LED Technology in the next 3-5 years?

There are more commercial led grow light companies out there now than in the past and the market share is growing in leaps and bounds. Leds are takling over as the primary lighting source world-wide. In the US LED lighting is being used for street lights programmable style, office lighti9ng, and yes grow lighting. various companies have entire units focused on just row lighting led technology. Thee mmj community just needs to stay current instead of thin king like old men all the time. LED is lighting of the future here now, and has over 20 years research by NASA and other government/private agencies. You can read LED magazine a monthly that speaks to the industry. The architectural community is leading the direction as architects are well aware of lighting and it's impact on society in more ways than most people consider, from light spectrum and human behavior.

Plan on LED lights for all growing in the next three to five years and mostly in green houses for supplemental lighting like many out west for controlled green houses with black out screens for 12/12 operation, and micro greens are using them in storage containers already and warehouses top supply restaurants.
There are more commercial led grow light companies out there now than in the past and the market share is growing in leaps and bounds. Leds are takling over as the primary lighting source world-wide. In the US LED lighting is being used for street lights programmable style, office lighti9ng, and yes grow lighting. various companies have entire units focused on just row lighting led technology. Thee mmj community just needs to stay current instead of thin king like old men all the time. LED is lighting of the future here now, and has over 20 years research by NASA and other government/private agencies. You can read LED magazine a monthly that speaks to the industry. The architectural community is leading the direction as architects are well aware of lighting and it's impact on society in more ways than most people consider, from light spectrum and human behavior.

Plan on LED lights for all growing in the next three to five years and mostly in green houses for supplemental lighting like many out west for controlled green houses with black out screens for 12/12 operation, and micro greens are using them in storage containers already and warehouses top supply restaurants.

I have to smirk at this post and wonder what the next generation will say in response in 7 or so years :blsmoke:
There are 20 watt, non-directional, LED arrays available right now from CREE http://cxa.cree.com/ can't a lens be put on this to make it applicable to your needs? These are not all that expensive and from what I hear extremely bright, white spectrum light. Possibly something worth looking at.

This guy/girl is (was) on to it....theorized (predicted) COB use and white spectrum (full) light LEDs... probably @Growmau5 's big sister before he framed her and took all her knowledge.... ;)
3-5 years whatever - 2 Questions??

1 - How many LED Heads are even using the same system they were bragging about just 1 year ago??

2 - How many more years till one of the posters in this section will actually satisfy this challenge? :

- many are using the same rigs from last year and beyond

-Hmmmm, because you're in a CANNABIS growing sub forum? It's valuable indoor real estate for most......
1. Still using cxa3590's I purchased in 2014. (Just running them at 12w a piece now) all the friends want the fancy strip builds but I'm cheap and the 3590's work great. Also still listening to tapes on my nakamichi dragon.

2. :lol:

3-5 years whatever - 2 Questions??

1 - How many LED Heads are even using the same system they were bragging about just 1 year ago??

2 - How many more years till one of the posters in this section will actually satisfy this challenge? :
-Hmmmm, because you're in a CANNABIS growing sub forum? It's valuable indoor real estate for most......
That is weak sauce... perfect opportunity for some of those claiming to know so much about light spectrum to demonstrate and set the record straight on photomorphogenesis.
I doubt 1 sq ft in a veg garden is going to be putting anyone's cannabis garden out of business....
There is a lot to be learned about cannabis vegetative growth response with the different spectrums too. I still see a LOT of bonsai squashed led veg plants around here :lol:
2 - How many more years till one of the posters in this section will actually satisfy this challenge? :
I was actually going to try lettuce under LED this spring, I haven't seen that thread until now, but can you quickly summarize? I am assuming that by this challenge, you're saying it either can't be done, or is inadequate in getting the job done. Just looking for a bit of elaboration, I mean, I don't want to waste time if it can't be done, but I would give it a go to satisfy the challenge.