LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

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Ok, here we go. I am going to try aeroponics now. I am tired of dealing with hydroton. I havent tried it in the past because I dont want to haul all that dam water but I think I figured out a way I can do it without using a large res.

First I start with a rubbermaid under the bed storage container.




I cut holes for 2 inch net pots


This way I can open one side at a time.


Sorry Pic is kinda bulry, but I used 1/2 in pvc to make the frame and I got eight full spray sprinlkers on the center tubes. I will probally add more to the out side but I am going to start with this.


I put it in with the jets pointing down.



The jets are one inch away from eight of the pots. the two center pots will be ok after I get a few roots. I may need to move them around a bit when they are small.



Then put the fill line through the hole.



Here is a shot from inside.


Here is the new Cycle timer I got today. $100 shipped to my door. Got here fast too.


Tomorrow I will drill holes for the two drains. I sketched out my plan in Microsoft paint.


I am going to try this with a five gallon res. I know it should be three times that size but I carry the bottles.
If I keep an eye on it and I usually do, hopefully I will be able to keep it under 10 gal a week.
Where I think I am going to have a problem is with temptature of the water. From what I have read 65° is ideal.
Even with the intake right by the res I think I am going to be in the 70's

Man I hope this works.


OK I got the drain supply's Two bathroom sink drains. they are 1 1/4 size.
The deal is there is no tubbing or elbows I could find that would work with them. But I found a reducer fitting that attachés 1 1/2 PVC to 1 1/4 drain.


see the one on the left?


Thats the key. Once I get to 1 1/2 there is all kinds of fittings. OK, time to get to work.
OK First thing is to cut the rear wheels off. By leaving the front ones on it will tilt it back for better drainage.




Cut the holes for the drains.


Lined it up and cut the hole in the shelf too


The drains I got are to be installed in a thicker material like a sink maybe?
Anyway the rubber washer will have to be messed with. I used my dremel tool to grind the rubber to get them to fit.
(The one on the left is done.)


Got some silicon for the lip and got the drains installed in the tub and cut the holes in the shelf.
Wrapped the tub with duct tape and set it in.


Next I got some cardboard left over from the cabinet shipment and use it to help block the light.
I cut it to fit up under the lip at the top.


Then got under there and hooked it up. Well all except the last section.


I tested it before mounting and there were no leaks. so far so good. the right side is slightly higher then the left for better drainage. I glued the joints between the extenders but I didn't glue the PVC inside the tub because it didn't leak and if it does it is inside anyway. besides I can twist the center tubes and angle the spray this way.

OK done for today.

No way!....Thats so funny...
I seriously stood in Lowes one day for an hour looking at those underbed bins trying to think of ways to make a cloner.

THANK YOU CRUZER!!! Love the idea!
No way!....Thats so funny...
I seriously stood in Lowes one day for an hour looking at those underbed bins trying to think of ways to make a cloner.

THANK YOU CRUZER!!! Love the idea!

No Problem man. I cant guarantee it will work but I think it will. Make sure you build the PVC frame so it wedges at the top. The sides of the tubs are tapered so it will stay there. Also I think it would be better not to glue the PVC inside the tub. I already had to twist one pipe so water would hit a net pot. After roots grow I will twist it back.

Working on a res today, I almost got it finished.

Heres what I got done today,

First I covered the rest of the tub so no light gets in. I used this spray glue to attach the mylar.



and covered the front with more cardboard.


This will be the timer rack


OK now the res.
I have a water farm eight pack I am not using right now. In the set is what they call a controller. I have
already modified the 8 pack so there were extra holes already drilled in it. I was going to try and plug them up but instead I took advantage of the holes.

This will be the front, the blue tube is my water level monitor/drain


Heres the opposite side. those lower holes were already there so I connected them and inside added a power head so this will mix the water.


here is inside


You see the air stone is under where the water comes back into the res. between the wall and the main pump.

Here is a better shot.


the power head pumps the water from the other side of the res, out and back through the wall, the water shoots through the bubbles and in the pump.

Then when its time for a res change I twist the water indicator and drain the res.


gets most of it


I was thinking maybe I could chill that line outside the res. I looked at chillers. they are kinda of expensive and draw too much power for me. Like 280 watts. I gotta think of some other way to cool the water and this just may be a start. I have one of those small coolers you plug into your cigarette lighter and keeps food cold without ice. Maybe I can get a converter and poke some holes? I wonder if that would work. You think someone would have thought of it already.

OK, well tomorrow the electrical.

Hey Pimp,

Good to see ya man. Last I remember you were moving or something. Hope things are good.
Thanks for the complement on the setup. It isn't exactly a stinkbud 9000 but hopefully it will do.

I couldn't figure out how to do it with the 4 inch PVC on a shelf. It was the draining part I couldn't
figure out how to get the way I wanted. I'm afraid the drain stinkbud came up with would clog.
I liked Earls design but that requires a lot of water.

His design is probably the best way to go but I am going to try this. You know me, I will probably tear
the whole fucking thing out and re build after the first flower. Depends on how much water I use.

Stick around my friend, This my first areoponics grow and will need some pointers.

