ill start fresh after this herrekin ....
QUOTE=FootClan;6263538]By the way .5 GPW is just AVERAGE nothing to be jumping up and down about...... I beat .5 gpw with a 1000w so once again i listen very carefully to EVERY single responce and i make a valid will though out reply[/QUOTE]
wow still going eh? fuck around man you were the one that came into my thread talking shit so of coarse i lashed back.....duh. now i dont even really know were to start. i giess this last response is a good spot ..,.... i never said that 0.5 GPW was an amazing yield just not bad for my first hydro and FIRST LED RUN!besides GPW isnt exactly a good way to measure anything it should be gram per kilowatt hour if you want to take the time to do the math go ahead i used a 80w true watt lightplus some cfl's so ill say total power maybe around 120-140w and i ran it for 90days on 12/12 the GPKWH on that is ridiculous and that is what really matters how much money you paid per gram.if you compared your 1000w to that you would cry especially with the ridiculous prices you guys pay for electricity.....that you get from us hardworking canadians lol. i came from hps man and trust me i know that for my future and alot of other peoples led's will be it. most governments are already banning incandescent light bulbs and switching to led's ...... how long before they ban hps and MH and all those too?
also here's some pics of my girls i just cut down ......... do these look like buds that were grown under a light that should be used to "light up an open sign" they weighed 145g's wet when i took em off the stems plus the 21.6 g's dried that i already got im happy as shit and that was from a chineese built led and just 1 very small one. these haters can't deny that led's are for real much longer, most of the time led grows look or are shitty causse the people doing them are newbs that got grifted for some shitty led and or they just suck. if you get the right panels they will pay for themselves in 1 run no problem.

....... thats it done over not gonna argue with noone no more you wanna hate on that go right ahead there foot clog or who ever else. DONE