I have limited time but want to reach as many of the influencers as possible. For starters pls forgive my grammar. ok here we go.
Ok so as everyone is finding out microbes and parasitic fungi are powerful tools that are allowing growers to achieve higher yields with stronger plants. We are finding that using microbes and fungi or beenies or what ever you want to call are very safe and effective ways to prevent and attack insects and disease.
Now what products do we use ?
Myco Jordan
Mammoth P
Triple Threat
Mbx Grow
Root Shield
microbe lift
X treme mycos
Great white
The list is long. so we need to understand whats in them and, how strong is the mix/Cost? and effect and yield and quality.
After some time spent researching the data and actually trying the products on cannabis I would like to start the conversation there. As usual alot of product makers are not to forth coming about how the product actual works. Its more about promotion vs education.
Lets look at a common mix of microbes from a popular brand. 7 species Endomycorrhizae & 11 species Ectomycorrhizae
• 67,000 Endo & 1.5 billion Ecto Propagules per lb.
• 19 species Bacteria/ 2 species Trichoderma
• Biostimulant & Vitamin Package
Now what happens when this mix is used on cannabis? Ok lets say we will eliminate the ectomycos because they are for some trees. The endos are good but the trichoderma are far more aggresive and will actually compete and eat the remaining Endos. So it looks like we are getting the most benifits from this popular mix by the Trichoderma and maybe also the "biostimulant" ??? Not sure what that
specifically is, and the vitamins.
So that brings me to are trichoderma being as aggressive as they are the best option for cannabis.
I am positive the are not. There are more effective microbes and they are bacillus. Now I will predict that someone will argue that there are so many other beneficials and we should use a more whole approach to achieving a healthy and thriving microbiome. I agree. I also will say that to be clear using competitive exclusion tactics with microbes is just that and building a healthy microbioem can be done in different ways. For instance guy lives on farm he has all the healthy organic imputs he needs to build healthy soills and microbiomes. The guy in a indoor grow lab using areoponics has to take a different approach.
These are the folks I really want to join the thread. This is because under these indoor or medium less enviros we need to have a more designed effective science meets ag meets biotechnology approach and this is where the Bacillus comes in strong. I have a whole lot of independent and in house data that proves bacillus is performing stronger than other micros. Each particular species and subspecies is different and performs different symbiotic functions with and within the plant.
So this brings us to ............Drum Beat >>>......>>>>...>>>...>>>.. who or what product has the most effective bacillus subspecies . this will directly effect yield and plant quality. It is measurable. Just a simple test with different products and we are all to having the data and proof of which person or company can bring the highest yields to the grower because of the particular subspecies they have are the best at doing what they do. Just like humans and canna strains all dont function with the same effects or efficiencies. Dont believe me just try going against Shaq in basketball. Both are human but 1 is better genetics.
We reduce nutrient strengths by 1/2 and increase yield and quality because disease and pests are defeated naturally. Plant health, brix levels, and genetic defenses within the plant are all functioning properly now because of the symbiosis with the microbes. Plants producing sugars and the microbes are converting more NPK's, releasing , aminos and enzymes all together in sync.
Now if you have multiple species of bacillus working together and you use the competitive exclusion method by introducing at a level that you have all good microbes thriving then the bad guys dont ever get a chance to get established. Ok here is a area where people are going to doubt or even hate on me.
As I have explained above this is the way you get 30-50% yield increases when others are getting 16% at most. To make even more skeptics this combo of aggressive
bacillus costs a fraction of the cost folks are paying for microbes now.
I want to make it clear I am not here to push or promote or even suggest any particular product. I am here to speak to understanding what we are using , how they work, are they safe and the cost and return.
Lets get some experienced members or mentors to vet what I am saying and to shed light on the truth and cut through the power of large companies to manipulate public opinion through sites like this and others. Lets see if we the little people and the simple grower or patient can have a voice of truth and educate folks for the good of great clean medicine that we know cannabis is.
For my love of cannabis growing and consuming is strong and as passionate as ever. I have had a grow room, greenhouse, or field ever since I fell in love with this plant over 30 years ago.