LED newbie cabinet grow w/ hydro

Lookin damn good man!!!

I got a question for ya: How did you hang your mylar up? I'm just curious because I am constructing my new grow area and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get it in there with such awkward angles and whatnot: my box is not 4 perfect 90 degree angles. I am thinking a layer of elmer's glue or something will keep it up, I just don't want to staple it because staples may come through my grow area, completely removing stealth from the ordeal.

If you wouldn't mind sharing I'd sure appreciate that!
Lookin damn good man!!!

I got a question for ya: How did you hang your mylar up? I'm just curious because I am constructing my new grow area and I'm having a hard time figuring out how to get it in there with such awkward angles and whatnot: my box is not 4 perfect 90 degree angles. I am thinking a layer of elmer's glue or something will keep it up, I just don't want to staple it because staples may come through my grow area, completely removing stealth from the ordeal.

If you wouldn't mind sharing I'd sure appreciate that!

I used a mix of 1 inch square pieces of cadboard stapled by an electric stapler and duct tape that was taped in a circle and placed on the back of the mylar and then attached to the finished wood. If you use 1/4" or 5/16" staples you should be fine.
Went out and gotsome of the Dry Koolbloom today. I am looking foward to seeing the results! Buds as a whole are developing ahead of the last grow with exception of Peachez, but she is coming around. For some reason she didn't grow into the light as much as the other plants. She kinda stayed up against the wall but she is plenty thick so it's not from weak branches. Hopefully she will benefit from the dry KB too! There are tons of bud sights though so lots of room to fill out.

From my perspective, these plants are showing more bud sites and larger thinker buds, but my gf seems to think they aren't going to have as much yield as the previous grow. Not sure why she thinks that, but I guess time will tell. I just hope I am right and she is wrong!

DSCF4161.jpgAs you can see, this has a much higher level of nutes than the 0-10-10 the liquid KB has
If you remember i had gotten a sample pack of that stuff and was going to use it, but it disapeared. i don't know if it had gotten trashed or what happened. So i am curious to see how it works for you.


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I really think you should consider using an hps even if it's a small one.

Well, it's summer now and the cabinet peakedd at 90 degrees today. We don't have an A/C here because there is no real need for one, so everything is fan cooled in the apartment. HPS really isn't an option unless I move into a house that has a basement. That is in my future plans though. I want to try HPS eventually, just not yet. LED and CFL is working for now, so if it ain't broke.......ya know?

I looked at the buds today and they are looking very good! Some of the Cameo buds are tighter than they were at HARVEST last time. I know this has to do with being closer to the lights. I am just looking to build on that by adding the Dry Koolbloom as well. Should be interesting
True heat problems are a pain to deal with. I cut some of the lowers down you should swing over and check em out.

I have never really had heat problems, I just know that by design HPS would not work in my cab that I have. I can't devote a huge amount of space to the flowering phase alone. I have half of the second of 2 bedrooms in my apartment devoted to growing. A quarter for veg and a quarter for flower with clones and nutes in between. The other side of the room is my closet, lol. I would LOVE to get a house or duplex rented so that we had a little more space to experiment with additional growing, but to be honest we don't really need more than I am able to grow right now anyway. If my current grow yields 20-100% more it will be interesting to see what happens to that extra bud. I don't really want my gf to just smoke it all, lol.
Sounds like a great little perpetual setup. Hps r pretty damn hot I could run a lot more watts if not for the 70w hps.
During this next grow I need to build a little veg box for mom's and clones. Once you get this setup dialed in how often will you be able to harvest?
Sounds like a great little perpetual setup. Hps r pretty damn hot I could run a lot more watts if not for the 70w hps.
During this next grow I need to build a little veg box for mom's and clones. Once you get this setup dialed in how often will you be able to harvest?

My setup? I put new plants in the same day I chop and wash the hydroton. The only thing I can't rush is the plants being "done" in the flowering cab. Right now I have small plants that could go into flower If it were open. I just keep the lights REALLY low and then trim them to keep them a certain height. Last time I let them get a little taller and it turned out to be a little TOO tall. I think about 16-18" is about perfect. I just need to put the lights on an adjustable height system with chains and then I can have any size plant I want! I was going to do that this time, but the plants were already tall when I finally put them in the cab. I can have up to 6 plants in the cab every 8-10 weeks. Right now I have a Clone that is the new Cameo mother in veg along with 4 cameo clones and 2 Peachez clones that I took the week before last harvest so they are 5 weeks old now.


Right now they are about 8" tall so I am gonna have to work to keep them under 18". I hope to keep trimming to a minimum if I can. However, after this current grow when all the plants got so tall I would rather have them short than tall.
Some mid-week budshots:

DSCF4173.jpg,DSCF4171.jpg,DSCF4169.jpg I know these aren't that big, but they are about as big as the largest buds were at harvest from this strain during the last grow! Light is the main difference, but a more consistant ph this time around has helped some I am sure. I am excited to use the Dry Koolbloom soon as well and hopefully beef these buds up the last few weeks as well. I plan on starting the Kool dry next weekend (end of the 6th week) and let that go for 2-3 weeks depending on how the plants respond. I will be watching to see when they start to finish out. I am guessing an 8 1/2-10 week range. I hope they finish on the quicker side so there is less I have to do to keep the vegging plants under a certain height so they don't grow as tall as these last ones have.

Here is a pic of Jade last grow right at 5 weeks from my last grow. This one ended up being the largest of all the buds:

DSCF3406.JPGThis was her top and I have multiple ones that are almost the same size on my main Cameo plant now.

I hope everyone else has as much fun growing as I do, actually you likely have more fun since you smoke the results! LOL, I just get to see the smile on my girl's face, but she is still smiling about the stuff from last grow :D
To avoid the LED photography problems, usually if you toy around with the ISO settings it adjust how much light is captured by the camera and should help focus on what you want to actually take a picture of. You may also mess with the f stop or focal ratio which sets the diameter of the lens. This can put into focus what you're shooting and blur out everything else. You also don't want your shooting speed to be lower, because that will allow more time for light to come into the photo, like for light graffiti. You're going to want the shutter speed at around 1/80 of a second. You can't adjust this stuff in the normal capture mode, it needs to be in manual or shutter speed priority. If you have more questions, feel free to ask. Sorry for bringing an old thread to the top, but if other people are having problems maybe this can help them too.
Buds are still gaining size! I am feeling pretty good. One more week and then I will add the dry Kool to the nutes and hopefully go into uncharted territory in dense buds compared to previous grows I have done. Many of the tops of the mother Cameo are the same size. She has 9 buds that are all about the same level of canopy. I am trying to not get too optimistic, but you know how that goes! lol

Here are some pics


These are all of Cameo strain. I can't really get good pics of Peachez since she is in the back of the cab and the plants got so tall. She is not very dense though :( I am hopeful that she fills out now that I moved her tops so that they are in front of the CFL's. For some reason she wasn't moving into the light on her own, but now she is LOVING it. I just hope it wasn't too late for her.