Well-Known Member
Hey Logan and stltoed! I think I jinxed myself!!? My worst fear has come back after about 3 to 4 years! SPIDER MITES!!That sucks man! 2 things I hate with a passion is root rot and spider mites haha.
Very nice stltoed!
Hey Logan, see how stltoed has defoliated and exposed the colas to light and air, all the way down. That’s pretty much what you want to do man. Especially on indica dominant strains.
Stltoed still has a decent leaf mass all the way down the colas.
And by the looks of it, has evenly removed leaves throughout the plant.
Nice example there!!

have you guys had spider mites before?
TBH I couldn’t defeat them! I had to cull my perpetual grow and sterilise EVERYTHING and start again from seed

Please tell me you guys have some tips!!?