Leaves drying out, curling up (Overnight)


New Member
Hey guys.

This morning after waking up i noticed that the leaves of some of my plants are very curled up and dry. I just sprayed some water over them hoping to ease their pain now (the light is off).

I recently went fromm CFL's to a 250 W hps, the distance of the plants to the bulb is about 50 cm. The temp there seems to never go above 28 C .

Another thing i'd like to add is that I sprayed all over the plants a lot to try and keep somme humidity there.

I didnt feed them even once yet.



Its prolly heat burn from the light. id say raise the light and have a fan lightly blowing over the top of the pot.
i wouldnt spray the plants though.

good luck!



New Member
Thanks for the reply, I actually lovered the pots by 50 cm since the light is alrdy at the top of the box. The plants though itself will recover right? Theyre some randomm auto plants ;D


New Member
I'd rlly like some more replies. I want to help my plants recover from the atrocities i have commited upon them as fast as they can. What do I do with them? Do I water them a bit more? Do i feed them? Do i what.?


i suggest leaving them how they are... move the light further away and get a fan to blow above ur plants 2 help reduce heat and just water normaly to much water will not help only cause problems (#Keep It Simple)
How frequently do you water them?
How much do you water them when you do?
What light cycle are you using?
What soil are you using?

Just from looking at it, like trippyhills said, it looks like heat stress. However, if your temperature is ideal, and that HPS you have is 50 cm away, it sounds more like low humidity. You shouldn't be misting your leaves often, you only want to water the soil. You're roots need water, your leaves need light.

Invest in a hygrometer, if you plan on growing long-term, or even really just a grow or two, it's definitely worth it.


New Member
I water them about every 2 days, plus I spray some water on the ground when I see it dry off, I also check how humid the water is. It depends on the drynes off the soil, i water them according to it.
I am using a 18/24 light cycle.
The soil I cannot remember, but I know that its good for them, all the required elements of it are there, and all that.

It's late and I cant find a humidity meter right now, or not rlly soon (the deliveries would take some time).

I was growing under CFL's , and I swapped to a 250W hps, and the first and second night i saw MAJOR improvements, the plants were starting to grow in front of my eyes, whereas on the CFL's they were just there. So I thought that the HPS is doing well.

I have swapped some stuff around and lowered them in hopes to save them. (Pic below) And I turned on the "fans" (They provide enough wind and ventilation to lower the temp down to 22-25 C)

Anyways, the pics in my first post were taken about 8-10 hrs ago (cant remember, was sleepy :D ) and I have some now. It looks like the condition has worsened, and I touched one, it was completely dry and it sorta "broke".

I have no idea whats going on, at first the plans were showing signs of rapid growth, and then this night this happened. Here are some pics, altho they do the plants justice.They look dead..
The last pic is one of the ones that survived the onslaught, it looks ok and is growing (you can clearly see size difference,hence my speech about hps being good).
Also the pics are a bit worse this time since i had to take the pics with ym phone.

It might be a humidity problem, do I mist? How do I go on about increasing humidity?

The main question is, CAN THEY and HOW do they recover?


I water them about every 2 days, plus I spray some water on the ground when I see it dry off, I also check how humid the water is. It depends on the drynes off the soil, i water them according to it.
I am using a 18/24 light cycle.
The soil I cannot remember, but I know that its good for them, all the required elements of it are there, and all that.

It's late and I cant find a humidity meter right now, or not rlly soon (the deliveries would take some time).

I was growing under CFL's , and I swapped to a 250W hps, and the first and second night i saw MAJOR improvements, the plants were starting to grow in front of my eyes, whereas on the CFL's they were just there. So I thought that the HPS is doing well.

I have swapped some stuff around and lowered them in hopes to save them. (Pic below) And I turned on the "fans" (They provide enough wind and ventilation to lower the temp down to 22-25 C)
View attachment 2897773

Anyways, the pics in my first post were taken about 8-10 hrs ago (cant remember, was sleepy :D ) and I have some now. It looks like the condition has worsened, and I touched one, it was completely dry and it sorta "broke".

I have no idea whats going on, at first the plans were showing signs of rapid growth, and then this night this happened. Here are some pics, altho they do the plants justice.They look dead..
View attachment 2897783View attachment 2897784View attachment 2897785View attachment 2897786View attachment 2897787
The last pic is one of the ones that survived the onslaught, it looks ok and is growing (you can clearly see size difference,hence my speech about hps being good).
Also the pics are a bit worse this time since i had to take the pics with ym phone.

It might be a humidity problem, do I mist? How do I go on about increasing humidity?

The main question is, CAN THEY and HOW do they recover?

Yes they can recover its a slow process you need 2 make sure ur soil is dry in the middle befor watering iv found with soil the top 2inch will dry first but under the first 2inch will still be damp i water my plants every 1-2 days like you said depending on the soil make sure u allways put ur finger deep in the soil so you know how damp it is.

or if u have a spare pot fill it with ur soil and see how heavy it is then u can get a rough idea of how heavy it is with out water

2 increase humidity buy a humidifier can be found on ebay

i personaly think ur problem is

a. Ur Adding to much nutes witch is causing this problem - So i suggest watering them for the next week or so with plain water so you can get some nice roots growing then go half the recommend strength of the feed

b. ur light was 2 close causing heat stress - move the light about 1m from the plants if ur using 250w hps (little intense for seedlings but not a problem as i use 600wt) also make sure u have nice air flow above ur plants to remove hot spots (buy a thermometer for the room make sure its not 2 hot)

hope this helps (#Keep It Simple)


You people have this science attitude to the plants , always measuring things , if the distance is enough then You feel allowed to nuke your seedling with 250 HPS. It's a heat stress. I have no idea why Man did You switch for HPS having CFL before. HPS is for flower. Before you go for HPS you need to get your plants adjusted for strong lights.


