Let's talk inline fans....


Well-Known Member
So I need an 8" inline fan... a quiet one.... and I ran across the Vortex S line series. It is advertised to be 25% to 40% quieter than the usual. And it has a built in backdraft damper. It costs 275 CAN$

But.... this Youtube review shows that when running the dbs aren't less than most others... although, it does say the reverberation is much, much less, which does have a quieting effect...

So I went looking for the next best thing, which for price vs. power and such seems to be the Hurricane... for 141 CAN$

I dunno.... which way to go? Or is there another, better option?

If you have any experience with either of these I'd like to hear from you....


  • hurricane 8.jpg
    hurricane 8.jpg
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  • vortex s line 8.jpg
    vortex s line 8.jpg
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I just picked up a hyper fan stealth 8" made by phresh. Its rated at 68 db and I verified this with a free iphone app called db volume. It is long as a duct muffler, 27.2", as it's a regular hyper fan encapsulated in a muffler. We are going to install it this Thursday. At 75 watts, it will save me $8 a week on the elec bill. vs the current fan.
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This is a good article:

EDIT: Other than a db rating of 68, Hyper Fan Stealth has the same performance specs as the regular Hyper Fan.
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Saw that artilce and checked out some of them....seems to be a big price range....anywhere from 140 to 250....

I wonder what the dif in price reflects? Maybe durability?
Here is the plate from my current cheap chinese fan. I call BS on the CFM rating. I googled the part number and it showed a 12" fan. The chinese site doesn't list and CFM only RPM which is useless. Stay away.
How many lights do you have?
Imo if your using more than 2 fans dont even worry about trying to hide their presence. I use cheap virtual sun fans at rated 56db
Just my 2 pennies
Yea op was saying he needs quiet.
None of these are quiet. Even just running one of my 6" fans i cant hide that sound. Thats all i was saying

But those vs fans are real nice imo especially for the price..anyway, carry on
How many lights do you have?
Imo if your using more than 2 fans dont even worry about trying to hide their presence. I use cheap virtual sun fans at rated 56db
Just my 2 pennies
Its not so much about being stealth as it about sleep. The room is directly beneath my bedroom...lol
This is a good article:

EDIT: Other than a db rating of 68, Hyper Fan Stealth has the same performance specs as the regular Hyper Fan.

This chart looks nice, and is good for info but is misleading.

All of the cfm is rated at 0 in of w.g. Which is normal, but most of us use fans with a fair amount of resistance in ductwork and filters, and when comparing different fans especially different kinds of fans things get tricky.

Those fan tests where they connect two together are a joke. Nothing scientific to see here.

I have a hurricane fan, and imho it is very cheap. Although I will admit, it has never had any issues.

My favorites are centrifugal fans for most tasks, unless your just moving unrestricted air (which I never seem to be) then I would go hybrid axial like s-line. Well also I would consider hybrid axial for a small area such as maybe a tent, but if scrubbing I would go higher on cfm, and large filter.

If your crafty you can build an enclosure or put your fan somewhere out of the room. Most of the time this isn't feasible though.

- Jiji
IMO those tests are flawed. You need to hook up the carbon filter and the ducting for the test to hold water. The can max fan is the quietest fan I have ever used, the 10 inch and 14 inch fans are unmatched, they are built like a tank and heavy, i think all that steel keeps it quiet. Buy a bigger fan than you need, then get a Variac speed controller and run it about 50 percent, quiet. I haven't tried their 8 inch but I imagine it's the same quality. I have tried the 8 inch hyper fan and that thing is loud at full speed, not so bad with it turned down but it hums a bit.
This chart looks nice, and is good for info but is misleading.

All of the cfm is rated at 0 in of w.g. Which is normal, but most of us use fans with a fair amount of resistance in ductwork and filters, and when comparing different fans especially different kinds of fans things get tricky.

Those fan tests where they connect two together are a joke. Nothing scientific to see here.

I have a hurricane fan, and imho it is very cheap. Although I will admit, it has never had any issues.

My favorites are centrifugal fans for most tasks, unless your just moving unrestricted air (which I never seem to be) then I would go hybrid axial like s-line. Well also I would consider hybrid axial for a small area such as maybe a tent, but if scrubbing I would go higher on cfm, and large filter.

If your crafty you can build an enclosure or put your fan somewhere out of the room. Most of the time this isn't feasible though.

- Jiji

Interesting...a hybred axial like s line for unrestricted air or small tents only? Why is that?

My space is a 9x5x7 homemade tent with 2 1000s side by side. I plan to pull air from outside the tent through the hoods (each will have its own duct run) then out the tent to a y connecter through the fan and out a window. Is something suitable for an axial type?