Let's talk... Trump Biden

US is a nation of immigrants, yes? Why did they come here?
Your question does not steer my mind to reject a percentage argument. You did not specify “in overall numbers”, and then pretended it was implied. That’s not quite cricket.
I pity him.

Terribly sorry for Brady & I guess Reagan, but mental illnesses, which only now are being understood as far as the chemical/pathololical nature of that disease/illness, is a fucking curse that your unfortunately born with.
I know that personally.
I was born into 2 separate families, both named Coyne (yea, that's my name & I don't give a fuck if you know it & no they weren't related (they lived on opposite sides of the mountain & never met until they ran into each other in Chicago in 1938/fuckin true :) )
Anyway, both side were full of drunks & moaners & I guess it was just natural for me to continue on with it.
Previously before the advent of Zoloft, I used alcohol & every other drug known to man to calm/kill the fucking demon's in my head & make them stop/go the fuck away.
I saw my 1st Dr/shrink when I was 16 after my mother died & they thought at that time it was just saddness, which was an immense portion of it, but it was more than that.
I grew up in an age of where they shoved ice-picks up noses to lobotamize as a treatment.

Chemical imbalances?

Wha theee fuck is dat?

Oh, well :(

They didn't know

( I'm manic.depressive/bi polar & have been treated since around 1985-86 for those illnesses. (no, it was not just Mom)(that motherfucking Dr. told me, actually did tell me, a fucking 16 year old kid that had lost his mother 6 months before "that if you continue on the way your going, you'll be dead by 40 (wrong motherfucker/your very likely dead NOW/how's it feel/I'm STILL fucking ALIVE!!!!! :) )
(But I must admit, I did just have a Bud before I walked in :) )
Anyway, point being Mental illness & how much more needs to be done to REALLY understand/treat it.
I take 3 pills a fucking day now to maintain balance & it took a LONG time for them to get the pharmacology correct, like years.
I'm relatively cool now though/i'm eating the right drugs :)
(except for fukwad setting me off :( )

No one buys into it, it's all in the cards that are dealt.

Hey y'all/wanna feel good/click below/$5?/done :)

Donate to NAMI

Wear a mask (and smack those that don't :) )
I'm disabled..ptsd panic anxiety nice to meet ya..my brain chemistry hurts man that's why I grow fukk big pharma
Well, the other guy got it.

Also, I did post the link. Combined with the text of "mid-1800's" when you see the numbers jump to 5m per decade and go up from there, it should have been clear.
No. He didn’t call you on not stating your domain and then pretending it was implied. I am. You sure are posting like you emotionalized facts.
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No. He didn’t call you on not stating your domain and then pretending it was implied. I am. You sure are posting like you emotionalized facts.

You're tripping me out with this weird argument. Is this all because you don't like the fact that the big waves of immigration had to do with freedom and the resulting opportunities? I just don't even care, you know? Fine by me, people have been coming here for the mammoths.
You're tripping me out with this weird argument. Is this all because you don't like the fact that the big waves of immigration had to do with freedom and the resulting opportunities? I just don't even care, you know? Fine by me, people have been coming here for the mammoths.
Please reread your initial question. Then read a couple of posts later where you used a link to do your heavy lifting. I am pointing out that you are moving the goalposts.

And your last sentence is a straw man crafted to make me say something I never did. “People have been coming” is certainly not something I’d be careless enough to say.

The straw man accusation clinches that your feelings are in this more than your logic.
I thought you liked links? I'll make sure to say, "go find the links" next time.
I would rather you correctly define the domain up front.

When someone finds something valid you didn’t expect, “everyone knows what I mean” is not a reasoned response. Please use reasoned responses.

Then when someone doesn’t care about your feelings while dissecting your sloppiness, don’t stoop to straw man arguments that try to blame me for your rejection of reason.

