LED/T5 Veg, 400W HPS Flower SCOG Cabinet

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Box looks killer dude, really well put together. Are you just using a duct booster fan on the cool tube?

Yep, I got it pointing away from the tube though. I cut the fan housing to short on the fan side. If I were to do it again I would blow across the light. Those 4" duct boosters fan pump like 110 cfm.
lades look good there . i didnt net mine just letting them go, that one with 1s and 3 leaves is still going never pulled it. just going to see what happens. this thing is weird wounder if its going to bud, dont know but one things for sure im going to learn from it.
She almost 6' tall. the blue berry and the crystal are budding, is that naturel at this time of summer? being outside light what it is you know. harvest 2 more yesterday. A crystal and a bag, there hanging. LOL i half to go gets some more jars bummer huh lol. Others that harvested 3 weeks are still in curing, smoke a piece last night and tasted ok not great, burping a couple times a day, but now its ever 2 days, its smokes easy and not harsh, so its working good. going to harvest blue berry and another bag nexts week.
So from seed your going to go 4 week to flower basicly, and your flower hight is about 40 TO 44" right.
Always good to keep record so you can compare on the next grow and learn. Yes My Outdoor plants are budding too. Kinda early this year. Oh poor baby, you need more jars. Ha ha ha. Don't ya love it?
I bet you love the blue Berry. I haven't grow it but I hear it is Great smoke, just a little shy on bud size though. Let me know how it works out. So Yea basically, from seed 4 weeks then flower. Thats the plan, I haven't grown areoponics before. I hear they veg 30% faster. So we will see. The total height is 44" yes, but they can grow up the sides another 4 or five inches. If I get them that tall I can always take off the reflectors.

GODDAM those are tall ladies... and thanks for all the setup pics, I plan to download them and save them for the rainy day when I have any money to buy eqt. ever get rid of those mites in the other tent?

Hey Goat,

Yea them bitches have LEGS! If we didn't screen them they would be over 6 feet and we still got a couple months. I think they will over fill the screen and we may have to tie down the big cola's.. I cant wait.

Yea the fucking mites? The old cabinet is sitting out in the sun now.
I got a bucket of water in it. I am trying to hatch the bastards and they will have nothing to survive on and die!

Then maybe I will bring it in and put two mothers on the bottom in dirt and put the cutting on the upper shelf in bubbler's. I will use the same 2 inch net post so I can just plug them in the flower box when ready.

thats the plan.

Yeah I have the same 4 inch fan cooling my veg box. They put out a lot of air for the price, works great
They sure do. Hey I checked out your journal, Nice.

Those were some dark leaves on that #3 plant. 72 grams wet is what you got with a 250w eh? Not bad. I was thinking of going with a 250w set up. That and LEDs

I see you bubble water in your cloner for humidity I tried that but I think they got too wet, I spray the inside of the dome with water once a day. Works for me.

Anyway thanks for the complement on the cabinet, I hope I am not going to far here trying areoponics. My lady, She tells me I tend to over do things.

Like I made this today to make lables for my bud jars


LOL I think she just dosent like the image.

edit: Now I know she dont like the image.
I know you guys wanna see green but I am almost there,

I let the system go for a couple days and I kept seeing water on the lower shelf. I pulled it out and set it on the table and ran it no leaks but after a while I had water. I finally figured it out. The res was sweating on the bottom. Building up condensation and lt seeped out the bottom edge.


Well I fixed that by razing the res so air could flow under it. so far so good. I got the side lighting in, didn't use the LED I used CFL's

Now it is time for the last test. I have my growing medium, Rapid rooter cubes set in the net pots. They are not getting direct spray, I want to see if the humidity alone will keep them damp enough.


They were a little small so I cut some foam to hold them in at first.
I got some neoprene collars for when I get some clones but this will be starting from seed this first grow.


and plug them in.


Got all the timers installed where I can get to them this time.


I got the 400w and the duct fan on the hydro farm timer, the CFL's, CO2 and res mixer pump on the other. I still have to refill the CO2 but I wont need it for a while yet.

