LEDs Anyone? Advise Please

Guess you haven't seen//heard the recent Hoagland interview where he says Rothchilds/ Bilderburgs... are actually defending us against aliens who want to take over the planet, thus. setting up the scenario for the false alien attack on earth to further their control of us.
Guess you haven't seen//heard the recent Hoagland interview where he says Rothchilds/ Bilderburgs... are actually defending us against aliens who want to take over the planet, thus. setting up the scenario for the false alien attack on earth to further their control of us.

Whoa, shit. Defending us against aliens... Secret plot to make us on their side... Shit.. I'm too gullible and have a fear of aliens... I'll believe whatever they say about evil aliens attacking earth.
Guess you haven't seen//heard the recent Hoagland interview where he says Rothchilds/ Bilderburgs... are actually defending us against aliens who want to take over the planet, thus. setting up the scenario for the false alien attack on earth to further their control of us.

Let me get some of the shit you're smoking on, lol. Seriously though, your arguments against LEDs are bogus in my eyes. Sorry you feel like you got burned with your purchase. High oil prices are the reason LEDs are expensive? We all know oil prices play a role in global commerce, but if we use your logic, since the priceof oil is on a continuous year to year increase, then the price of LEDs are always going to be going up too, when actually the prices drop each year. And unless the cost of consuming electricity goes through the roof, the savings of using LEDs are negligable? thats just like saying yeah, you save money now, but if pge prices were higher then youd be saving even more; how is this a bad thing. Maybe I totally misunderstood your post which is possible becauae im pretty high and had a hard time following your logic as you moved from topic to topic. Please feel free to clarify
Let me get some of the shit you're smoking on, lol. Seriously though, your arguments against LEDs are bogus in my eyes. Sorry you feel like you got burned with your purchase. High oil prices are the reason LEDs are expensive? We all know oil prices play a role in global commerce, but if we use your logic, since the priceof oil is on a continuous year to year increase, then the price of LEDs are always going to be going up too, when actually the prices drop each year. And unless the cost of consuming electricity goes through the roof, the savings of using LEDs are negligable? thats just like saying yeah, you save money now, but if pge prices were higher then youd be saving even more; how is this a bad thing. Maybe I totally misunderstood your post which is possible becauae im pretty high and had a hard time following your logic as you moved from topic to topic. Please feel free to clarify

Bloody stoner LOL.
Guess you haven't seen//heard the recent Hoagland interview where he says Rothchilds/ Bilderburgs... are actually defending us against aliens who want to take over the planet, thus. setting up the scenario for the false alien attack on earth to further their control of us.

Then you have not heard that it is a double bluff to hide the fact that we are at war already against other alien civilisations as we speak. The annunaki who supposedly created us as hybrids are coming back for what they see as theirs whilst we have been in bed with the Tall greys who send the small greys to do their work/experimentation...cattle and human abductions. There are also apparently an ancient civilisation the reptiles who hive in Dulce and other parts of the world and feed on humans...I could go on and on and on but until I see them motherf***ers in person it will all be fun and hearsay.

can't wait to hear the debunkers rattle on about our "real" creators!!!...lol.
I've been using Ceramic metal halide 400watts for veg because they perform better that normal 600watt metal halides. Also after veg period I've been using Philips 600watt hps greenpower for flowering a 4 x 5 area, in my opinion this has been the best combination that I have came across and I have been growing for years. Well here's the kicker,,,I've recently purchased the 240watt Blackstar VEG model with 2 and 3 watt chipsets, just to see how it compares with my CMH for vegging. Being a cynical kind of person, I am now eating my own words of doubt about led's, this 240 led is fu**ing unbelievably good at Vegging, I ain't seen anything like it before, I'm gonna bite the bullet and buy 2 of the 500watt flowering models to see how they perform, very exited, oh just a little note about these led, the 12000k whites in them peak at 440Nm,,,, even higher output than blue led's. Work it out :-)

Based on what the owner of my local HydroShop said, "Although the technology is not there for flowering the LED lights are incredible when it comes to vegging". So if one is looking to see some good growth during the Veg period either straight or supplemental LED sounds good.
Doesn't anyone know something helpful in this area?

So was this post from before you found LED users unite?? Hope so because there is so many LED haters on this site! My advice don't listen to any one telling you a movie sucks or isn't as good as another when they haven't seen both.