LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

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Wow, those dream teamers are fucking legit. how did you get so much concentration on vertical growth, is it a sativa? did you start them from clones or seeds? (sorry, I'm too stoned to remember)
great harvest!
Wow, those dream teamers are fucking legit. how did you get so much concentration on vertical growth, is it a sativa? did you start them from clones or seeds? (sorry, I'm too stoned to remember)
great harvest!

Thats Super Silver Haze man. The tall ones. I got the five fem seeds from green house seeds. Those were "the kids" from my last grow. Then three Widow and single Apollo but they are not as impressive as the haze.

I need to make some changes so I figured they will veg for a couple months I got time to swap cabinets, take a couple cuttings and start again.
Yea Fire, It needs a HPS ballast. The old type, Magnetic not a digital one.

The way I understand it is, its an all purpose bulb. You can veg and flower with it. Its not a regular Halide bulb its like a mix of both bulbs but the sodium part needs something called an igniter so they built it around a HPS ballast.

Then you got equal amounts of the full spectrum. Just blast it with that and it uses the light it needs when it needs it. No more switch because the bulb covers it all. I was impressed with the flowering possibilities so I checked out a couple journals and so far people say they like it. Good bud production and runs cooler. I am still going to veg with T5 and LED but this will flower the next batch.

The name is deceiving though, You do need a HPS ballast.

I have one of these in a 600w version works perfect on my lumatek digital ballast.
Thats interesting. Everything I have read states the CMH largest size is 400w.
Do you mean to say you are running a 400w CMH on a 600w digital ballast?

If thats the case, From what I understand your bulb will last about 20% of it's life.
It will work but not as long. Sort of defeats the purpose. This is supposed to last much longer. Thats why I say use metallic ballast.

Thanks for the info though.
Hey Packet, that's cool. I see what you mean now. Its not the same light but very similar.
So this runs off a digital ballast? Good to know there is an option. I am looking at a larger operation and was thinking two 600s

So let me ask you, You said it worked perfect right, the first time you flowered with it, do you think you got larger buds then with a sodium?

i havent used it in a grow yet, my next grow i am going to use it since its a bit late to swap them now.

Hey Packet, that's cool. I see what you mean now. Its not the same light but very similar.
So this runs off a digital ballast? Good to know there is an option. I am looking at a larger operation and was thinking two 600s

So let me ask you, You said it worked perfect right, the first time you flowered with it, do you think you got larger buds then with a sodium?

Dam, I am having a hell of a time finding a new cabinet. The guy I got the last one from had hundreds of used ones in a large warehouse. Hes out of business. There are still a couple places here that deal in used office furniture but nothing I can use.

I have looked at new prices. Looks like about $400 for 36x24x78 and $500 for XXL but at least I would get something I could live with. I am still checking Craig's list. I found a couple for around $150 but they were kinda fucked up or putty in color and that wont do. I want black, or maybe Grey.

I sold off my HPS ballast to my nephew. I tried it with the new bulb and it worked fine. Hes just getting started and bought a CMH bulb. I wanted to make sure he got the right ballast. I am going to get a new sun systems xtra sun 400w with lamp cord at the local hydro shop. That way if there is any trouble with a new ballast its on me.

I made hash out of the widow leaf last night. I got a couple grams out of the leaf, I still haven't done the trim. Maybe I will do that tonight.

Its weird not having a grow going here. Around eight when the lights used to go on I look up and think "OK time to check on the girls" But I look over and nothing is happening.

Heres a couple shots of the dream team from sat.



I don't think I got you guys a shot of the widow clones. They are no where near as large as the Haze but they are doing fine.


Looks like we will have a screen up tomorrow. Not quite as long as I figured, we don't have that much cover.
The good thing is my buddy already has it built. We are going to screen the tall silver haze and keep the widows off to the side.
Okay, my bud took a couple pics for us of the build.
Got a couple shelf brackets and painted them flat camo black.


Got a couple sticks and painted them too.


Then he drilled holes for the brackets.


Checked the lineup of the holes.



He attached the screen to the sticks before bringing them up there. the smaller holes will be opened up as we need to. Didn't realize it was garden fence till he got home.


