Legalizing it the right way did not work... now its time to go to WAR

will you plant 1000?

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Well-Known Member
even though i did not want to read that copy and pasted stuff i did quite a good read, and even though i really don't want to i must give you a + rep for it because there is a lot of good info in there about how it became illegal.

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
in all seriousness pot will never be legalised and its for one reason and one reason only ..........right now its costing me over 10 pounds to buy a bottle of vodka , if i could produce that same bottle of vodka or better in my own home easily then i would, and i would never buy another botle from the gov / society , right now you buy a bag of green and you pay no tax on it , if gov/society get hold of it you will buy a bag of green and you will pay tax on it , but why the fuck would you buy gov made weed when its SO EASY TO GROW BETTER AT YOUR HOME VERY CHEAPLY ,the gov know this and know by keeping it illegal they have a permament income from weed , busts court costs etc , they know if they legalise it they will loose all this revenue coz NO fucker is gonna buy gov made green when they can grow there own so easily , THAT IS WHY WEED WILL NEVER BE LEGAL .


Well-Known Member
First the government has to be convinced it is in it's best interest and in the best interest of the nation and then the 'straight community' has to be convinced it is in it's best interest. If that never happens, marijuana will never become legal unless it happens in a way where the major pharmaceutical corporations hold a virtual monopoly on it and only, or mainly, they benefit from it. Right now there is too much money and pressure from groups like that fighting against legal marijuana. They want it kept illegal until they can control it and can bend us all over and ram it home without Vaseline, price-wise, for what they would then sell.
This is an absolute brilliant plan, and I have many times thought the same thoughts. But there is always another thought in my mind with it. The fact the the government is made up of the leaders of all the industries that would suffer from hemp production, which is just about most of the industries. They want to keep their money, and not give money to small farmers, or to middle class. So your right, first the government must be convinced, but also the government needs to be seriously adjusted. Otherwise cannabis is going to go south and get corrupted like every other industry. The legalization of pot is just one of the many factors that would contribute to an all around better country. The government and their money, and the million and billionaires and their money...that's the real factor.

Brick Top

New Member
can someone tell me how to +rep someone haha i completely forgot how!
On the lower left side of the box a message is in you will see "Journal this Post" and to the right of that two symbols. The first is a star. Click there the star to give rep.

But don't ever bother to do it for anything I might say. I do not believe in the system, I do not give it, I do not want it, I wish it had never been thought up. It is mainly junior high school-like popularity crap and nothing more.
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Well-Known Member
On the lower left side of the box a message is in you will see "Journal this Post" and to the right of that two symbols. The first is a star. Click there the star to give rep.

But don't ever bother to do it for anything I might say. I do not believe in the system, I do not give it, I do not want it, I wish it had never been thought up. It is mainly junior high school-like popularity crap and nothing more.
i never thought any less of ya bricktop lol fuck the rep thats kids stuff imo you talk the truth even if ya do ramble abit lol followed ya posts for a while now are you from the states?
So, you're saying everyone would be capable of growing cannabis? What about the old people man? Why buy gov't made weed? It's a hell of a lot cheaper than growing it yourself, and if it isn't then the time needed to set up your system would cause some problems. Imagine going to the corner store and buying a pack of brand name weed from a corporation, not going to lie, it sounds fucking awesome.


Well-Known Member
very good read from BT's posts, great history of how we got where we are
my own take on MJ legalization is MMJ is taking us there one inch at a time
in a number of states, it's just not as illegal as it used to be
not an ideal path, but it seems to be the one we are slowly edging down on
Arizona is in the MMJ camp as of this year, NY may take a while, but it will get there
prohibition will end with a whimper, not a big event


Well-Known Member
very good read from BT's posts, great history of how we got where we are
my own take on MJ legalization is MMJ is taking us there one inch at a time
in a number of states, it's just not as illegal as it used to be
not an ideal path, but it seems to be the one we are slowly edging down on
Arizona is in the MMJ camp as of this year, NY may take a while, but it will get there
prohibition will end with a whimper, not a big event
and in some states it's a lot more illegal than it used to be. In 83 I got busted with a bag of good sensi buds. It cost me a $27 fine. With the laws now I would go to jail...


