LED newbie cabinet grow w/ hydro

Ok, well the time has come! Took about 3 hours to trim the 5 plants between the two of us. We laid them out on a 3'x4' plastic
Cab prior to chopping
a.JPG, Jadeaa.JPG, Small Cameoaaa.JPG, Medium Cameo aaaa.JPG, Large Cameo aaaaa.JPG, Peachez aaaaaa.JPG

And after trim:

b.JPG, bb.JPG, bbb.JPG, bbbb.JPG, bbbbb.JPG, Hanging c.JPG

Should be about 3-5 days with the fans and then they will good to smoke. Not sure if she wants to do any kind of cure on these, but I will leave that up to her since I will be moving on to the next batch of plants :D

Let me know what you guys think!!
Looks really good if you ask me!!!

Do you have a scale? (did you get some sort of weight on them??)

What are the plans for the next batch? :)
Looks really good if you ask me!!!

Do you have a scale? (did you get some sort of weight on them??)

What are the plans for the next batch? :)

I have two scales, but they are just for small amounts. I wasn't worried about wet weight really.

As for the next batch, they are already in the cab! :D
I put 2 Peachez in there and 3 Cameo, one of which is the beastly mother plant. One of the other plants will become the new mother. I have a bunch of clones in the dome that are looking good. After cleaning the hydroton and the tray, I didn't have much time to take pics of the plants and change. I have the same water w/ Florakleen in there now to help clean the salt buildup. I will be putting fresh nutes in there tomorrow. I am gonna test out another pump too. This one is maxed out and I need to put one of my more powerful ones in there. I need to test it all out while I am home so there is no overflow issues, lol.
I am testing the stronger pump now and it seems to be working well. I am just gonna trade out with one of my veg pumps since the veg doesn't need that strong of a pump.

Here's a pic of the new ladies in their new home!

Start 6-12.JPG

They measure between 20-26", the smallest this grow is taller than the tallest last grow! I hope they don't stretch too much because there is not much room for that. They are already good distance to the lights so I hope they just soak it all in!
Well, good or bad, the final weights are in. 59.3g total. All of the Cameo buds were airy unfortunately :( The tops of Peachez and Jade were the densest of all the buds. My conclusion from this finding is that the lighting was too far from Cameo. The good thing for the next grow is that all of the tops are closer to the light. Jade actually netted the most out of all the plants. She had the fewest buds, but they were larger and denser than the other 2 strains. I will miss that about her, but not the stretching aspect she had.

Here are some of the pics:

JadeDSCF3588.JPG, PeachezDSCF3592.JPG, Small cameoDSCF3596.JPG, medium cameoDSCF3601.JPG, large Cameo(just realized I forgot to take the picture while on the scale) L.Cameo weighed 12.7g

I also had a lot of tiny airy buds I didn't count in the initial weight, but it accounts for 5.27g of "fluff"

Here is a pic of them in their own bags:

I am inclined to think that I have a low quality LED light though. I have seen much better results on other grows that used "name brand" LED fixtures. Hard to be definitive on this though since I do get some good buds. I am also leaning toward the bagseed aspect. I don't have a "name brand" strain to compare to someone else growing the same strain.

I will tell you when I get a smoke report. My gf is out of town at the moment, but she will most likely partake in the new crop tomorrow!

I hope this thread has been helpful to those that have been following it. I'm not sure I will be posting the next grow because it's summer and I will be gone fishing/camping and golfing and don't want to be on the computer much. :peace:
It has been helpful and a nice thread to follow :)

Looks like ya got some fantastic stuff there, good work!!!

As to the great outdoors, have a blast man hope to see your progress once winter rolls around!
It looks like a bunch of thumb nugs. Decent quality, but if that's the kind of results we are looking at from an LED grow, I'm extremely disappointed. I'll be sticking with the 600w Lumatek for now.
It looks like a bunch of thumb nugs. Decent quality, but if that's the kind of results we are looking at from an LED grow, I'm extremely disappointed. I'll be sticking with the 600w Lumatek for now.

Well, I am not one to do the 400w=90w LED. I was running a total of 136w (90 LED and 46 CFL) I just put 46w of the CFL's in the cab for this next grow. I am hoping this will help thicken the buds up. The previous grow I had to this thread had some thicker buds, but that was because the plants stretched right up next to the LED. That leaves me to believe it is a light level issue. GF will be smoking this stuff in about an hour. All I care about is that she has a good high personally. I am gonna try to have better airflow too this next grow. That means I have to build a filter to take care of the smell too. We shall see......

I am gonna look around for other light sources that might work better. I am thinking about a 70w HPS. If I do that, I will do a full journal for that one too.
What's happening Luck.... I have a 70w hps I also have a 150w hps I just bought. IMO the $90 for the 150 is a much better way to go if you can keep it cool. My bud's are looking pretty dense however under the 70hps plus 133w of cfl's but I'm sure the 150 will be much better for next round.... I found the 70's at home depot they were security lights.
What's happening Luck.... I have a 70w hps I also have a 150w hps I just bought. IMO the $90 for the 150 is a much better way to go if you can keep it cool. My bud's are looking pretty dense however under the 70hps plus 133w of cfl's but I'm sure the 150 will be much better for next round.... I found the 70's at home depot they were security lights.

