Led Users Unite!


New Member
Don't mean to be a dick but looks like you have hardly any bud structure for being 61 days in. What spectras are you using?
in another thread he said the heats really taking a toll on his plants...that's probably the reason...heat slowing down the flowering stage


Well-Known Member
I don't know he said day 61 of 12/12 so I'm assuming its 61 days since he flipped the lights on 12/12


Active Member
Don't mean to be a dick but looks like you have hardly any bud structure for being 61 days in. What spectras are you using?
Yea, they are slow as fuck this time around. The heat is definitely taking a toll on them. They're in a shed and despite $400 worth of insulation and a 12000 BTU A/C unit, I'm still getting 91 degree temps. Which isn't bad because without the LEDs, I wouldn't be able to run anything right now. I'm excited for when the heat actually breaks here which unfortunately won't be until September or so. We're going on 30+ days of 100 degree temps now.

Also, I topped some of the LSD and it seems like she doesn't like that. The plants that I didn't top are the ones that are budding out the most right now. The ones that are way behind the others on the right were the ones that were topped.

The unknown purple strain is almost finished and it looks nice. They're the girls in the front left. I don't think she's going to be a super yielder but she smells like candy and should be some fire. I figured they'd be done by now but after I backed the light off them they started throwing off a shitload of new pistils so it looks like they have at least another week. The LSD looks like at least 2 more weeks for the ones that are coming along now.


Well-Known Member
Here is my 2 cents even though I know 2 cents is practically worthless.

LED lighting will allow a plant to photosynthesize. It provides energy to a plant for growth. The best, and in my opinion ONLY practical use for LED growing, is with confined spaces where heat and ventilation is an issue. The bottom line is- it is possible to grow a plant to completion using only LED lights... fact. I think we all know that..

1. LED lights are way too expensive
2. Yield is typically substantially less than HID

what most HID growers fail to acknowledge is that LED grow lights do serve a practical purpose and do produce adequate results for those who use them correctly. If one only needs a small harvest to get by, and uses a 16" by 16" by 4ft grow space, LED is not a bad idea.

Again, this is only my 2 cents, LED has worked for me, temperatures are not a big issue, and for the amount of watts they draw, results have been more than adequate for me.


Active Member
Don't mean to be a dick but looks like you have hardly any bud structure for being 61 days in. What spectras are you using?
Also, I'm a horrible photographer. I'm just not good with a camera. I looked at the pics and it does look leaner than they do in person. The LSD in the middle looks leafy but it is filling in. I've never had plants grow like they have. They stretched and shot of 1 finger leaves (like sugar leaves) and now they're starting to fill in.


Active Member
Here is my 2 cents even though I know 2 cents is practically worthless.

LED lighting will allow a plant to photosynthesize. It provides energy to a plant for growth. The best, and in my opinion ONLY practical use for LED growing, is with confined spaces where heat and ventilation is an issue. The bottom line is- it is possible to grow a plant to completion using only LED lights... fact. I think we all know that..

1. LED lights are way too expensive
2. Yield is typically substantially less than HID

what most HID growers fail to acknowledge is that LED grow lights do serve a practical purpose and do produce adequate results for those who use them correctly. If one only needs a small harvest to get by, and uses a 16" by 16" by 4ft grow space, LED is not a bad idea.

Again, this is only my 2 cents, LED has worked for me, temperatures are not a big issue, and for the amount of watts they draw, results have been more than adequate for me.
I agree that confined spaces is where LED shines, the light from a LED panel is so damn directional that using mylar walls becomes needed to confine your space and take advantage of what you can. I think this can and will change however as more R&D is done on spacing of diodes, lens tech and other methods of spreading directional light.

Yes, LED lights are expensive and thats because we are just now beginning to create a stronger demand for them both commercially and for general consumers. A decent LED 60w replacement bulb is priced at $25 to $40 but they are coming down. Spreading the light is a challenge on both fronts but the tech is improving at a crazy rate.

I don't really agree with yield (based on what data we have out there) The LED tech from any panel bought in 2011 has what it takes to surpass it's HID equivalent but with LED comes many other grow changes and learning curves. I just faced an issue that I never had before recently when I was shocked at how my soil was taking so long to dry out, a much lighter mix is needed to make up for the lack of heat that would regularly add to drying out the soil. I then added an additional fan to help correct the issue which was a mistake because I ended up with wind burn on my seedlings. Luckily this is my calibration grow to fine tune and work out kinks like this from any future grows. There is a learning curve with LED lights and one simply shouldn't expect to come off from growing on HID's and have greater results without adapting to a new light that produces a chain reaction of other possible changes.

