LED Companies w/ LINKS

Idk bro, 4200 lumens? thats only 60 lumerns/watt. Granted, I don't know what kindve lumens a panel delivers.. but that doesn't sound too high.. and 6" wide does not give me that warm fuzzy feeling about coverage.

I really like the design, nice and sleek- but even Hans is throwing white's on now. :razz:

And clear your pm's for puck's sake!

  • I'm looking to speak with someone with personal experiance useing the california lightworks 200 watt solarflare... any takers? Just kinda curious if it could be used as stand alone lighting? or if it would be better suited to have some floro's with it too?​

I like the warranty and tough looking design.

But...does it come with a car or something for that price? Maybe a set of ginsu knives and some Tupperware?
Ok...a few questions directed at G2Growled guy.

Your spectrum is directed alot at green....why would i want my plant to be put under so much green?

Also do you think that 5500k means that 550nm is the main point on your spectrum? In my opinion, this is one of the worst spectrums i have seen.

Also when did you get the bottom graph for 'LED GROW LIGHTS'.....? 2001?

Another point 'Start replacing your 1,000 watt metal halides with 150 watt or 100 watt G2 LED's and watch your electric bill plummet before your eyes.' This is a massive claim. What is this based on?

Then in your 'G2LED BAYLIGHT' specs you say it replaces a 1500w incandescent...what sort of comparison is this? 'Say goodbye to 1,000 and 1,500 watt grow lights....' Is this meant to imply that people grow with incandescents? hehehehe....

Last question. What type of LED's are you using?

Those graphs do you no favours....Your panel has a main spike at 550nm. But that is where no chlorophyll absortion takes place...bit weird...?

Also why does your graph start at 400nm? there is a UV range before that you know. Your panel is the 'only full colour spectrum grow light(s) in the world' isnt it?

There are numerous other things...but i will let you have a chance to respond. :)
Hello "g2growled"

Since you have been respectful enough I'll give you a tiny bit of advice. Read all the posts in all the forums on the web on this topic. Then you'll have an idea of what people want and how much they are willing to pay. Not going to do your homework for you, sorry.
I would like to think that a bit of research and panel testing has already gone on Positivity...especially with those prices. I mean the unveiling of a finished website is like the 'grand opening' in regards to the last thing to do. The process of testing, research and engineering should be all done....
I would like to think that a bit of research and panel testing has already gone on Positivity...especially with those prices. I mean the unveiling of a finished website is like the 'grand opening' in regards to the last thing to do. The process of testing, research and engineering should be all done....

Very true chronikool. But I can appreciate an attempt at listening to a customer. The led marketplace, especially the grow section, seems to be filled with know it all reps with a bad attitude.
He took my sarcastic reply in stride and remained professional and polite. That's more than I can say about a few others, with nicer websites and specs.

On another note. I don't think he liked your questions...lol.
Hmmmmm....Well i hope that professional attitude doesnt mean that he just answers questions that suits him.....

im simply a 'LED HEAD' who doesnt like seeing the industry filled with crap....so anything i can do to help someone in some way is just giving back....(sniffs...wipes tear :-P )

He came on the forums to promote his website...where there are much more qualified people to 'analyse' his panels and website and ask questions. Actually...isnt that what a forum is? :)
Yup. Always makes me wonder when reps come on the forums. It's like jumping into a shark tank..lol. The solid companies have no problem, the scammers get eaten up.

i don't like people getting ripped off either. That's why as much as I hate getting involved, I have a hard time not saying something
Hello "Positivity",

I don't claim to have the least expensive grow lights on the market for sure. But after a pretty good check on the competition out there, I believe I priced them very competitively, especially when you will use them for 20+ years without having to worry about defects, light loss, a fan breaking (our design needs no cooling fan), replacing individual LED's. But you have my ear though "Positivity" sir/maam. In your opinion, what would you pay for a full color spectrum LED grow light that uses less than 150 watts, penetrates the canopy as well as a 2,500 watt / throw away system, and lasts as longs as mine do?

We find that our LED's usually have between less than one year to 2 years ROI also.

Semper Fi,


Hi, I'm Beef. Nice to meet you.

Bold claims, sir. Bold claims. I would like to see some evidence, please and thank-you. :D

I don't think 150W of 10W CREE's driven to the absolute max for greatest penetration, could replace a 1000W bulb. Certainly not in light footprint. Not happenin'!