Thanks for dropping by.
for your 300w HPS flower SCOG Cabinet, What are those cube things you started ur plants in? whats it called and where could i get them? would it be ok for seeds to start in? If you could help me out, that would be great, I'm a newb grower.
for your 300w HPS flower SCOG Cabinet, What are those cube things you started ur plants in? whats it called and where could i get them? would it be ok for seeds to start in? If you could help me out, that would be great, I'm a newb grower.
Hi Ryan,

I have tried a few things to start plants in and in my opinion Rapid Rooters are the best. Then when I see roots ( within a week) I put them in the rockwool cubes. makes it very easy to move them around.

I have learned a lot here at rollitup and I am happy to help out.
There is a FAQ section here you can check out. They are working on that though.
I put together a website and on the left is a section "What I have learned" the info is just what I observed but I go through germ/clone there.

Here is a link http://hydrobuds.net

Good luck man.

I think outbound links are ok here. Admin, please advise.

Hi people,

I got the electrical done today, I wired up the tube with new cord so it will go into my new ballast. Oh I forgot to mention I got a new Hydro farm ballast today. My old setup was hardwired so I needed to install the hydro farm lamp cord. I got a new 15 foot heavy duty cord for the duct fan too. It really didn't need it but I wanted the weight the same on both sides to keep the light level. I hooked it all up to timers and stuff. i still need to clean it up. hydro system went through a 4 hour test run, No leaks. Weird thing though, the new ceramic metal halide bulb felt cooler when I tested it in the old cab. I ran the lights with the fans and it only went up 3° though. That's much better then before. i was hitting 10 to 15° hotter then room temp with HPS and the old fans.
Duh, I should have compared it with outside temps. I did that test last night.
So, I did it again today. It is 70 outside and temps were 79° thats more accurate.

However I am getting more lumen's than before. The meter I bought used on ebay when I was testing LED lighting. It only goes up to 2000 foot candles or lumen's. At 19 inches away before I got about 1200 lm. now at 20 inches I get 1800. Go figure, I guess the old bulb I had was pretty much shot.


I have eight sprinklers in there now. I got what was available, I will replace them with the green jets when I can. Maybe add more to the outside tubes too.


Here is the new ballast, It is twice as tall as I thought it would be. oops.



For a reflector I took one of those oven liners I had and cut it. Then formed it around the top of the tube and clipped on the wings I had with strapping tape. Here is what we got so far.


So now I have 48" by 24" flower area compared to 36" by 18" I will be using the same amount of power, the 400 watts. I realize I will have about 6 inches on both ends that will be shy a bit the meter measured 1300 so I think will add some side lighting, maybe a couple of cfl's or a of par 30 red led spotlights on each side. I dont know if the LED will make much difference, I can always just screw in a different bulb.

what is going to be the hight on that flower room? and how tall will you start flower 2 week veg or more? you going to veg then flower all in one cabent? looks great cruz!
what is going to be the hight on that flower room? and how tall will you start flower 2 week veg or more? you going to veg then flower all in one cabent? looks great cruz!

Hey Cutman,

Thanks man.

Well, the cabinet is 78 inches tall I have 55 inches to flower. Less the light and tub figure about 40 inches. I think I will screen them at 12 inches. By going four feet wide and 2 feet deep I have just about doubled my flower area.

I set this up with a ceramic metal halide bulb that just came out. Its made by Phillips and covers the full spectrum so I can veg and flower with the same light.

The first time around I am starting from seed in the system. I wont need all that power at fist so I will use the veg light out of the old cab. Its a Sunblaze T5. It has four 24" tubes. I also have some cfls for the sides.

I figure two weeks of that then I remove it and fire up the 400w, veg for two more weeks and flower for eight. I will take a couple cuttings and grow mothers in the smaller cabinet while they flower. Couple weeks before harvest I strip the mothers for clones and toss them. I made a couple small bubble cloners with the same size net pots.

Harvest and plug in the new clones. easy, no muss no fuss.
I'm sure it will take me a couple grows to get the hang of areoponics but from the journals I have read I think it is the best way to go.

Once this is up and running I hope to yield eight OZ every two months.
This first grow is going to be under the worst conditions possible mid summer like this. So if I get it to work the first time the rest will be a breeze.

How are those girls doing outside? My Widow has flowers already.


Outdoor scrog

Plants are doing great. I only wish my hydro looked as good.



They all have reached the screen now


The Widow


The Widows already have pre flowers


We tossed the Apollo,
Man that thing was twisted. It was real small compared to the others. We were afraid it would herm so it is gone.
I guess it lost something in its genetics. It was a clone of a clone of a clone of a clone of a plant I grew from seed. I think I got enough of that now. lol

lades look good there . i didnt net mine just letting them go, that one with 1s and 3 leaves is still going never pulled it. just going to see what happens. this thing is weird wounder if its going to bud, dont know but one things for sure im going to learn from it.
She almost 6' tall. the blue berry and the crystal are budding, is that naturel at this time of summer? being outside light what it is you know. harvest 2 more yesterday. A crystal and a bag, there hanging. LOL i half to go gets some more jars bummer huh lol. Others that harvested 3 weeks are still in curing, smoke a piece last night and tasted ok not great, burping a couple times a day, but now its ever 2 days, its smokes easy and not harsh, so its working good. going to harvest blue berry and another bag nexts week.
So from seed your going to go 4 week to flower basicly, and your flower hight is about 40 TO 44" right.
GODDAM those are tall ladies... and thanks for all the setup pics, I plan to download them and save them for the rainy day when I have any money to buy eqt. ever get rid of those mites in the other tent?
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