Lets Get Growing


Well-Known Member
a Co2 system will allow your girls to tolerate higher temps with less effect, and the plants require more than they are getting in normal air.


Well-Known Member
are you venting air out of your flowering room or just blowing air around inside it? because you should have fresh air coming in at the bottom, and hot air being blown out through the top. or right next to your lights primary position.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea i have a 4'' canfan blowing intake witch i diverted to were the bottom of the plants are going to be and another going to were the top of the plants are going to be, i then have a pc fan i hooked up right next to the light trying to suck in as much heat as possible going to the outake, then i have a 6 inch fan blowing outtake air into a little ducing system i have hooked up to a vent out side my closet, i have two fans in there just blowing air around one pointed to the top of the room and one near the bottom,

i was thinking of taking the air intake that goes to the bottom of the plants and just put it to the other side of the light...thats how those coollights are setup right intake on oneside of the light outtake on the other ??

how far away should a 400wat hps be from plants in the flower room ??

Pics below....topandbottom lines for each pic
outside air....canfan in....pcfan outake air....6inch fan....T ducingoutside
/intake .......sound box .....next to light .....outake air .......air to vent



Well-Known Member
My favorite new phrase, "R & D". Research and development is the funnest part for me thus far. Keep tweaking and trying new combinations. I kept a log of what I did each step of the way and have a very nicely tuned 500watt area that is less than 2 feet square by 3 feet and it doesn't get over 82F.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
you must take some goood hits jonny your very short with your answers...............yea i been moving fans around, trying every idea i can think of been doing that for over two weeks trial and error untell i can get a good reading just got a new fan thought that would help nope nothing changed but oh well illl figure it out


Well-Known Member
yeah, its the A.D.D. kickin in. I lose my train of thought an then remember it right after I hit the post button... Everytime. Sorry bout that.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
5 days after i topped the back mother.....


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
not sure, i am trying to get my flower room temp and humidity good then i might just put the one i topped in and see what happens or put my clones in..... i am going to only top the mothers when i run out of room...... im new to this growing thing hahaha not even sure what to now my mothers just keep getting bigger my clones look like shit and my flower room temps are to high so grrr i am stuck


Well-Known Member
Keep moving forward...

My first thought when you mentioned that the new fan didn't help is that there is not enough intake air, and if there is enough, maybe it's aimed to circulate the air in the area incorrectly. I experimented with baffles and other sorts of air/wind deflectors (cardboard pieces I folded... lol).

I have spent way more money than I expected to this early on and probably would've spent less if I hadn't built it all myself, but I had to keep in mind that not only will I save nearly $600 per month, I will finally have a green-thumb opposed to my green tipped booger finger. I'm actually rethinking my education/career choice now because I wonder if I should get into more of an engineering position instead of computer systems because I love building, tweaking and testing. Dream job would be to build and fly UAV's...

I pulled a few small buds off of the purple, did a quick flush in plain water for 2 days and then stuck em in my computer tower for a day, and I must say that I am still kinda shocked how good and cerebral it is. It was so good i put on my headphones and played a few rounds of Battlefield 2 (old PC game) and had a blast. My reasoning to sit and play a game for hours was that I needed to get the video card hot and the fans spinning at hight RPM to dry it faster, but my GF didn't believe it.. Anyow, i am very happy with what I grew.


Well-Known Member
Geeze Loise Nuggy they sure are gettin bushy...are you flowering yet? also what light are using to flower. Its alot easier to control temp if you are using a cooltube for your lights. You can put the lights closer to the canopy too.


Well-Known Member
Dude those plants look great. Watch the tips, I noticed a little yellow, either its getting to close to the light or you might have a lil nute burn coming on, either way just watch em. + Rep bro


Well-Known Member
And man that fogger I gave you the link to before is the way to go. Neoprene tabs and that ultrasonic fogger and a 4 gallon rubbermaid. it would cost you like $50 bucks for a %100 rate.

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
yea im going to switch from the net pots to the sponge plugs and get a fogger for my clones its been to long with no roots showing even thoe i know theres roots i just cant see them, i might even just toss the clones i have, and cut new ones, the mother is getting tall .......im trying to get my flower room ready i want to put the smaller mother into the flower room tonight i hope.


Well-Known Member
I've heard it taking up to two weeks for rockwool clones to root thru. Patience bro. But I hear ya. I'm an impatient bastard, that's why I love the fogger. I didn't have any room in my Bubbleponic setup so i just transplanted to soil today. I flowered the plant I took it from under cfls to get the preflowers to show, then I took the clones and threw her under the HPS. So like I said, at least I know its a chck and I'm not wasting effort. I had taken about ten clones whose "mother" turned out to be a dude. I got sick real quick of throwing out beautiful clones that had just started to take off.