Yeah, I have seen those at home depot. That is what I was talking about. They are about $60 or so and I wasn't sure if they needed special wiring or if I would be able to splice the ends onto a cord and just plug it into the wall. How did you install yours?

Heat would be my concern there with the HPS. I was hoping to not have to get too much venting (I have some, but it is passive) I had already spent a few hundred on the original design and wanted it to pay for itself a little before spending more money on the growing. Now that we have grown a few ounces, it seems like it has been worth the "investment" so I don't feel bad about another hundred or so to make it better.

Does your 150 run on a ballast? Where did you find one for $90?

That bad thing is, the plants looked good while they were growing. I have never grown before and didn't know otherwise. However when they dried, they were kinda brittle and not real dense. I have had buds that were dense when they grew close to the LED. I am gonna trim the plants down at 1 week as well to get the small branches off and concentrate on the larger ones for growth.
Everything I've read about led is the footprint is too small. That would explain the dense buds that grew close. The home depot 70's I took them out of the case they came in and put the transformer and the igniter under my cab. All I had to do is extend the three power wires and put a plug on them which you don't actually need the ground with a small system like this. It was very easy to do. The 150 came from a hydro shop in OKC.
Not sure but I think it also uses a transformer and an igniter rather than a full ballast. This 150 is super bright compared to the 70. The footprints on the hps are much bigger than led so you can cover a bigger area and don't have to worry about all the buds being in the exact position for good light coverage. You can find this exact 150 online for as low as $60 i believe. Well worth the money. With the lights you have plus the 150 I'd say your denseness and quality would greatly increase. Here's a pic of the 150.

PS The reason my plants are acting up is I never added anything to keep the soil ph at a good level. Even with the ph'd water my soil was way low.
Everything I've read about led is the footprint is too small. That would explain the dense buds that grew close. The home depot 70's I took them out of the case they came in and put the transformer and the igniter under my cab. All I had to do is extend the three power wires and put a plug on them which you don't actually need the ground with a small system like this. It was very easy to do. The 150 came from a hydro shop in OKC.
Not sure but I think it also uses a transformer and an igniter rather than a full ballast. This 150 is super bright compared to the 70. The footprints on the hps are much bigger than led so you can cover a bigger area and don't have to worry about all the buds being in the exact position for good light coverage. You can find this exact 150 online for as low as $60 i believe. Well worth the money. With the lights you have plus the 150 I'd say your denseness and quality would greatly increase. Here's a pic of the 150.

PS The reason my plants are acting up is I never added anything to keep the soil ph at a good level. Even with the ph'd water my soil was way low.
that is the same light i am currently using in the grow box. i definately reccomend it. in fact i am trying to ebay my ufo so i can buy another one
oh hey this is what i did i keep my led real close to the top of plant i took that wire hanger off went to home depot got 3 s hooks and some chain cut the chain in to 3 equal lengths and screwed on end of chain to the cab and did the same to other 2 then just put the s hooks in the holes on led and then i could raise and lower the led it the right height i wanted to man hope this helps bud
Well, the smoke report is in. I actually made a deal with my girl and smoked with her before going to a movie. I was acting pretty silly she said. I remember everything, but I was "happy" I guess and wasn't trying to hide it, lol. She gives this stuff an overall 7.5 rating out of 10. She says that the high itself is a 9/10 but it doesn't last real long so that is why she gives it a 7.5 overall.

Does anyone know what makes the high last longer? Is that something that is just genetics, or can that be changed based on growing/curing methods?
Cure it man...make sure it's nice and dry too..

Don't know about everyone else, but I just dried mine so dry it falls right off the stem. Mine have also been curing for a few weeks, but the high actually lasts longer than the med strains I've had. For me, med = 1-3 hrs tops, a couple bowls of this stuff, 3-4 on average.

Curing is the way to go, the worst part is being patient but it pays off! And something in regards to the brittle or small stuff..

When I was butchering my first lady I noticed a lot of the ones on the bottom were very very small, I didn't think they'd amount to anything. But lemme tell ya, I have a party bowl on my bubbler and it only takes 2-3 of the small ones to fill it up. There's no way I could fit even a portion of the big dense nugs into it. I will agree though, at this stage in the game with LED horticulture lighting, there just isn't much penetration into the lower branches. For this reason I believe scrog is best with LED commercial lighting.
oh hey this is what i did i keep my led real close to the top of plant i took that wire hanger off went to home depot got 3 s hooks and some chain cut the chain in to 3 equal lengths and screwed on end of chain to the cab and did the same to other 2 then just put the s hooks in the holes on led and then i could raise and lower the led it the right height i wanted to man hope this helps bud
