Well-Known Member
I had the same thing with another light last year, also in veg, i suspect its going to be one of the outlets on the timer not shutting completely, if that makes sense, or possibly the metal wire supports are completing a circuitI got curious about this when you mentioned that this light has it's own timer because one of my lights is like this. I started googling more about lights with timers and ran across this like 4 year old home improvement message board that may or may not apply. Here's the board link, but basically sounds like depending upon how the light is designed it may just have a hot wire running a constant, small amount of current to power the timer vs. having both a hot a neutral wires.
I don't know if that's the case with this Bozily grow light though. I also looked up your light on Amazon and see that it has/had good reviews, but a couple of reviews on there were from people who said their light was still on. I wonder what happens if you use it's timer by itself?
Anyway, I'm going to check on my light, but I wanted to share what I found with you

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