The troll tactic I quote here establishes that you got angry enough to get mean and personal with me. Odd. Until this needless quarrel, I thought we got along.
I'm disabled..ptsd panic anxiety nice to meet ya..my brain chemistry hurts man that's why I grow fukk big pharma
Nice to know you @Er3, my brother.
Anytime PM me, we will discuss things, like growing/music/sex, etc. :) ) and that would be nice, right?
They are only now really beginning to understand the wiring of the Human brain.
what the fuck is that?
are you a pussy?
Man Up!!!!!!.
I lost my brother when I was 12 & my mother when I was 16 & was handed a bottle of Irish whiskey at my mothers wake and told by my Uncle drink up, this will make you feel better & I did feel better for the moment & I never, well hardly ever stopped since.
That was the IrIsh cure for melancholy & pretty sure it still is.
I tried everyfuckingthing imaginable, diet/exercise/religion & alway's found/came back to drugs & alcohol.
Then the emergence of the antidepressant like Prozac or Zoloft in the 80"s (Roher 714's didn't end up working that well :) )
I luckily had my family Dr. whom I had known since I was a child and went to him and explained my situation, which was that I felt I had tried everything, but nothing had worked (Heroin worked a little/made me too sick though) & that I wanted to die.
He asked me if I was suicidal, I said yes & he asked me if I wanted to be committed to a psychiatric facility & I said why the fuck not.
I went in and started treatment.
Yea, we're at the cutting edge of treatment, they are getting it, but it's a slow process.
Those are the cards delt
You can fold, like 2 of my friends did or say fuck you, kill me if you can/I ain't giving up, no fucking way.
That's my choice, for the moment at least :)
I would rather you correctly define the domain up front.

When someone finds something valid you didn’t expect, “everyone knows what I mean” is not a reasoned response. Please use reasoned responses.

Then when someone doesn’t care about your feelings while dissecting your sloppiness, don’t stoop to straw man arguments that try to blame me for your rejection of reason.

The troll tactic I quote here establishes that you got angry enough to get mean and personal with me. Odd. Until this needless quarrel, I thought we got along.

You're killing me here. I'll concede that I could have been more thorough.

And I would like you to concede that, sometimes, you are just straight up level-ten nitpicky as fuck about text on the internet. This isn't the fda regulatory submission office. It's a weed forum on the webs. I mean come on...unreasonable, sloppy, stooping, blaming, trolling, angry.....give me a break here, Dr. Hyperbole. The comment was a little snarky, sure.
You're killing me here. I'll concede that I could have been more thorough.

And I would like you to concede that, sometimes, you are just straight up level-ten nitpicky as fuck about text on the internet. This isn't the fda regulatory submission office. It's a weed forum on the webs. I mean come on...unreasonable, sloppy, stooping, blaming, trolling, angry.....give me a break here, Dr. Hyperbole. The comment was a little snarky, sure.
Wouldn’t it have been easy to say “ oh hey yeah, that’s one way to look at it. Here’s what I mean though.”
At which point I would have lol’d and told you what I thought on topic.

Instead the sense I get is that my service got read as insult when it was not. You came on as though my contention was disrespectful when it wasn’t. I read this as like me pulling a good tease on you and getting punched in the face for it. Disproportionate.
so @Jimdamick is your family Protestant?
Fuck no
Those blasphemers/heretics that don't believe that Mary was a Virgin when she gave birth to our Savoir, the Son of the Almighty, Jesus Christ?
Nope, not associated with.
I was born & raised a true follower of Christ & the Pope, a Roman Catholic that spent almost 12 years in religious schools (That's why I hate God :) )
Wouldn’t it have been easy to say “ oh hey yeah, that’s one way to look at it. Here’s what I mean though.”
At which point I would have lol’d and told you what I thought on topic.

Instead the sense I get is that my service got read as insult when it was not. You came on as though my contention was disrespectful when it wasn’t. I read this as like me pulling a good tease on you and getting punched in the face for it. Disproportionate.

You gonna lecture me on "easy"...? This took both of us to get here.
You gonna lecture me on "easy"...? This took both of us to get here.
No. You reacted to something that was neither trolling nor insult. You chose to punish me for pointing out your use of fallacy. And I am fed up with bluster concealing the fact that I caught you out. This oopsie is all yours.
Friend, I am not punishing you. It's simply not possible for me to do so. We're all just weirdo weed people typing on the internet. You needs moar salt in your diet.