Eh, I'm an artist and musician. And I live for the art that is nature. But art and philosophy explaining anything but people's opinion of emotions. I don't see it.

The farmers just never figured out the reason the crops failed.

But led's. They are magical ;-) this was an LED thread originally wasn't it? ;-)
art is also complex patterns and similarity to other patterns can help us understand those as well.watching waves bounce off rocks or the pattern of classical music can help us understand wave mechanics. so many led threads that they get boring quickly and people change the subject
art is also complex patterns and similarity to other patterns can help us understand those as well.watching waves bounce off rocks or the pattern of classical music can help us understand wave mechanics. so many led threads that they get boring quickly and people change the subject

Art, the golden ratio...

Led threads do get boring i agree :-)
I was born way premature and had hidden deformities that got bad about 10 years ago. I have problems but I'm ok. Thank you.

And when I first bought this house after a lifetime of having streetlights around I was a little terrified in the dark at night.

But now I just notice when the stars are out so vivid and clear. Like up in the mountains of Colorado.
Fucking frogs and crickets, now that's a pain in my ass. Oh and don't get me started on the loons ;).
1000 watt HPS ..better everything hands down....it costs a lot to run, but I'm not a little boy scared of a 300-400$ electric bill....if you work and grow there's no way you're not making money on the growing..some times quality costs more...led seems like the poor mans, I wanna sit home, have no job and have the cheapest bill possible, wannabe HPS..
1000 watt HPS ..better everything hands down....it costs a lot to run, but I'm not a little boy scared of a 300-400$ electric bill....if you work and grow there's no way you're not making money on the growing..some times quality costs more...led seems like the poor mans, I wanna sit home, have no job and have the cheapest bill possible, wannabe HPS..
You're an idiot.
Lights can change bud density so guess that could change taste. But think that would be a sign of inadequate lighting not led/conventional

That's caused by light quality not light type right? inadequate lighting can cause airy lanky buds and generally lower quality product than proper lighting.

Bit lost on your question but if you mean light quality as in spectral differences having an effect then yes definitely.

With regards to "light type" I unsure what you mean... but if you mean light type as in HID, LED, SUN then that does not come into play because they all emit photons. The only differences between the light sources being the differences in spectral output and photons emitted.

If you meant something else then let me know, and by all means disregard my post above:lol:
HPS is defiantly the most tried and true way to start. It's never, ever failed in decades and gives proven, reliable results.

LED is a whole different ball game. You have to really know your stuff to make it work. There are just so many fly-by-night brands and parts out there that for the Layman, HPS is just the better way to go all around. It removes any and all doubt about what you'll get.

Just read this forum. You'll find 1000 different opinions on LED's from the LED people. You'll find maybe 5 from the HPS folks.

That should tell you all you need to know right there.
I have had a lot of LEDs...from stealth grow, to cali grow works, green givers and german kessils...leds work no doubt, but they aren't cost effective...many lights go out, and you cant work on them. if you are trying to be effective 600w with good spacing can do wonders. On the up side Kessils are probably the best LEDS you can buy.