The law thatd didn't pass didnt hut anything steam wise. Nobody who read the law wanted it. It was basicaly cutting out anyone who wasnt a massive cooperation. You needed a massively expensive permit, basically like liquor license. People want it legalized, not made into the new cigs. You know the second they get a chance, they will start adding addictive things and get it delegalized all over again once we all start getting cancer suddenly. Obviously, its because we didnt "test" mary jane enough. All the politicians would sit there with shit eating grins as we start dying left and right "we told you so, marijuana is bad news, m'kay!"
Don't give them the satisfaction of "being right" because the second we give them the chance, they will make themselves right, no matter what it takes. They know that if its legalized, it will cost them billions and billions of dollars. Not because they will have to pay people, which they wont, laws arnt passed retroactively, its because of hemp. Marijuana got a bad red so they could take hemp out. Hemp could straight up save the entire planet. Remove social barriers, bring everyone to an equal footing. Socialism is the greatest concept ever made, it was just brought around at the wrong time and implemented terribly. They never made a straight socialism setup. They always tainted it, and made everyone miserable, thats why it doesnt work. It will never work when they is a shortage of things. With hemp, we could feed the entire world, fuel the entire world, clothe the entire world and even house the entire world. All without breaking a sweat (comparatively). Everything would cost next to nothing. They grew 40 ft hemp trees that took about 3 years to get that big, in the 1700's! Thats a 40ft tree, that can do anything any other tree can do, besides look pretty as siding. Deforestation would stop, pollution would go WAY down, it burns like 40-60% cleaner than fossil fuels, also its in the top 5 plants for conversion of CO2 to O2, greenhouse effect, this ones aimed at you!
In the end, if someone found a MASSIVE deposit of diamonds, where they just grew by the feet per day (whether its possible or not isnt the point) it would drive the price of them way down. The prices are all determined by availability. When there is a shit ton of something thats completely renewable, prices go down. Nobody wants to spent $85 filling up there tank, when a better alternative is there for $5 to fill the tank. These prices would be stable since hemp grows so well everywhere. Send seeds to africa, they will gorw in there shit soil, then eventually make there shit soil better by penetrating and adding nitrogen to the soil. Eventually, they could grow good food in it.
In short, people pretend that legalizing mary jane will make tons of money. The gov knows thats not true. The prices now are not because its so difficult to produce, its because its so dangerous. Without the danger, the price drops and the availability goes up. They know no one will spend $80 on anything, no matter how good it is, when they can pop some seeds outside. Yes,it wouldnt be the same quality, but so cheap. Everything would be cheap, we could feed ourselves for next to nothing, building materials, next to nothing, everything would be next to nothing. It would only be practicle to go with a straight socialist economy at that point. There would be no real profit anywhere. No profit for single individuals that is. It could easily support the entire world, but single people wouldnt get rich, which is wha they want. They want to stay rich, they want to keep us down, they want to keep the social order. Hemp would destroy it all, but save us all at the very same time.