LED Companies w/ LINKS


Well-Known Member
Has the game just changed radically? http://ledsmagazine.com/products/36052
That is very interesting, I'd like to see a curve on the lights. The price seems about right if they are using high quality/high bin LEDs.
You may want to add some 660, but I really can't say what the difference would be at this point.

88w over maybe a 3x2. 15w per sq. foot. With the MR.X setup, I believe he was running about 24w per sq. foot.


Well-Known Member
0 prices on the LED fixtures...no pictures of any grow lights in use...zero REAL information...do you have one of these? why did you post this link?
I posted the same link a month or two ago after searching for illumitex leds. Still no prices and they never replied to my multiple email inquiries.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I've seen the 4' bars available from mouser, globalhardware, and sunnydayhydro. Sunnyday also has 2' bars which are what I would be interested in, or a diy setup of them.


New Member
any one no what kind of lights these are they say there grow perfect technology but i cant find anything on them and are they any good looked all over the internet cant find any thing
Pretty sure they are the same make as the Starship on here:

Also fairly certain that model you have is chinese made...i have one, have had it for a while - it works, not as well as my www.rhinogrow.com but it works. i have had to replace fans twice, but if you didnt pay out your ass for it then good work!! LEDs rock - check out my Rhino thread if you get a chance


Pretty sure they are the same make as the Starship on here:

Also fairly certain that model you have is chinese made...i have one, have had it for a while - it works, not as well as my www.rhinogrow.com but it works. i have had to replace fans twice, but if you didnt pay out your ass for it then good work!! LEDs rock - check out my Rhino thread if you get a chance

i got 6 of then $25 each from a real good friend of mine he lives in calarido an he is ciming up in december an i want them ive been looking all day cant find any info on them i would like to no all the specs on them if anyone can help thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't know for sure, but I believe grow perfect makes the magnum and mag+ panels. Cant find anything else about them. I know they used to have a model called the isis, but stopped making those a couple years back I believe. Maybe thats what you have there, or possibly a pre-magnum model? That or just some random company with the samename. Can't the seller tell you more? $25 each they either suck oryou got a hell of a deal. Start a thread up when you get a chance.


Well-Known Member
im thinking he meant 250$ .... either way they are ok chinese made models i wouldnt expect to much out of them .... hard to say though without more info on what they actually are. if they are 25$ i would buy em just for shits and giggles ....250$ on the other hand you might wanna look around some more.


my buddy gave $375 each for them last year 4 of them are still new in the box an yes he wants $50 each he says they are real good lights he just got 10 new magnum+ led lights but the catch is i have to go get them in coloraido an he gave me his old box trailer an he said it has every thing i need in it..... l im headed down this mounth anyway to do some dirt bike riding at tayler park ...........an thanks for the help guys


Well-Known Member
would love that 150 but way out of my price range. More then likely going with the pro grow LED for my first one. Decedent against the Blackstar's. At least until they get a better review on the 2012's


Well-Known Member
would love that 150 but way out of my price range. More then likely going with the pro grow LED for my first one. Decedent against the Blackstar's. At least until they get a better review on the 2012's
Check out Area 51 LED's. Those things look nice. They're my next choice if I decide to bail on the Solarstorm. Before considering either, I was set on Pro Grow.


Well-Known Member
would love that 150 but way out of my price range. More then likely going with the pro grow LED for my first one. Decedent against the Blackstar's. At least until they get a better review on the 2012's
Do yourself a favour and read my thread...progrow warranty service before you decide to buy, I would not go near them with a barge pole!!


Well-Known Member
thanks for the tip. crap another possibility shot down. :(
Area51lighting........I got my goods delivered in 6 days from across the planet, lifetime warranty unlike 99% of the others. Been using them for 3 weeks and can honestly say over aero the growth has been unbelievable and I am versed in progrow and HID on a far larger scale than most in this section of the forum.


Well-Known Member
been looking at them. There out of Arlington, VA/Washington, DC area. Noticed they had a phone number much better then a email only...