Lets Get Growing

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
Alight im happy i have the flower room temp down to 78 and the humidity is 38% so thats good to me. every one agree i am debating on what to do now some of my clone are standing up now so i was thinking of waiting to see some roots then put them into the flower room.......but i still have two mothers one i believe is a female with the other im not sure....i do have 5 clones from the one i am not sure if its a girl or not and the other one i am kinda sure its a girl cause of the white ouline on the leaves i have its top as a clone........but the big thing is my veg/mother room is on during the day and off at 10pmto4am and my mother room is going to be on from 6pm to 6am so my question is i dont want to stress the plant out so its nomraly going to be going to dark time in 4 hours from when the flower room goes on so instead of going into dark time its going to stay on for another 8 hours untell it gets its first dark period in the flower room ....you get it hahaha i read it and even got confused ... but yea so lets say i put one of my mothers into the flower room tonight at 6pm then the flower room turns off at 6am tomorrow morning then that one mother will have had 26 hours of light for one day will that hurt it ??


Well-Known Member
I have read some people put their plants into 24 hours darkness before they go into flower. Don't know if that helps the plants kick into bloom or not. In any case I don't think you have any problems switching your times.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
sounds good thanks Taken.....yea the clones are looking better some are stilll a little droopy but when i look at the tops there big so that might be the problem to heavy for them now.......how are your clones holding up?


Well-Known Member
Rock on neighbors. I live in Santa Clarita now, but from Mt. Baldy to the Newport Peninsula were my stomping grounds... Any one of those bikes could be mine. I lost a few bikes in NB, especially on 4th of July weekends... lol

I cannot wait to take my bike up to Summit this season. I added a third chain ring (removed bash guard) so i can still ride there hopefully.

Hey Nugs! About your flowering timer. When I switched to flowering my plants had been in 24 hours of light 7 days week, so I just set a timer to turn it off for 12 hours, no big deal. After doing this, I read that many "old school" growers drop their plants into 24 hours darkness, just as Isthisnametaken stated, and I wish I would've done so because the whole 10 days I was waiting to see signs of flowering I was worried that I had made a terrible mistake by not giving 24 hours darkness. I don't know if it would've made a big difference in how long the plants took to show flowers/sex, but it took 10 days and I was stressed the whole time.

But take note: I have read that if I had given the 24 hours of darkness, I may have seen flowers/sex in less than 10 days and I may have seen more aggressive growth sooner. Plants, like most living things, handle stress and change much better when we are well rested and fresh. From all of the things I have read, I believe that this applies with our gurls also. A switch from vegging to flower is a big change for anyone, even a plant...

In the future i will give my gurls at least 24 hours of darkness before flowering and see if there is a difference. I will be growing the same strain on my next grow I believe.

Glad to hear that you have gotten the temps down. I'm in Socal and our weather has been in the mid 70's, so my temp has risen. Be prepared for that warm spell, if you ever have them...

I read that this type of plant can survive for a very long period with what we consider to be "plain" water. I will have to read up to see where you are in your grow (or you can update me) and hopefully I can lend some good advice.

Also, I recommend labeling EVERY cutting as soon as you cut it if you have more than one strain.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
thanks for the info drynroasty... I believe i am around day 60 of veg for mothers and the clones are around 3 days old ... i will give them 24 hours of dark before i give them 12 on 12 off better safe then sorry!!! Thanks to every one that has been helping with my grow!!!

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
hmm i just wook up with my plants today at 4am the light was just kicking in so it was not bright yet, i noitced that the clones were all standing up and strong i was reallly happy to see that, i was thinking that they look good in the morning because at night theres no light beating down on them.... plus i have a 600 wat mh bulb.....that might be why there droopy druning the lights on.............whats every one think...oh yea just took a rip at 420am hmmm bongsmiliewake n bake only way to wake up


Well-Known Member
Only way to wake up... Sucks I got NO HERB WHATSOEVER... Everyone around here is dry. I know like 20 dealers... Nobody has anything. There was a big 500 lb bust in the city. Think most of it was heading towards us. People who do have herb are charging like 60 bucks for regular dank bud. nothing special. I ain't that rich.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
well hope fully soon you will never have that problem agian.....well thats what i am hoping for......i just dont like waiting around for someone to call me or getting fukted on the price.....i finaly just went down and got my medical card.....its great i get to choose from like 10 different kinds or ediables hmmm gotta eat alot thoe....and they have others.....then my doc told me i could grow and i found this site and was on my way....even some clinics have clones if i just want to get clones and grow and not bother with the mother.........but i want to do everything this year i might change things up next year......i am going to give it a couple days but then i want to trim my mothers down to almost nothing just the last two leaves one some of the stems coming out of the main stalk ....think this would be ok???......i have over two months untill i need anything off of them and by that time they should grow back up right ???

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea i know a few places just gotta get them before there gone they go quick

i have the info saved thanks

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
well they take so many cuttings then they clone them i believe they all have roots and are ready to go the better be.... but if someone comes in and buys them all then every one is shit out of luck :sad: happend to me two weeks in a row....now i said fuk it i can cut my own clones :-P just cant get them to get roots fast grrr.........could i slice them down the middel and shave them now ??? or would they go into shock ?? i just checked them out they all have water drops on the end of the stems just nothing easle :wall: and they went from looking alright to bad agian i think its time to put one of my mothers into flower what does every one think ??? i got the one that i topped two times or the one i did once, there both about the same hieght now??