With that said;

What diodes are you using? If these are intended for flowering, why is there so much blue in your spectrum? Designed to run for 25+ years? How much current is being drawn? That has an awfully long lifespan claim for any type of grow light that runs at a decent current, especially with no fans.

Wha chu doin' over there? lol
Am I wrong or don't those led "grow" lights look like high bay lighting retrofit kits for office buildings???^^...........as chroni pointed out, that spectrum is kinda of a dead give away.

he should be ashamed at some of his descriptions on the website............. 150w of led replaces 2500w HID!! it's like we've gone back 5yrs to the ufo shit again........
For sure. I think that the LED industry has grown from its infancy...so with it people are getting more experienced about how to grow with LED's and what they want in a LED for their given circumstance. One of the many cool things is that LED grower's are very diverse, so makes for all sorts of fucked up experimenting... :)

where there are much more qualified people to 'analyse' his panels and website and ask questions. :)

meant to say 'much more qualified then me....'
Am I wrong or don't those led "grow" lights look like high bay lighting retrofit kits for office buildings???^^...........as chroni pointed out, that spectrum is kinda of a dead give away.

he should be ashamed at some of his descriptions on the website............. 150w of led replaces 2500w HID!! it's like we've gone back 5yrs to the ufo shit again........


I hear ya, my man. It's like...'baby-town frolics' figuring out the legitimacy of the wild claims.

Hello Chronikool. Thanks for the opportunity to answer some tuff questions sir. I fully realized that I was gonna catch some flak when bringing many of these aspects before a group of seasoned grow vets. As a retired US Marine, I'm not one to avoid a little confrontation, especially when I believe in my product as much as I do. I know some of these statements are hard to digest, but I've seen what they can do with my own eyes, and the data is sound. On the commercial side of my LED business, I devour Cree, Sylvania, GE and all other LED manufactures on a daily basis. We truly have a very unique , industry leading LED solution. I was amazed myself to find out that their was also a grow application for my LED's, so I am by no means an expert in the grow field, and truly hope to learn and gain much knowledge from all of you, while hopefully helping you to save money and achieve great growth for all of your plants/veggies.

1. Your spectrum is directed alot at green....why would i want my plant to be put under so much green?
(A)G2LED grow lights have 14-Watt mixed channels that create perfect 5500k natural sunlight. While we may spike in the green NM, we still contain all usable colors of the rainbow. We flower and Veg. in both soil and hydro applications, and we are proven by our engineers, customers and independent labs to produce larger plants with higher yields.

2. Also do you think that 5500k means that 550nm is the main point on your spectrum? In my opinion, this is one of the worst spectrums i have seen.
(A) No sir, I am not under the assumption that 5500k has anything to do with the 550nm spike. I'm sorry you feel that way about the visual spectrum on my website, but I will assure you that the proof is in the pudding, again, we are proven by our engineers with over 30 years of experience in solid-state lighting, customers and other independent testers to produce larger plants with higher yields.

3. Also when did you get the bottom graph for 'LED GROW LIGHTS'.....? 2001?
(A) I understand the graph representing other LED lights may be outdated. I would like to have the most updated reference to display on my site. I will see if I can find a more current graph to display. Perhaps you could recommend one?

3. Another point 'Start replacing your 1,000 watt metal halides with 150 watt or 100 watt G2 LED's and watch your electric bill plummet before your eyes.' This is a massive claim. What is this based on?
(A) That’s simple, subtract 150 watts from 1,000 watts. You save 850 watts yeah? :)

5. Then in your 'G2LED BAYLIGHT' specs you say it replaces a 1500w incandescent...what sort of comparison is this?'Say goodbye to 1,000 and 1,500 watt grow lights....' Is this meant to imply that people grow with incandescents? hehehehe....
(A)Thanks for pointing this mistake out…”incandescent” was meant to be Metal Halide. As I have read in latter posts, someone brought up that these look like commercial LED lights, in fact they use the same housing as the commercial LED’s I sell, but the interior of the grow lights are optimized for growing applications.
Highest Par Rating
Independent PPFD tests rate G2LED at 1200 at operational (task) distance. (2000 PPFD is a sunny day). G2's rate at 1200 PPFD at 3 inches, 388 PPFD at 6 inches. The next best HPS1000 watt bulb has only a 384PPFD.

