Legalization Predictions

i am not sure exactly how this socialism vs capitalism thing relates to legalizing pot..
i have been reading at norml that the US is looking at pot rescheduling at a federal level right now.. it is just clinically insane to make the statement that pot has no established medical use anymore - especially knowing about the handful of federal marijuana patients who depend on a constant supply of pot to stay alive day to day..
also, i reiterate that the Mexican drug war is a vicious and disgusting actualization of prohibitionist misgoverning - you can't tell me that with a soft policy (think Amsterdam, Portugal) that we would still have body parts chainsawed and flung in the streets hour to hour - and again, we now know that these same cartels, which in my mind pose a direct threat to the safety of our own citizens, make a huge portion of their operating money by selling specifically marijuana to the united states for black market price.. take away the prohibition and remove the black market value for the sake of human lives! am i right?
i am just saying that the need to change the laws is an urgent thing - why can't we agree in california after all this time? i wanted prop 19 to pass, not because i thought it was perfect, but because it was a good step toward everyone agreeing and finally understanding about marijuana.. then we could make it a formally acceptable thing.. the next time i have a chance to vote for legalization in any form i am voting yes..

If the authors of P19 had the best interests of everybody at heart, they would have never added area limits for private grows. That limit was a greed bag's attempt to control production of Cannabis in California. Jim Gray's version is far more palatable.
but, would that be worse than what we have now? by now we could have been petitioning to remove the area restrictions - instead we are back where we started for more than a year.. i have had a few horror stories cross my path lately directly due to the horrors of california pot prohibition.. multiple lives lost.. i just want it to end.... :(
but, would that be worse than what we have now? by now we could have been petitioning to remove the area restrictions - instead we are back where we started for more than a year.. i have had a few horror stories cross my path lately directly due to the horrors of california pot prohibition.. multiple lives lost.. i just want it to end.... :(

Please remember that those of us who've been MMJ patients for more than a decade have been through a lot of court battles to clarify our current laws.

Get a recommendation and consider it cheap insurance against harassment.

Keep on supporting the passage of legalization, but please read critically. Laws are slippery, and the legal system, even slimier. Believe me when I say that our "justice" system isn't about justice.

It's welfare for power freaks.
have all of you guys seen a hemp farm for real? i used to picture a bunch of moderately tall weed plants, but no - the stalks of the industrial hemp plants are the size of a football and they grow upwards of 30 feet! it is so much biomass and fiber that i cannot believe anyone would try to use corn or cut down trees for something that clearly can produce more resources in the same space/time..

and did you know that henry ford did not only build the first cars entirely out of hemp, but he intended them to all run on hemp oil as well??

it was when hemp was poised to completely replace Hearst's timber and oil monopoly that cannabis became illegal.. this is fact..

I challenge anyone to find a worse event in American history than this. If you do its likely that it was caused by hemp being illegal. 911 and the war in Iraq just to name a few events that could have been avoided if Harry Anslinger was never born.
Overall, the United States is a better place to live than any other country on the planet,


It could much better, if States Rights were enforced by the Supreme Court.

Beheading every lobbyist in Washington DC would be a good start.
I challenge anyone to find a worse event in American history than this. If you do its likely that it was caused by hemp being illegal. 911 and the war in Iraq just to name a few events that could have been avoided if Harry Anslinger was never born.

Thank you.. This is an important fact since cannabis laws really are 100 years old.. almost pre Jim Crow era thinking... :(



The butt headed government we have well never make pot legal, not in my life time. They make way to much money off of it right now. They also don't want people to have something that can help you live longer as than it would cost them way to much. They only want you to live until you are 62 years old so you can work for 40 years and pay your taxes, but not live to get S.S. They want you to pay in but not to live and them have to pay you back. Just like drug comp. why would they want you to have a plant to cure cancer and they make no money when they can make tons on bull shit pills ect. that well not help much anyway. Hell, why make a pill to stop the everyday cold for 1$ when they can sell you pills ect to just help fight the cold but does not stop it and make 20$. Like right now they have the ok to now grow pot so the can make pills from it but I would bet that the pills will never work to stop anything ( cold, cancer ect )even if they could. They will never let you have a pill for 10$ to stop cancer if they can make 20$ a pill to prolong your life a few more weeks so you can buy more 20$ pills. Shit its all about the money, only the money. Just like P19 in Cal., hell I would bet most if not all the growers voted no not yes as they didn't want to lose any money. Hell read the forums and you can see that the growers did not want it as they did not want to lose thier money. Anyway, it will never be legal until people like the government,drug comp. , dupont, gas comp. can all make billions from it. But to me it is free, I have and will always grow my own, F*&^CK them.
that is some brutal logic.. i agree with most of it.. and we are not talking about $20 cold remedies - i know firsthand that the end of life treatments take people for all they are worth - $1000 procedures on top of $1000 prescriptions to hang on to our disease ridden bodies for a few more weeks..
i still hold on to the hope that more and more people are becoming informed about these exact points - norml has found that a vast majority of older citizens want legalization.. once you are informed on the facts of the situation there is little ground to stand on saying that pot is harmful and not beneficial to people.. by uninformed standards we can say that all moderately harmful substances should be controlled so that us idiots won't ruin our lives somehow just because someone isn't threatening to beat us with a steel pipe.. our current drug czar michele leonhart believes that alcohol should be illegal!! she was GW Bush's choice!! remember that woman in the midwest running for office and saying that masturbation is evil? i think the levels of logic are about that low if we cannot get consensus within 5 - 10 years about putting pot on a state by state legality..

last friday the DEA issued this in response to a long awaited plea to have pot reclassified away from schedule 1 -