Now the hard part. You have to realize there is only about 18” of walkway up there.
One slip and down the hill you go.


Looks cool huh?


Put the tall ones through and back under. Here is my favorite shot.


From underneath.


Heres the clones, they are pre flowering already.


Stinky Widow


You can see how they are starting to weave through the screen.


Painted the top of the screen camo green mixed with black so its stealth too.


Hey guys,

Ok well, I have been trying to find a new cabinet and I am tired of the bull shit I have been going through with these people on Craigslist. Whats with these people who dont answer there emails or cant post a picture. Fuck em, I buying a new one.

I dont want to pay the price of new (like $600 for what I want) So after a lot of searching on the net I found a place that will ship me a jumbo 48x24x78 Cabinet for $389. I will need to assemble it but I get about twice the growing space.

While I am waiting for the new one I took my old one (36x18x72) and set it outside in the sun. I figure that will warm it up and hatch the eggs but there will be no plants. Then it will get like over real hot in there and cook the bitches.

Well thats my plan we will see if it works.

If you also keep a super high humidity while its in the sun, those bastard eggs will pop. who'd you get the cab through?
Hey Goat,

I got the cab through thenerds.net. They have a special on shipping this weekend. 9.99 for all ground shipments.
Most places charge about $120 to ship something this big. Like 220 lbs. in two cartons.

Ya think I should get the other cab humid to hatch the eggs huh? You know, your probally right. I didnt think of that.

Thanks man.

wow, fantastic deal on shipping, makes the whole thing cheaper...
if you have a humidifier or a swamp fan, leave it in the tent for at least 6-9 days. humidity at 80-100% should destroy their society, according to my guru/ buddy. Of course, bleach everything before you use it again. Using both cabs, you are gonna be so set bro, thats awesome.
Yea, I'm excited.
I really don't have the money to do this but if I don't do it now I wont do it later.

I cant put a humidifier in the cab outside. No power where its at, besides at 3 feet wide and 6 feet tall a humidifier will soak the walls in an hour. I have tried it. I will put a couple tubs of water in there and spray it down.

This new cab is a monster dude. Heres a pic


My plan is to cut a hole in the floor 6x12 inches and set a floor register in the hole. That will be the intake.
Then cut/mount a couple fans on the floor pointing up. I got a bathroom fan I am mounting in the top for exhaust and that will be vented outside along with the cooltube I made. All stealth.

Once I get it up and running I will bring in the other cab and use it for veg or mothers. Depends on if I stay with my current system or build an Aero flow system. Heres what I came up with,


I got a few grows under my belt and think I could pull it off now.

First I think I will fill the new cab with a waterfarm 8 pack I have out in the shed. Set up the new CMH and just let them go from clone to flower. Really test this new bulb. OK well now I know the size I am going to get ready.


I got the cabinet today, Wow that was fast, less then a week.
Of course I will need to assemble it but first I need to get the area ready.

Today I built the window box for the exhaust and got a better idea how I am going to run it.
You see, the flower cabinet is about 4 inches taller then the window opening. I just extended
the box frame to accommodate it. That old piece of plywood you see through the window was my old idea of stealth. lol

Heres some pics.

Here is the window.


I found a sheet of plywood and cut the sides, Notched them at the top


I have a second cabinet to vent so I cut a notch for one of those space saving dryer vent ducts.


Then the back was two piece, I need to align the cabinet and drill the four inch holes so I figure
to get them straight I will try and drill it at the same time then move the cabinet to mount the flanges.


Then to make it stealth from the outside view I put the blinds back up and angled them down.


Then used duct tape and weather stripping to seal it up.



OK, got the box done, Here is a shot of the fan I got. It will be mounted inside at top dead center.


It says its 80 cfm but it feels like a whole lot more. Only 4 inches tall. I needed some way to attach
it so I got a sleeve and a PVC reducer from 4 to 3 inches and a flange from a reflector.


Next is to cut the hole in the floor for the intake. Thing is, I am not sure where the floor Joice's are.
I think they are 24" on center.
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