LEC - Light-Emitting Ceramic

Wow. What a fukin jack ass. All you Trump voters should be ashamed of yourself. Clinton was a joke too but a damn site better than the Orange Clown. Tbh....Sanders was the one. Dem establishment fukt that all up. Wow..again. ..alls I can say. Heard there was already a website where Trump voters can boice their regret. Hang on for this 4 year ride i all i can tell all of yas. Hopefully the dork will get impeached. But then we would have that other retard...the vp...forget his name. Hes even worse.

Mike Pence.. pencildick.
The longer a lamp runs the less light it puts out.

There's nothing in 'the rules' that says you have to change your lamps in unison.

Also, CMH/CDM/LEC ceramic metal halide lamps have a substantially longer replacement interval than either SE HPS or MH. From my reading over Philips white papers and other sources, it seems they can go a couple years.
There's nothing in 'the rules' that says you have to change your lamps in unison.

Also, CMH/CDM/LEC ceramic metal halide lamps have a substantially longer replacement interval than either SE HPS or MH. From my reading over Philips white papers and other sources, it seems they can go a couple years.
Yep the philips is rated at 30000 hours. 3 times that of a hps. The way a lamp lifespan is rated is the point at witch 50% of the lamps are still running. So if you have 10 philips 315 cmh lamps. At 30,000 hours 5 will still be running and 5 dead. So if you have 2 lamps one may be destined to work for 24000 hours and the other say 32000 hours. No it isnt in the "rule book" to replace both, its just a good idea. Most will not even think abought it untill they harvest and are tring to figure out why there harvest isnt uniform and half of it isnt as dence and oily as the rest. Its because one lamp is brand new and the other only has 8000 untill its burnt out. Im sure everyone can agree its best to replace the lamps before they burn out
Well thats not fair to many it probably dosnt matter. Not every grower is the same with the same harvest goal. Im just ocd and like everything to be perfect and uniform lol. Happy New Year all!!!