LED Without LEDs -My First T5 Grow

On the other hand, we as consumers are free to study the spectrum of similar, competing, and less expensive T5 HO bulbs produced by other companies, and make educated purchasing decisions:

AquaticLife Roseate http://aquaticlife.com/
Aqua Medic Plant Grow http://www.aqua-medic.com/
ATI Purple Plus http://www.atiaquaristik.com/en/
Coralife Colormax http://coralifeproducts.com/
Current/TrueLumen Freshwater Flora http://www.current-usa.com/
Giesemann Aquaflora http://www.giesemann.de/
JBL Solar Ultra Color http://www.jbl.de/en/
Wave Point Color Wave(same as Red Wave) http://www.wave-point.com/
ZooMed Flora Sun http://www.zoomed.com/

I would paste the spectrum graphs here for you, but some of them are embedded in Flash, and are not 'saveable'

The above all have a similar spectrum (some look better than others...for sure). God (and Thomas Pohl) only knows if they are similar to the KZ Fiji Purple's spectrum... but I suspect that they are... Having said that, Korallen Zucht is without a doubt highly reputed among all these, and the Fiji Purple bulb in particular is held in high regard among enthusiasts (thus the price tag). It is also, after all, the bulb that pr0f has actually flowered cannabis with! So again, I'm not dissing on that bulb so much as I am ticked off that we cannot get a spectrum to study so that we are able to make an educated purchasing decision, without going through all the work (time and money!) of comparing other bulbs to the Fiji Purple ourselves via direct experimentation...

Of course you still want to pick up your UVL Red Suns and use them! They are unique in their spectrum, and you definitely want some of it!
What we are seeing here is the actual source of the mysterious, amazing, and completely unavailable KZ Fiji Purple spectrum (OMGZ!) that has been the topic of much discussion in this thread, and many, many others all over the Internet... Why do I say unavailable? Because, as it turns out, this is NOT the KZ Fiji Purple spectrum at all! It is the nlite PURple (or Bio Tropic 25K) spectrum, and these bulbs are not available...

Here is another link where they talk about this spectrum on the nlite site: http://www.nlites.co.uk/photoponics.htm

The actual KZ Fiji Purple spectrum is a closely guarded company secret, and has not been released to the public. This is what I have been told repeatedly in emails from Thomas Pohl @ Korallen Zucht.

Also those are 24 watt bulbs from Nlites. Aren't the ones Professuer uses 54 watt?
What do you guys think of this in flowering?

MelloKitty sent me the Spectral Graph of the Quantum bulbs. The Grow is pretty decent, though only 6500K. It might be a suitable replacement for the Fijis. If someone can tell me how to post it- it is a Word document. I just checked their site, they still haven't posted them!

um thats personal info there buddy!!!
The Red Suns and my other bulbs came, one of the Red Suns is faulty. The Coral Wave looks nice though. Hope the plants like it too!
Aquarium Specialty is sending me the LAST Red Sun they have out of the 25 that were just received. This is a great response from them. My, my, those Red Suns sure are popular.
On the other hand, we as consumers are free to study the spectrum of similar, competing, and less expensive T5 HO bulbs produced by other companies, and make educated purchasing decisions:

AquaticLife Roseate http://aquaticlife.com/
Aqua Medic Plant Grow http://www.aqua-medic.com/
ATI Purple Plus http://www.atiaquaristik.com/en/
Coralife Colormax http://coralifeproducts.com/
Current/TrueLumen Freshwater Flora http://www.current-usa.com/
Giesemann Aquaflora http://www.giesemann.de/
JBL Solar Ultra Color http://www.jbl.de/en/
Wave Point Color Wave(same as Red Wave) http://www.wave-point.com/
ZooMed Flora Sun http://www.zoomed.com/

I would paste the spectrum graphs here for you, but some of them are embedded in Flash, and are not 'saveable'

The above all have a similar spectrum (some look better than others...for sure). God (and Thomas Pohl) only knows if they are similar to the KZ Fiji Purple's spectrum... but I suspect that they are... Having said that, Korallen Zucht is without a doubt highly reputed among all these, and the Fiji Purple bulb in particular is held in high regard among enthusiasts (thus the price tag). It is also, after all, the bulb that pr0f has actually flowered cannabis with! So again, I'm not dissing on that bulb so much as I am ticked off that we cannot get a spectrum to study so that we are able to make an educated purchasing decision, without going through all the work (time and money!) of comparing other bulbs to the Fiji Purple ourselves via direct experimentation...

Of course you still want to pick up your UVL Red Suns and use them! They are unique in their spectrum, and you definitely want some of it!

For the comment in red!
Use the Snipping tool in Win 7 and just highlight save done!
Can you post to MY community group the graphs that youve listed.. and zip up the ones you download maybe send them via rapidshare etc? I am making a shareable document for All bulbs and graphs! with the help of Brainalive!
I really do want to make a community effort here and am willing to share and learn from all members here. And with your help, grow some decent Meds!
Agreed we will no longer use that graph of KZ Fiji's
@ Lucius Vorenus
That looks like a typical 2700K or 3000K "grow" bulb spectrum... These will work, but certainly not as well as other bulbs discussed here. There is too much waste in green/orange/yellow, and not enough red in the 630nm through far-red to compete... The whole point of this thread is to get away from these typical "grow" bulbs and put together a spectrum with more PAR/PUR for our little babies!

Excellent! I'll gladly help =D

any thoughts? ;) i may buy one of these bulbs... looks like we have a winner!

Interesting spectrum! Certainly one of the more complete/full spectrums I have seen in any bulb... I am a little oncerned about how much is wasted in 500-600 range, but very interesting! OK OK where did you get that? lol I'm assuming it is actually available in 54W 48" T5 HO? ;) It appears that you could use nothing but those through veg AND flower and get good results!
I have to do more research on the bulb and the manufacturer but this could be the best of both worlds...
Seems a company is making these bulbs for aquariums and now are using them for grow bulbs
Someone else is getting in on this bandwagon... it may marry the world of HID and T5..
we shall see..
Interesting spectrum! Certainly one of the more complete/full spectrums I have seen in any bulb... I am a little oncerned about how much is wasted in 500-600 range, but very interesting! OK OK where did you get that? lol I'm assuming it is actually available in 54W 48" T5 HO? ;) It appears that you could use nothing but those through veg AND flower and get good results!
im thinking about 15-20% but it could be the best success in the field.. besides plasma.. which is going to be my next experimental grow after the T5 dial in..
Wow, I just got off the phone with a company that will rent a spectroradiometer with cosine corrector (pre-calibrated, with included software to install on PC) for a week for $250.00!!!

Would love to buy a bunch of the most interesting bulbs and test them myself! Not to mention test and optimize for a final 8-bulb vegetative/flowering configuration... Totally worth the $250.00... includes shipping!

http://www.shop.spectrecology.com/Rental-VIS-spectroradiometer-with-cosine-corrector-R2.htm The guy mentioned that their equipment was used in an article in September 2011 issue of Popular Science... I'll have to check that out.

Also worth checking out these guys http://www.apogeeinstruments.com/ They sell reasonably priced meters and sensors!