The next thing I am tweaking on in a diy chiller to keep the water cold in the res this summer. Most chillers I have found have been larger then I need so this is what I have in mind.


Portable cooler. I got this on ebay for $30 Its 12v DC says it will keep temps 40° lower then ambient temps. I found a 5.8 amp DC converter for $15 shipped. I read that to figure wattage you multiply amps by volts. That means this will only use 60 watts. I can use it with the pump that circulates the res water. I think I should fill the cooler with water or something to conduct better than air, any ideas?

OK, Pretty much done,
I have almost doubled my space, cut the noise in half, (to about the sound of a fridge) eliminated hydroton and Rockwool.
With the window box my neighbor only sees the blinds. I have a fresh supply of air from under the house where I don’t think those spider mites would be and an 80 CFM exhaust directly above supplying the underside of the leaf with fresh air, 110 CFM Duct fan for the light. I have CO2 supplement I will run Once they hit the screen. A new Ceramic Metal Halide 400w light and new Hydrofarm Ballast. Four CFL's and the Custom Aerotub Hydroponic system.

Oh, and everything is grounded this time.

Lets Grow!

Couple days ago I checked out those Widow buds from the last grow, found the one that had a few seeds.


I had five that looked good but I soaked them all overnight. next day tapped them and six sank.


I put them all in a paper towel kept them warm and in two days pop! We got five.


I split the rooter cube and put them in with the root tip pointing down.


In one empty cube I placed the temp probe. that registers the out temp on the thermometer


Got out the seedling heat map and plugged it into the second daytime timer I have the CFL's and res circulating pump on.
I actually run that at night to keep them warm.


I want the root zone between 80 and 84° and upper temp about 75°


I don't have a thermostat for the heat map, too cheap I guess. I use sticks under the pan to raise it


Im going to hand water them while they are young.
By putting them in the tray I can control moisture better.

These are the seeds that didn't’t pop right away.


I put water on them and will give them a couple more days.
But if they don’t pop I have backup.

I Have these feminized Train wreck from my last order.


I also have five Mazar seeds that would need to be sexed.
So either way this first crop will have females and flower out. Then I will plug in there clones for a second round.

Once I get the hang of this system, I will get some awesome genetics and grow a mother or two.

about dam time cant wait to see some green. my green is lookin pretty, will post some new pics soon,lots of little 4 week flowers, it getting nasty hot here put a bigger fan up under the the vent in the ceiling, in hope to get more heat out inside barn, Its heating up to 95, going to put a bigger ac unit in there 8000btu just not enough. but going to leave it so if needed i can use both units. after this last grow im going to gut the barn and insolate the walls and ceiling and put it all back. That should it, keep nice and cool in their. for my airponics set up. just like yours but on a little bigger scale,lol dirt got to go, heat will not be a problem after i fix the barn better. water heat im going to run the water line into a little frig to cool it then to the tub. and i can keep my beer out there for when i get dry mouth lol. should work though.
about dam time cant wait to see some green.
No shit man, I just had to get rid of those dam mites.

That and that other cab was my first shot at building one and I learned how to do it right. So now the building is done and I have what I want. Dam, if I had a barn I would go nuts. It would be a friggin jungle and I would probably not only have a six pack out there but a cot and live in it.
Look forward to the pics. I will check your journal now.
added a couple of extra pic of barn and out side ladys. hey should i trim that big one up a ways. or just let her go. shes 6 foot now and 4 foot around. thats the one with 1 and 3 leaves but at all nodes has hairs no balls. and see my little bud on that blue cheese, the other is a crystal and blue berry. hey on the inside the blue berry looks done, but flowers arnt very big. not like the other that is. soon as this is done im going to make a jungle with your help.
sorry wont post any more pics on your thread just thought you might want to see the barn


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Cool Man,

I don't mind you posting attachments here, saves me a trip to your journal. lol. But I gotta tell ya, when you said barn I pictured something a little bigger. Actually though, that size would be much easier to work with.

