LED Noobs, STOP Buying China Junk

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Lol........where's my special hat at?

Really that expensive? Kangaroo blood in it? :-)
The shit kicks ass. I got some free from a Max Yield Indoor Grow Expo the Pro kit and a cuople of Cyco Flower shirts. I'll put one on and take a pic. Please fella's don't take me the wrong way. I can't help it I was born year of the monkey and I'm a Sagittarius well known for my antics lol.
The shit kicks ass. I got some free from a Max Yield Indoor Grow Expo the Pro kit and a cuople of Cyco Flower shirts. I'll put one on and take a pic. Please fella's don't take me the wrong way. I can't help it I was born year of the monkey and I'm a Sagittarius well known for my antics lol.

Don't use bottled ferts, I have water at home............but whatever works for you
Don't use bottled ferts, I have water at home............but whatever works for you
???? You have water at home? It's cool man. I don't know what you meant by that, but by you saying I don't use bottled ferts means you grow organic. At least you think you do. Why does everyone get butt hurt when I say things that are true?lol. I was trained in Karate by this guy

Please stop I'm in that comical mood.
My light DIY and when I'm finished flowering with the Mars II lights they will be on Ebay to make room for the Real LED light made in the USA with Chinese parts for 4 times the price lol and you'll buy it.

This thread is done. All I see is hate and lack of knowledge about whats made in China and whats made in the USA with Chinese parts. Riddle me that Batman? hahahahha
A lot of Chinese made stuff is very good. Volvos etc.trouble is sorting the good from the bad. Those lights earlier could be ok but from my experience the ones I bought were slapped together very poorly which is largely why almost all failed within 6 months. I think after 12 months I had 2 out of around 40 still working in the hallway.
I'm great buddy thanks for asking! I'm a regular lurker here and on LOS... It's impossible for me to go cold turkey on RIU considering the few people that, IMO, hold the LED section down and represent it in the utmost. Even in the face of all the attention hungry kids and impatient inexperienced who make utter fools of themselves, you and the others are still here offering great advice (and funny remarks).

How's life treatin' ya? Have you any interest in the party cup competition? I remember the first one lol, now I come back and there's all these top notch prizes and tons of entries.
I'm great buddy thanks for asking! I'm a regular lurker here and on LOS... It's impossible for me to go cold turkey on RIU considering the few people that, IMO, hold the LED section down and represent it in the utmost. Even in the face of all the attention hungry kids and impatient inexperienced who make utter fools of themselves, you and the others are still here offering great advice (and funny remarks).

How's life treatin' ya? Have you any interest in the party cup competition? I remember the first one lol, now I come back and there's all these top notch prizes and tons of entries.

I'm ok, work sucks in the winter..........good to hear your alright.

Yeah more entries, same amount of finishers though:P........lol..........might be bad timing again this round for me.
Thx everyone. Full disclosure is I've had troubles keeping temps up. The entire life of the plant it has been 66-68f lights on and 54f lights out. Couple that with some nutrient OD's and u got one hell of an exotic looking plant. 1 more week and I cut her down
35 days into my second run with my chinese junk mars2 1600w. Feedback on my first run was that the buds grown under it looked like cartoons.


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I have a question that has probably already been asked and answered on here. I notice that several of the more expensive (non chinese) companies use panels that look exactly like chinese company lights, to the T. Eshine systems for example I can name a few companies that use the same exact looking lights. Well known companies too. Now are these companies just using chinese cases while using better parts inside or are they just drop shipping from china? Has anyone ever opened them up side by side? I'm fairly new to the LED scene and this is just one thing I noticed
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