Led shed

total all the wattage of everything you'd want to run if the power was out.

Lights I know you said were 3000w.

Anything else you'll be running? If heat isn't a problem or for those times the powers out you could always run a propane heater.

Just guessing you're gonna want like an 5-8kw generator. Get a honda lol they are usually very quiet.

Also remember, the closer you run them to max load the more fuel they use. So always get a little more than you'll need.
Well we chopped 6 males today bummer but that means more room for other stuff :cool:. We had to transplant the two bigger girls into there final homes,10 gallon pots so I hope that gets them 10 more weeks. And we made a new cloning station and a new cup set up so we can see them root faster and get them in the bigger pots quicker.
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Ok update time, we have been having some issues with a few plants showing weard growth IMG_0198.JPG@Jellypowered we figured out what the problem was the two fixtures on these plants have been on 24 /7 for a while. I must have flipped the switch at some point and I never reset it. We found this out today while I was working on the room. At 203 I here click and I'm like wtf so I re set it to turn off at correct time so at 230 I see one go off than two and three, four and five are still on. I wait five mins and lights still on so I turn the light timer around two complete times before I figured out the switch had been set to stay on. Insert list of known swear wards here. Ok now on to more positive things. Here I have constructed the framing peaces there 2x4 I ripped 6 peaces 1.5x1.5 and 6 peaces 1.5x3. Screwed the 1.5x1.5 to the 1.5x3 forming a L shape. Pree drilling is a must here for anchoring I am using 5 5/8" screws for the ceiling and floor peaces. IMG_0280.JPGIMG_0291.JPG IMG_0292.JPGNew acIMG_0282.JPG after compleating the outer frame I ripped a 2x8 down to 6" wide,this will be the the post that will eventually close off the veg room. I placed this peace so that the veg aria would be 4'6" wide. The tent fabric is five foot wide so it will cover it with one peace. The second one is placed at 4'6 on center as well as the one for the veg room side. This makes for a wide pannel that can be removed for moving larger things in or out. And that leaves a hole that's about 32" wide every day access. Flower room width is 59" x12 foot. I used a kreg jig to do the joining.IMG_0297.JPG Ventilation so farIMG_0298.JPG IMG_0299.JPGand now a question regarding a def that is showing what do you think this is? I think it's start of ndef .02. IMG_0301.JPGIMG_0302.JPG
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