Well-Known Member
and in some states it's a lot more illegal than it used to be. In 83 I got busted with a bag of good sensi buds. It cost me a $27 fine. With the laws now I would go to jail...
some state's just don't like weed, that probably won't change soon for those places
it's not good to generalize too much, some local jurisdictions can be very hard case on MJ, tack on extra charges etc..
Industrial hemp is better for making biofuels than sugarcane so you push how much more biofuel could be made lessening the nations dependence on foreign oil. There is a whole new industry, a 'Green' one, needing new workers who will then pay taxes on their incomes. That's more money rolling into the federal coffers and less taxpayer/government money spent on unemployment and entitlement programs. It is a double headers, increased income and cutting of spending. Keep that figure in mind.
Funny you should mention that I just watched this movie totally baked: a Pot-u-mentary and they kept going on about how the oil companies were behind the banning of marijuana in the united states

In 1941 Henry Ford unveiled a car made mostly of a combination of industrial hemp fibers, straw fibers and some other fiber held together with a resin. It was basically like a fiberglass car but using natural products. Cars could be made of that, or some similar updated combination and the steel mills will have less pressure on them for production lowering the cost of domestic made steel, due to less demand, so building costs would drop and U.S. made steel would be more competitive price-wise with foreign steel. If the steel mills run less there is less pollution. If with the lowering of price they run as much money will be made on exporting the cheaper steel. Export money is important to the economy.
This car made out of marijuana wouldnt be the same one cheech and chong drove in up in smoke would it lol? Besides if I had that car it wouldnt last very long "I'm just gonna take a little bit off the spare tire to last me till my next harvest"


Well-Known Member
Your confused, a resin holds it together. Think of fiberglass, interchange the fibers in that for hemp fiber...that is the basis of it. Much stronger than regular plastics, much lighter than steel. The governments and big businesses don't want people to believe things that sound too good to be true...cannabis seems all too good to be true, until you've grown a few plants.

Brick Top

New Member
right now its costing me over 10 pounds to buy a bottle of vodka , if i could produce that same bottle of vodka or better in my own home easily then i would, and i would never buy another botle from the gov / society
If you want to do that and know how to do that, produce your own booze that is, and of course you are in the U.S. (because I do not know the laws in other countries) you can do it if you want, and you can do it legally.

It is not illegal to produce your own alcohol/spirits or whatever you wish to call them. You can crank out moonshine by the gallon if that's what you want to do. It only becomes illegal if you sell it without paying the taxes on it that any distillery has to pay.

Moonshine that has had the taxes paid on it is legal. A few years or so back a distillery or two began producing it and I read that, at least for a while, it was all the rage among the Hollywood crowd.

The only thing that makes homemade booze illegal is if you sell it without paying the taxes.

Under U.S. law someone with a home micro-brewery that sells what they make is just as much of a 'moonshiner' and the good ole' boys running stills in the backwoods who then sell their product. It is not what you make or the fact that you make it. It is only if the government does not get what they consider to be their fair share that makes it illegal.

Brick Top

New Member
This is an absolute brilliant plan, and I have many times thought the same thoughts. But there is always another thought in my mind with it. The fact the the government is made up of the leaders of all the industries that would suffer from hemp production, which is just about most of the industries. They want to keep their money, and not give money to small farmers, or to middle class. So your right, first the government must be convinced, but also the government needs to be seriously adjusted. Otherwise cannabis is going to go south and get corrupted like every other industry. The legalization of pot is just one of the many factors that would contribute to an all around better country. The government and their money, and the million and billionaires and their money...that's the real factor.
You are right ... some people would lose profits and power and authority. But the key is to convince the government and the general population that it is imperative to bite the bullet and make the changes, and do so before the horse has left the barn, or the ship has already sunk.

The nation is already in the bottom of the ninth inning with two outs and an 0 and 2 count against it. Something major has to be done or its game over and if that happens all those people worried about what they might lose if cannabis would become legal will lose even more, they will lose on a larger grander scale.

They need to be shown that, they need to have that presented to them and proven to them so they will figure it is better to lose a little rather than to lose it all.


King Tut
I've read this whole thread now and found it extremely interesting. BT, awesome info. I started seeing double for a minute, but great info!

BT is right about our(the US) position in this ball game. Most major industries are struggling, a significant % of the public is unemployed and/or homeless or headed that direction. Businesses are struggling and failing. The young generation is scared witless because they have never had to live through anything like the Great Depression and everyone agrees that if nothing changes this will be worse. Forget about having money for gas, dinner and the weekend. We're talking about struggling to put ANY food on the table. Cable TV? We'll be lucky to afford the electricity(if even widely available due to the frailty of our power grid but a WHOLE other discussion) for a radio or to even light the house.

I'm often accused of being fatalistic, and I may be. I prefer to think of it as looking without the rose colored glasses. I truly do believe that this is the road we are headed down if something doesn't change. Legalization could very well be that change. Or we will revert back to a pre-industrial way of life and EVERYONE will grow hemp because of it's ease of production, low cost, and MANY, MANY uses. Can you envision a meal made primarily with hemp seed? Maybe little round patties that are baked over an open fire? I currently fight for what I believe is my right to medicate as I use MJ to alleviate pain from Fibro. If in the aforementioned situation, taking my hemp crop would LITERALLY be taking food out of my wife and sons mouths. And let's just say I'll retain my second ammendment rights at that point.