Legalizing it the right way did not work... now its time to go to WAR

will you plant 1000?

  • Total voters


King Tut
I should have mentioned also, our younger generation(I'm 37) needs to look to the older generation and learn what we can before we lose these people forever. We're fighting time now.

Brick Top

New Member
I should have mentioned also, our younger generation(I'm 37) needs to look to the older generation and learn what we can before we lose these people forever. We're fighting time now.
If so we better start learning fast. The ones that knew true survival skills are mostly underground now. Ones like my mother who lived through The Great Depression ... they are the ones we should be sitting at the feet of and learning from.

Many people do not realize how large of a percentage of the population at the time were farmers. They survived the best.They grew crops and kept part for next season's seeds. They raised animals and got milk and eggs and slaughtered others for food and they traded with other farmers and with businesses for other goods they needed because the business people needed the things the farmers had and could not be sure to get them any other way.

Can you imagine that chaos in New York City and Chicago and LA etc. if things fell apart like that again? Things would be worse that anything depicted in any film about a total collapse. Old men would murder a little girl for the last remaining TicTac in the city and then fight among themselves for it.

With the massive additional debt that has been added under Obama our national debt to GDP ratio will in a few years, when the big spending hits, match or be worse than most third world nations. Things cannot go on like this. If something DRASTIC isn't done, and done soon, this house of cards called the U.S.A. will tumble and it will never come back to be anything even close to what it once was, and what it could still be if voters did not continually send complete and utter imbeciles to DC to run things.

My dogs and cat could do a better job at running this nation than what congress has been doing and what our present president has been doing .. and for that fact all of each since the Eisenhower administration. Since then there have been a few small temporary upward movements or peaks, but on the whole the nation has been on one long continual downward spiral ever since Ike.

We're an aircraft caught in a flat spin and we can't fire up the jets and the government refuses to reach down and grab and pull the ejection seat lever.

We are all totally impregnated and only the sheep, lemmings and the totally ignorant are unable to see and understand that.

Brick Top

New Member
on our farm we raise horses and I got the buggy all ready for when the time comes :blsmoke:
Amish? Mennonite? Quaker maybe? Not many other people have buggies these days unless they use them in big cities to taxi around guys on dates that are really desperate to get laid and they think a night of smelling horse farts will really turn their gal on.

mango tango

Well-Known Member
hahaha i live in an old farming community so lots of old timers still have them from when they were younger. i actually have an old plow that my grandparents horses pulled on our farm that we still own!

we raise sport horses not Clydesdale like the budweiser horses lol. our thoroughbreds and warmbloods would be pissed if they got strapped up lol! but yeah we have a farm store that some of our customers special order chariot parts so if anyone wants one haha.