Led Growing Is The Way Of The Future My Friends


Well-Known Member
Problem with the big wattages is they last mere minutes cos they cant be cooled properly. You start getting into active cooling like with HIDs on them.


Well-Known Member
there are some crazy heat sinks out there bro ..... they just cost , also there are new alternatives ..... cant remember what they are called ....but they are badass :)


Well-Known Member
The reason the large wattage ones arnt used commercially yet is because there is an actual technological hurdle to overcome first, they cannot be cooled by current methods to be used in the way you want to...otherwise they would be used ;)


Well-Known Member
Obviously LEDs, despite being efficient, arent efficient enough....

Lol but really i bet youll see increased thermal efficiency at higher wattage in the next 5-10 years. Higher wattage cooler bulb.


Well-Known Member
things are gonna happen soon ...... good things for the led world and all the children in the land will be happy lol


Well-Known Member
also ive become more interested with the way led's emit there light and at what ranges of distance are best suited for plant growth seems most peoplke have there lights hanging very close to the canopy where as i believe better results can be reached with the light a bit further away and with some different angle lenses ...... any thoughts people?


Well-Known Member
also ive become more interested with the way led's emit there light and at what ranges of distance are best suited for plant growth seems most peoplke have there lights hanging very close to the canopy where as i believe better results can be reached with the light a bit further away and with some different angle lenses ...... any thoughts people?
Maybe with the 1W, I've read through several journals where 3w panels were bleaching the plants if closer than 12". I keep my panel at 12-18" depending on what stage they are in.

Im sure theres a "sweet spot" but i like to tend to give my plants more than less light and would err on the side of closer than farther.

Would be interesting to put the light super high and then grow plants at different heights (one on the floor, one 1f riser, another on 2ft riser) so you could see where the light is most effective. :P Things i would do with more space and lights... one day


Well-Known Member
for now i just got a hold of a 357 magnum for cheap so now i have that a spectra 290w and a 120w mystery panel in my 4x4 tent , i got em over about 20 ladies , 2 decent sized veg plants , and 18 -12/12 from seed and 12/12 from clone some half are in soil and half are in hydro a bit of a comparison i guess even though i didnt really try for it.


Well-Known Member
i checked it out .... very nice place no haters no bashing just straight up knowledge , mind you the member base is pretty small but good things take time :D


Well-Known Member
I think it’s the sponsorship and sales folks vs. growers ruining forums in general. As long as retailers provide free demo stuff to people you will always get distorted views , IMO


Well-Known Member
Has anyone noticed that the people who always crack out that old chestnut "LED is just not there yet" are usually noobs or old f**ckers who remember growing hemp alongside Abe Lincoln??
Back in the day ....... used grow by candle light. Trying out a 500 BS now.


Well-Known Member
the 500 BS is a pretty nice model , not the best light on the market but for the price it works very well :D im about to receive lights from a new company on the scene they should be here within a week and i will be doing a journal ill make sure to put the link up here.


Well-Known Member
Forgot I was subbed to this thread, haha! Where you been curly? Any early details on the new light or company you can share? I know you know your stuff so naturally I'm interested in your selection.