Last question. What type of LED's are you using?
Our factory is located in Texas, we source every component from the US except our chips, which we purchase from Nichia, the inventor of white LED’s. We then apply our unique patent to the chips, which allows us to give you a 10 year/90,000 hour no light loss warranty.


That's the Area 51 spectrum.

This is the ave PPF for the Apache 120WR - 120W light.

Avg. PPF 700 µmol/m2/s @45 cm
Hello Chronikool. Thanks for the opportunity to answer some tuff questions sir. I fully realized that I was gonna catch some flak when bringing many of these aspects before a group of seasoned grow vets. As a retired US Marine, I'm not one to avoid a little confrontation, especially when I believe in my product as much as I do. I know some of these statements are hard to digest, but I've seen what they can do with my own eyes, and the data is sound. On the commercial side of my LED business, I devour Cree, Sylvania, GE and all other LED manufactures on a daily basis. We truly have a very unique , industry leading LED solution. I was amazed myself to find out that their was also a grow application for my LED's, so I am by no means an expert in the grow field, and truly hope to learn and gain much knowledge from all of you, while hopefully helping you to save money and achieve great growth for all of your plants/veggies.

Seasoned grow vet....thanks that made me smile. 'Seen with my own eyes' and 'the data is sound' is not proof to your potential customers. (especially paying top dollar) Here in the LED grow world we are fast becoming immune to outragous LED maker claims. They may work well for a commercial application....but not grow. You said yourself you are no expert to the grow field...so why isnt the expert or engineer fronting these questions?

1. Your spectrum is directed alot at green....why would i want my plant to be put under so much green?
(A)G2LED grow lights have 14-Watt mixed channels that create perfect 5500k natural sunlight. While we may spike in the green NM, we still contain all usable colors of the rainbow. We flower and Veg. in both soil and hydro applications, and we are proven by our engineers, customers and independent labs to produce larger plants with higher yields.

This doesnt answer my question. Why do they spike in green when chlorophyll A and B are absorbed in blue and red? Also where are these Customers? You surely have a feed back program or photos from them or your own tests

2. Also do you think that 5500k means that 550nm is the main point on your spectrum? In my opinion, this is one of the worst spectrums i have seen.
(A) No sir, I am not under the assumption that 5500k has anything to do with the 550nm spike. I'm sorry you feel that way about the visual spectrum on my website, but I will assure you that the proof is in the pudding, again, we are proven by our engineers with over 30 years of experience in solid-state lighting, customers and other independent testers to produce larger plants with higher yields.

And where is this proof? There is nothing but words and typical LED mumbo jumbo....

3. Also when did you get the bottom graph for 'LED GROW LIGHTS'.....? 2001?
(A) I understand the graph representing other LED lights may be outdated. I would like to have the most updated reference to display on my site. I will see if I can find a more current graph to display. Perhaps you could recommend one?

if your LED panels are so great...why wouldnt you use your one?

3. Another point 'Start replacing your 1,000 watt metal halides with 150 watt or 100 watt G2 LED's and watch your electric bill plummet before your eyes.' This is a massive claim. What is this based on?
(A) That’s simple, subtract 150 watts from 1,000 watts. You save 850 watts yeah? :)


5. Then in your 'G2LED BAYLIGHT' specs you say it replaces a 1500w incandescent...what sort of comparison is this?'Say goodbye to 1,000 and 1,500 watt grow lights....' Is this meant to imply that people grow with incandescents? hehehehe....
(A)Thanks for pointing this mistake out…”incandescent” was meant to be Metal Halide. As I have read in latter posts, someone brought up that these look like commercial LED lights, in fact they use the same housing as the commercial LED’s I sell, but the interior of the grow lights are optimized for growing applications.
Highest Par Rating
Independent PPFD tests rate G2LED at 1200 at operational (task) distance. (2000 PPFD is a sunny day). G2's rate at 1200 PPFD at 3 inches, 388 PPFD at 6 inches. The next best HPS1000 watt bulb has only a 384PPFD.

How close do you hang you panels? The coverage must be average at best?

Last question. What type of LED's are you using?
Our factory is located in Texas, we source every component from the US except our chips, which we purchase from Nichia, the inventor of white LED’s. We then apply our unique patent to the chips, which allows us to give you a 10 year/90,000 hour no light loss warranty.

I'll grab an Apache instead. they use Nichia. You should get one 2. :)