Getting to be a lot of nice plants in this thread and that’s great. Guess I’ll put a little update in here. Pretty wet and windy on the east coast so I watered (no nutes) once in July and once in August so far. Their roots are into the ground so they can find some themselves. I put up the fencing on two of the plants. The other two need a bit more diameter on them yet. 5 posts each and about 10 feet of cattle fence held on with zip ties. I leave an opening on the North side and I try to get the fence up high enough so I can still get to the plant under it. Last year I zip tied the branches to the fencing but that was a mistake. Big wind will rip the branches through the tie unless they’re tight and if they’re tight they could gird the branch. I’m trying it without this year. I have some flat square sections of fence that I’ll put on top for a roof to support the center branches.
I lollipopped one of them pretty well. It keeps the p.mildew down and makes the branch less of a sail in the wind. The inside foliage will yellow and die from a lack of sun anyway. Still have to get to the others.
I did a couple of zip tie repairs but I should mention that you can’t leave them on for more than a week or maybe 10 days without moving them a little. You leave that tie in the same place too long and it’ll gird the plant and kill the limb and you wasted your time and effort. I’m gonna take some advice from
@petert and use Gorilla Glue to seal up that gap, otherwise there’ll be earwigs living and shitting in there.
There’s supposed to be some wind next week and I’m kinda worried. Not much cover from the wind in my backyard and they blow around pretty good in a medium wind. Can’t wait for hurricane season….
Still never got around to spraying with milk and water though, but I will.
I bought 2 pounds of red clover to use as a cover crop over the winter but I‘m wondering if I should plant it now. Getting tired of weeding the planters and the cover crop should out-compete the weeds but I’m not sure if it’s best to have the clover using up nutes while the pot is growing. I don’t thInk the clover will take much and it adds nitrogen until it goes to flower So I’m leaning toward planting it this weekend. Anyone else use cover crops and have an opinion on when to plant it.