"(1) Marijuana has a high potential for abuse. The DHHS evaluation and the additional data gathered by DEA show that marijuana has a high potential for abuse. (2) Marijuana has no currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States. According to established case law, marijuana has no ‘‘currently accepted medical use’’ because: The drug’s chemistry is not known and reproducible; there are no adequate safety studies; there are no adequate and well-controlled studies proving efficacy; the drug is not accepted by qualified experts; and the scientific evidence is not widely available.
(3) Marijuana lacks accepted safety for use under medical supervision. At present, there are no U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved marijuana products, nor is marijuana under a New Drug Application (NDA) evaluation at the FDA for any indication. Marijuana does not have a currently accepted medical use in treatment in the United States or a currently accepted medical use with severe restrictions. At this time, the known risks of marijuana use have not been shown to be outweighed by specific benefits in well-controlled clinical trials that scientifically evaluate safety and efficacy."

is that what you want our top officials saying to your children? to anyone? it is just plain wrong and the facts are going to come out.. schedule I. places pot in the top category along with heroin and PCP - on down in scedule II. we have less harmful things such as meth, coke and opium... i guess that we had the girls from south park make the list for us.. :clap::wall:

so, i disagree that we will not see legalization in our lifetimes.. it is just a matter of getting the proper information understood by the individuals involved..
Dont you love the vaugeness of all these risks they must protect us from??
The only risk they have in protecting is pharms...
yes.. true..
i consider pot to be much less harmful than alcohol..
so, who is going to put marijuana through FDA drug approval?
How about eliminate the fda and the money saved can be used to reduce the deficit. The alcohol industry isn't totally regulated, it's just taxed and more difficult to make yourself. Most people don't want to brew their own beer. If they tried to do a pilsner like the kind of beer they're used to buying they'd wind up thinking the cheap 6 pack of the champagne of beers was the ticket. Weed has it's problems too especially in curing but it's just that a weed and can't be regulated effectively. That's because it shouldn't. People spend tons of cash on lighting the darkness and never stop to think the sun has been doing a good enough job for gazillions of years. Maybe I should live under it's light instead of waiting for someone to mislead me down an artificially lighted path. Marijuana is a remarkable plant. Perfection is hard to compete with.

weed needs to be legalized because today i went to buy a quarter ounce off my dealer but when i got there it was his friend standing with a bunch of lads (ass holes) with him and i was i was still chill then i bought the shit started to walk away and one of the lads comes up with his 3 mates and asks for a ciggy i give one to him and then he asks for all the buds back and i was like nah fuck off cunt and he was like nah give me the fucking buds and there was four of them so i was like fuck! and gave them half of it and then he asked for the rest while he held his fist to my face and i gave it and they fucked off with all of the shit im fucking ANGRY now!and im out $80AU ad worst of all im not highbut if weed was legal i wouldnt be buying of these shady assholes.


weed needs to be legalized because today i went to buy a quarter ounce off my dealer but when i got there it was his friend standing with a bunch of lads (ass holes) with him and i was i was still chill then i bought the shit started to walk away and one of the lads comes up with his 3 mates and asks for a ciggy i give one to him and then he asks for all the buds back and i was like nah fuck off cunt and he was like nah give me the fucking buds and there was four of them so i was like fuck! and gave them half of it and then he asked for the rest while he held his fist to my face and i gave it and they fucked off with all of the shit im fucking ANGRY now!and im out $80AU ad worst of all im not highbut if weed was legal i wouldnt be buying of these shady assholes.


Should have told him to piss when he asked for the cig. I'd give you some advise, but since your in AU, you probably can't get a gun.
Thank you.. This is an important fact since cannabis laws really are 100 years old.. almost pre Jim Crow era thinking... :(



yea and the fact that pot is illegal is just a ridiculous as the jim crow laws. 40 years after the civil rights movement its hard to believe it was any other way. the same will be true with weed... hopefully sooner than later!
Seemingly its going to be a matter of how broke we become Financialy as a nation,because our government wont do anything to actualy help our problem until a precipice has been reached that endangers the very center of their control.So it may just be that they will consider legalizing for the reason of getting there a$$es out of the hole,but that is if they are only halfway intelligent.
Seemingly its going to be a matter of how broke we become Financialy as a nation,because our government wont do anything to actualy help our problem until a precipice has been reached that endangers the very center of their control.So it may just be that they will consider legalizing for the reason of getting there a$$es out of the hole,but that is if they are only halfway intelligent.

it's less about intelligence, and more about vested interests
the law enforcement business finds MJ its most lucrative franchise
big pharma doesn't see anything good coming from legal MJ, not for them anyways, again it's about money
there are no national propositions so California's 215 can't happen at the national level
breaking the back of the vested interests is what has to happen, and that has been a slow process

weed needs to be legalized because today i went to buy a quarter ounce off my dealer but when i got there it was his friend standing with a bunch of lads (ass holes) with him and i was i was still chill then i bought the shit started to walk away and one of the lads comes up with his 3 mates and asks for a ciggy i give one to him and then he asks for all the buds back and i was like nah fuck off cunt and he was like nah give me the fucking buds and there was four of them so i was like fuck! and gave them half of it and then he asked for the rest while he held his fist to my face and i gave it and they fucked off with all of the shit im fucking ANGRY now!and im out $80AU ad worst of all im not highbut if weed was legal i wouldnt be buying of these shady assholes.


i have had that happen.. but, so much worse things happen each day because of prohibition.. one of my oldest friends' dad was a grower - he had been busted a few times - this time it was with guns.. last time he was in prison he was raped badly and he hated the idea of going back so much that he killed himself this christmas.. when you follow the money you have mexicans cutting up a dozen corpses with chainsaws as you read this and throwing them into the street... :(
I think cannabis prohibition will become fully legal in the same manner that alcohol prohibition ended.

First the states then the federal government will finally stop dragging it's feet.