Well-Known Member
if you say your room has 28C then i doubt that it's heat stress. i believe it's either due to misting or overwatering. in this size pots at this stage i water plants every 5-7 days. i doubt that it has big enough root system to absorb all this water every other day. also misting can easily kill plants at this stage. you shouldn't spray at all. i've seen people misting with success and then killing their babies 8 times in a row.
i get leaves looking like this when i do preharvest drowning to induce fermentation, so i'm pretty sure your roots are drowning. you need to water them with 1-1.5 ml/l of H2O2 to provide oxygen for roots and let it dry almost completely before watering again or else you are going to lose them
good luck


i think it's just okay if you don't feed them now coz they're still small as i look at the pics but you need to give them nutrients once they start vegging.. if you got drying leaves, check on the distance between your light and plants. the frequency of watering. also, check the pH of the soil
You people have this science attitude to the plants , always measuring things , if the distance is enough then You feel allowed to nuke your seedling with 250 HPS. It's a heat stress. I have no idea why Man did You switch for HPS having CFL before. HPS is for flower. Before you go for HPS you need to get your plants adjusted for strong lights.
Are you telling a beginner NOT to measure things? Maybe for someone who has been growing for a while can read the plants, but measurements are really all a beginner has.

Many people use an HPS for an all in one light for seedlings, veg, and flowering, it can, and quite easily, be done. Ideally though, MH is better for seedlings and veg, but don't tell him he shouldn't be using an HPS and that is the problem. He has it more far enough away from the plants for the heat not to be a problem.

Yes they can recover its a slow process you need 2 make sure ur soil is dry in the middle befor watering iv found with soil the top 2inch will dry first but under the first 2inch will still be damp i water my plants every 1-2 days like you said depending on the soil make sure u allways put ur finger deep in the soil so you know how damp it is.

or if u have a spare pot fill it with ur soil and see how heavy it is then u can get a rough idea of how heavy it is with out water

2 increase humidity buy a humidifier can be found on ebay

i personaly think ur problem is

a. Ur Adding to much nutes witch is causing this problem - So i suggest watering them for the next week or so with plain water so you can get some nice roots growing then go half the recommend strength of the feed

b. ur light was 2 close causing heat stress - move the light about 1m from the plants if ur using 250w hps (little intense for seedlings but not a problem as i use 600wt) also make sure u have nice air flow above ur plants to remove hot spots (buy a thermometer for the room make sure its not 2 hot)

hope this helps (#Keep It Simple)
Solid advice about watering, especially weighing the same pots without a plant in them to get a good feel for how much they should weigh after a watering. However I do not agree with points A and B. It is NOT heat stress, and if you read the first post by OP you would also see he has not fed them yet, which is good because if he got the right kind of soil it has enough nutes in it to feed the seedling for the first 2-3 weeks of growth.
For seedlings just starting off half the recommended strength of the feed may burn them out, start with 1/4 for a bit then start giving it 1/2.

Buy a humidifier, get the humidity to 40-60% and you should be golden. They are not past saving, but they aren't in great condition.
Also a quick note about watering.

The smaller the container, the more frequently you will have to water it. With a small container like those, watering every 2-3 days is very common.

Stick your finger in the soil near the edge away from the roots, is it moist? Don't water. Is it dry? Water until you have about 20% runoff from your drainage holes. With those size containers, needing to water every 2-3 days is very likely.


New Member
Thanks for the replies/info. I checked upon them today, even touched the worst looking one and the leaf crumbled (as in it broke into peaces/dust) :/ I think that theyre not delivering any more water to the leaves.The survivors seem to be doing ok. Thanks for the tips.. I'll try to get a humidifier.


Well-Known Member
man, that dark green necrosis means that your roots are drowning, if theres still some green you can try to save them by watering with 1,5 ml/l of 3% H2O2. even if roots will be flooded they will get enough oxygen to start growing again, but recovery will take some time. humidifier will not do wonders, it helps, but in my room i have 30-40% rh and plants are doing very good without it. this is for maximizing your harvest, but definitely not an essential thing.


Well-Known Member
btw you can check on my sig how a plant is growing without any humidifiers. i'm simply pouring 8.5pH tap water and watching it thrive


New Member
Thanks, i think that I might've overwatered a bit when i reacted to them like this. Thanks for the input.

I'll try to get some Hydrogen Peroxide (thats what it is right? :D ) and ill give them some of that.

EDIT: So I added some H2O2 and watered ONE plant, we shall see If it kills it or it will survive. I hope it will survive though. If plant doesnt worsen by tommorow, ill do the others aswell. :)


Well-Known Member
not just adding some h2o2, 1-1.5ml/l it won't do any harm for your babes, you'll should see progress within 24hours, if there're still any roots are alive. also checking that runoff would get completely off your pot and add some wind.
well let's wait a day and see huh ;)


New Member
Were you talking about the burnt babies or the one that i showed that survived the onslaught?: D II only did it on 1 that was showing signs of overwatering. I hope it survives. But itsn 1.5 mil pretty much just a drop in a litre of water? Are you sure if thats enough?


Well-Known Member
why would i recommend you to save a girl that is doing alright? :)) anyway, that h2o2 would not do too much harm for her either.
yes, i'm talking about the ones that show leaf necrosis.
i wouldn't go over 2 mil. it gives enough oxygen. there were couple of help threads where 1,5ml/l did wonders in 24 hours.
and if i use 5ml syringe, 1,5ml does not feel like a drop :))