I should also add that LED's are capable of light bleaching which is kind of a big deal because it has nothing to do with heat but instead it's a overdose of light, back in the day we never could have figured out that there was such thing as too much light because the sun or HID's would create a heat burn problem before you would get the bleach effect. crazy stuff :P

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
that is a complete joke, you wanna post up some info on that instead of just runnin your mouth cuz im callin bullshit on that ALL day. Kessil is THE most technologically advanced LED company right now you cannot argue that whatsoever. What they use to produce their light is NOTHING like any other LED on the market and you are going to tell me that shit you just posted lol i doubt that a lot. If it was true how come you didnt post who this real player is in the industry...

Also im calling out everyone who says LED's dont produce the same amount of bud watt for watt that an HPS does. Take an LED that USES actually USES 400 watts on a killawatt and a 400w HPS and I can guarantee you will pull more with the LED than the HPS. If you dont you bought a POS led or you dont know how to grow. If i can pull as much as i did INFESTED with gnats and mites and WAY to much shit on my hydro table you just can't say many of the things that are still going around you can't. Most of the people still talkin shit are talkin out of their ass cuz they have never used an led or used a decent one.

Have fun paying for HPS bills.

Mesa you are 100% right about the light with LED's you show me a sun or HPS grow that had enough light intensity to BLEACH the chlorophyll out of the leaves before burn happens and ill give you everything i own. The only reason LED's cant "burn" plants is because the visible light doesnt carry as much heat as the light from the sun or HPS...

Honestly the only reason i come to this thread anymore now is when i feel like arguing lol. Maybe its because i feel like being a dick right now, or im just tired of stupidty and shit talkers who are too cheap to take the plunge and find out for real instead they just feel like bad mouthing shit.

I see ppl still relying upon nonsense journals.


meanwhile the real player in LED technology has already partnered with Sharp Electronics to produce systems that cover 10x10 footprints with a mere 50w light and still get the same crop yields



Well-Known Member
alright well here is some pics I took today in the room.

I got my 6 arjans haze #3 in the flower room now and 3 blackstars hung still got one to hang but I gotta wait for the other light rail.

sage n sour 32 days

pure kush 32 days

more pure kush

Lemon skunks are filling in the screen nicely


Active Member

Looking good and I like the way you have the lights set up, when I get my third panel I plan to run them in the same orientation to jam out a 2' x 4' tent. looks like you should do decent with the coverage you have going on.


Well-Known Member
Well this lighting setup is only temporary until I get the other light rail. Then I will mount both rails side by side about 2.5 feet apart and run two lights on each rail, or I might run 3 lights from the top evenly spaced on one rail and mount the other rail further out like 3 maybe 4 feet and run one light on that rail but mount the light so it hangs 90 degrees from normal so I can get some penetration on the side and under the cannopy. Any input on witch way I should mount these lights to the rail would be great.


Active Member
I would do a merry go round type if I had the space mount two panels on the side that revolved around the flower area then rails above two like you stated but make the attachment a swing arm so you can exactly tune the rig, hell as far as that goes you could make light height adjustable to boot. Or a more economical method would to place your flowering beauties on a carousel (most likely you will have to build this yourselves) and perm mount a couple of panels and "as the world turns" things will be ? You get the picture?


Well-Known Member
Well this lighting setup is only temporary until I get the other light rail. Then I will mount both rails side by side about 2.5 feet apart and run two lights on each rail, or I might run 3 lights from the top evenly spaced on one rail and mount the other rail further out like 3 maybe 4 feet and run one light on that rail but mount the light so it hangs 90 degrees from normal so I can get some penetration on the side and under the cannopy. Any input on witch way I should mount these lights to the rail would be great.

2.5 feet is not far enough apart. You gotta remember that each light is good for at least 1.5ft in any direction. I advise putting 3 or 4 feet between them


hi all, I am currently in the middle of my first grow with a headband strain. She vegged a lil over a month outdoors in a 1 gal pot then began flowering a little earlier than hoped. I was planning on transferring her indoors to scrog buut oh well. This saturday i will be transplanting her to a 5 gal pot and putting her indoors in a 1.5'x1.5'x4' grow box w/ flat white paint under a 100W blackstar 2w chipset 6 band LED. Do you think this will be enough time under the light for the buds to fill out and mature? or will the pistils/trichomes mature regardless? she's been showing pistils for about 4 days now. I was considering throwin her back in veg buut by then she will be pretty far into the flowering cycle, and i know it will take a lot more time to switch then. She's stretched quite a bit the last 2 weeks so i doubt penetration will be an issue. here's some pics to help


ohh also can leaves broaden with age? or do they sprout how they are gonna be?