workers if that lost profit screwed them and caused layoffs.

Whose fault is it for inflation? Wal-Mart? If anything, Wal-Mart has done more to increase the real buying power of the minimum wage far more than any other organization in the world.
$1300 a month is also known as poverty for 2 or more people, such as a single mother or a husband with a disabled wife.

Except that the single mother made herself a single mother. Disabled people get.. wait for it... disability.... omg... so they wouldn't be in poverty anymore due to getting disability? - say it ain't so.
Nice flag graph. I am sure that is well researched. Wealth and earnings aren't the same thing, do you see a problem with that? No? Of course not, it makes you sound coherent when you rail against things you don't know anything about. Please, do calculate the average earnings of wal-mart and tell us how much you could increase Wal-Mart workers pay with it. Then tell me how nicely it would be for those workers if that lost profit screwed them and caused layoffs.

Whose fault is it for inflation? Wal-Mart? If anything, Wal-Mart has done more to increase the real buying power of the minimum wage far more than any other organization in the world.


"walmart CAN'T pay its workers any better or let them have actual dignity, otherwise the guys on top who are fucking me in the ass wouldn't be able to have more money than i could ever conceive of!"

you got stockholm syndrome there, sistah?

but good job on increasing the trade deficit and flooding markets with cheap, chinese made goods. also, props on the whole putting mom and pop shops out of business before you jack the prices back up again. you guys are a model business!
Except that the single mother made herself a single mother. Disabled people get.. wait for it... disability.... omg... so they wouldn't be in poverty anymore due to getting disability? - say it ain't so.

and walmart kept the single mother in poverty!

not all disabled people collect SSDI, jacko.

fellate walmart further.
Except that the single mother made herself a single mother. Disabled people get.. wait for it... disability.... omg... so they wouldn't be in poverty anymore due to getting disability? - say it ain't so.

They don't all, you know. An arbitrary denial can haunt an applicant for life. cn
should also mention that the calculation for the poverty level is way old and based on old calculations that don't make sense any longer.