I don't know how much you want to grow or what available space you have outside but what I would consider is first get a calender, figure your outdoor months and available space. South western exposure is best.
I would try and get a patch about 6 feet deep by as wide as you can go.

Turn the soil over, go down over a foot, add mulch, layout PVC to water with. Somewhere along the line add a two way valve. what you can use this for is to add nutrients when you want to. just run a pipe to a tub and water with a pump leaving the tap off. Plant three plants deep (every 2 feet.) Then drive stakes all around it and put up a fence to keep the deer out.

Make a veg room where you grow mothers indoors out of your best genetics. Like three plants and grow them a 5 gallon bucket in soil. Grow them about three feet tall, keep topping them, top the side branches too.
As you trim your mothers clone the trim and that grow indoors in the off season. Each mother will give you like 30 clones.

Come March or April harvest your clones for outside. The mothers will grow back in a month. Then put them outside too and start again.

In November turn the barn into a drying room and fill it up.

Dude, you can have a truckload every Christmas plus a few small harvests during the year to keep you busy.
White widow 2 days old.


I checked the other seeds and found one that sprouted so I put it in the cube.
Now we got six. They are late, just like women.

Come on baby, I need one more from this batch.

I started the Train wreck last night,
In a couple hours all five dropped to the bottom of the shot glass so they are
in towels now.

I figure since a female lightly hemmed and pollinated itself or another female I got female seeds.
So, I decided against the Mazar and went with the fem train wreck.


Temps are rising...
:joint:my plant is 4 wks old and seems to be turning brown at the end ov the odd leaf s but look healthy so dontunderstand really couple of pics to have a loot at and its a outdoor weed plant grown in a hot green house:joint:


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hey i put a new 12000 btu ac unit in and bamm nice and cool was 88-89 now 2 hours later 78.9 inside. And its hotter than shit out side!!!. but have both ac units running so. going to go turn the smaller one off and see in a hour what it is. hopefully its going to be the same if not then ill run both. But hey no more heat stress. it was running 96-98 in there before the new ac.
Wow, 10 degrees in a grow room is big man. Coooooool
Keep an eye on you humidity, when your flowering shouldn't be no prob but if your only vegging it could drop.

Good move on the AC.

:joint:my plant is 4 wks old and seems to be turning brown at the end ov the odd leaf s but look healthy so dontunderstand really couple of pics to have a loot at and its a outdoor weed plant grown in a hot green house:joint:

Welcome to my grow journal. any questions you may have about my grow I would be happy to answer.
I see you are new here. Let me point you in the right direction. This is where you should post your questions.


If you want my advice, I suggest you read up here a bit.


Just from what I see, I think you should get more air to your plants. cut holes on the sides of your greenhouse or remove them. While you are doing that. Get some fresh water, about 3 gallons of it and slowly water your plant until all the water is gone. Yes it will drip out the bottom.

That will flush out the nutrients. Wait several days before watering again.
When you are at the FAQ section, look up PH.

Thanks for stopping by.


I Started the Train Wreck couple nights ago. Here they are at 48 hours. Fast huh.


All five on top are them. The lower are the widow. Couple more days and I toss them.

So I put them in cubes last night about 1/4 down from the hole and covered the hole.


I thought it was time for more light.
I figured why run 400w from 3 feet away when I got the T5 HO I can run close at 100w


24 Hours later...



I don't think they will have any trouble catching up with there sisters.

Thanks man, I put a lot of thought into it. Lets hope it produces well.

This is my first shot at aeroponics and summer is here.

I am still working on cooling the water in the res. My first idea was the portable cooler but it just wont do it. I was able to get about an 18 degree difference between the two but running the water through it only cooled the res a couple degrees and I am going to need more than that.

I searched the net and found a couple DIY chillers. Found one where a guy basically gut a small refer and use the cooling unit. Put it right inside the res, pump water over it to cool.

So today I got on Craig's list and found a 1.7 cu ft refer for $55 I went and got it but I am going to need a new blade to cut the box. Maybe I can just grind it. I am going to tackle that this weekend.

Thanks for droping in Pimp.

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